APPLE is the stock. For the stock selected, pull historical monthly prices from an online source for the last 5 years *THIS IS PROVIDED*. Once you have the adjusted close price, calculate the following: -Monthly Returns -Average -Variance -Standard Deviation -95% confidence interval for the monthly returns Date Open High Low Close Adj Close Volume 2017-03-01 34.472500 36.125000 34.262501 35.915001 33.909500 2246513600 2017-04-01 35.927502 36.365002 35.014999 35.912498 33.907143 1493216400 2017-05-01 36.275002 39.162498 36.067501 38.189999 36.057461 2615927200 2017-06-01 38.292500 38.994999 35.549999 36.005001 34.134792 2736712400 2017-07-01 36.220001 38.497501 35.602501 37.182499 35.251129 1688047600 2017-08-01 37.275002 41.130001 37.102501 41.000000 38.870342 2644276000 2017-09-01 41.200001 41.235001 37.290001 38.529999 36.672089 2721496400 2017-10-01 38.564999 42.412498 38.115002 42.259998 40.222229 2017165200 2017-11-01 42.467499 44.060001 41.320000 42.962502 40.890858 2402653600 2017-12-01 42.487499 44.299999 41.615002 42.307499 40.412193 2124735200 2018-01-01 42.540001 45.025002 41.174999 41.857498 39.982342 2638717600 2018-02-01 41.792500 45.154999 37.560001 44.529999 42.535130 3711577200 2018-03-01 44.634998 45.875000 41.235001 41.945000 40.229275 2854910800 2018-04-01 41.660000 44.735001 40.157501 41.314999 39.625053 2664617200 2018-05-01 41.602501 47.592499 41.317501 46.717499 44.806564 2483905200 2018-06-01 46.997501 48.549999 45.182499 46.277500 44.555721 2110498000 2018-07-01 45.955002 48.990002 45.855000 47.572498 45.802532 1574765600 2018-08-01 49.782501 57.217499 49.327499 56.907501 54.790222 2801275600 2018-09-01 57.102501 57.417500 53.825001 56.435001 54.525864 2715888000 2018-10-01 56.987499 58.367500 51.522499 54.715000 52.864052 3158994000 2018-11-01 54.762501 55.590000 42.564999 44.645000 43.134712 3845305600 2018-12-01 46.115002 46.235001 36.647499 39.435001 38.233894 3595690000 2019-01-01 38.722500 42.250000 35.500000 41.610001 40.342651 3312349600 2019-02-01 41.740002 43.967499 41.482498 43.287498 41.969055 1890162400 2019-03-01 43.570000 49.422501 42.375000 47.487499 46.238602 2603925600 2019-04-01 47.910000 52.119999 47.095001 50.167500 48.848106 2024470800 2019-05-01 52.470001 53.827499 43.747501 43.767502 42.616436 2957826400 2019-06-01 43.900002 50.392502 42.567501 49.480000 48.364227 2060874800 2019-07-01 50.792500 55.342499 49.602501 53.259998 52.058983 1895406800 2019-08-01 53.474998 54.507500 48.145000 52.185001 51.008228 2724326400 2019-09-01 51.607498 56.605000 51.055000 55.992500 54.937809 2170268400 2019-10-01 56.267502 62.437500 53.782501 62.189999 61.018581 2433210800 2019-11-01 62.384998 67.000000 62.290001 66.812500 65.554001 1793326000 2019-12-01 66.817497 73.492500 64.072502 73.412498 72.245941 2388794800 2020-01-01 74.059998 81.962502 73.187500 77.377502 76.147942 2934370400 2020-02-01 76.074997 81.805000 64.092499 68.339996 67.254044 3019279200 2020-03-01 70.570000 76.000000 53.152500 63.572498 62.710781 6280072400 2020-04-01 61.625000 73.632500 59.224998 73.449997 72.454391 3265299200 2020-05-01 71.562500 81.059998 71.462502 79.485001 78.407593 2805936000 2020-06-01 79.437500 93.095001 79.302498 91.199997 90.207329 3243375600 2020-07-01 91.279999 106.415001 89.144997 106.260002 105.103401 3020283200 2020-08-01 108.199997 131.000000 107.892502 129.039993 127.635460 4070061100 2020-09-01 132.759995 137.979996 103.099998 115.809998 114.755981 3885245100 2020-10-01 117.639999 125.389999 107.720001 108.860001 107.869247 2894666500 2020-11-01 109.110001 121.989998 107.320000 119.050003 117.966499 2123077300 2020-12-01 121.010002 138.789993 120.010002 132.690002 131.709213 2322189600 2021-01-01 133.520004 145.089996 126.379997 131.960007 130.984589 2240262000 2021-02-01 133.750000 137.880005 118.389999 121.260002 120.363693 1833855600 2021-03-01 123.750000 128.720001 116.209999 122.150002 121.428291 2650418200 2021-04-01 123.660004 137.070007 122.489998 131.460007 130.683289 1889857500 2021-05-01 132.039993 134.070007 122.250000 124.610001 123.873756 1711934900 2021-06-01 125.080002 137.410004 123.129997 136.960007 136.382065 1606590000 2021-07-01 136.600006 150.000000 135.759995 145.860001 145.244492 1918976500 2021-08-01 146.360001 153.490005 144.500000 151.830002 151.189301 1460744100 2021-09-01 152.830002 157.259995 141.270004 141.500000 141.113998 1797465800 2021-10-01 141.899994 153.169998 138.270004 149.800003 149.391357 1564866800 2021-11-01 148.990005 165.699997 147.479996 165.300003 164.849091 1690808300 2021-12-01 167.479996 182.130005 157.800003 177.570007 177.344055 2444507300 2022-01-01 177.830002 182.940002 154.699997 174.779999 174.557602 2108231200 2022-02-01 174.009995 176.649994 162.149994 164.320007 164.110916 1210592300 2022-02-22 164.979996 166.680099 162.149994 164.320007 164.320007 91162758
APPLE is the stock. For the stock selected, pull historical monthly prices from an online source for the last 5 years *THIS IS PROVIDED*. Once you have the adjusted close price, calculate the following:
-Monthly Returns
-Standard Deviation
-95% confidence interval for the monthly returns
Date |
Open |
High |
Low |
Close |
Adj Close |
Volume |
2017-03-01 |
34.472500 |
36.125000 |
34.262501 |
35.915001 |
33.909500 |
2246513600 |
2017-04-01 |
35.927502 |
36.365002 |
35.014999 |
35.912498 |
33.907143 |
1493216400 |
2017-05-01 |
36.275002 |
39.162498 |
36.067501 |
38.189999 |
36.057461 |
2615927200 |
2017-06-01 |
38.292500 |
38.994999 |
35.549999 |
36.005001 |
34.134792 |
2736712400 |
2017-07-01 |
36.220001 |
38.497501 |
35.602501 |
37.182499 |
35.251129 |
1688047600 |
2017-08-01 |
37.275002 |
41.130001 |
37.102501 |
41.000000 |
38.870342 |
2644276000 |
2017-09-01 |
41.200001 |
41.235001 |
37.290001 |
38.529999 |
36.672089 |
2721496400 |
2017-10-01 |
38.564999 |
42.412498 |
38.115002 |
42.259998 |
40.222229 |
2017165200 |
2017-11-01 |
42.467499 |
44.060001 |
41.320000 |
42.962502 |
40.890858 |
2402653600 |
2017-12-01 |
42.487499 |
44.299999 |
41.615002 |
42.307499 |
40.412193 |
2124735200 |
2018-01-01 |
42.540001 |
45.025002 |
41.174999 |
41.857498 |
39.982342 |
2638717600 |
2018-02-01 |
41.792500 |
45.154999 |
37.560001 |
44.529999 |
42.535130 |
3711577200 |
2018-03-01 |
44.634998 |
45.875000 |
41.235001 |
41.945000 |
40.229275 |
2854910800 |
2018-04-01 |
41.660000 |
44.735001 |
40.157501 |
41.314999 |
39.625053 |
2664617200 |
2018-05-01 |
41.602501 |
47.592499 |
41.317501 |
46.717499 |
44.806564 |
2483905200 |
2018-06-01 |
46.997501 |
48.549999 |
45.182499 |
46.277500 |
44.555721 |
2110498000 |
2018-07-01 |
45.955002 |
48.990002 |
45.855000 |
47.572498 |
45.802532 |
1574765600 |
2018-08-01 |
49.782501 |
57.217499 |
49.327499 |
56.907501 |
54.790222 |
2801275600 |
2018-09-01 |
57.102501 |
57.417500 |
53.825001 |
56.435001 |
54.525864 |
2715888000 |
2018-10-01 |
56.987499 |
58.367500 |
51.522499 |
54.715000 |
52.864052 |
3158994000 |
2018-11-01 |
54.762501 |
55.590000 |
42.564999 |
44.645000 |
43.134712 |
3845305600 |
2018-12-01 |
46.115002 |
46.235001 |
36.647499 |
39.435001 |
38.233894 |
3595690000 |
2019-01-01 |
38.722500 |
42.250000 |
35.500000 |
41.610001 |
40.342651 |
3312349600 |
2019-02-01 |
41.740002 |
43.967499 |
41.482498 |
43.287498 |
41.969055 |
1890162400 |
2019-03-01 |
43.570000 |
49.422501 |
42.375000 |
47.487499 |
46.238602 |
2603925600 |
2019-04-01 |
47.910000 |
52.119999 |
47.095001 |
50.167500 |
48.848106 |
2024470800 |
2019-05-01 |
52.470001 |
53.827499 |
43.747501 |
43.767502 |
42.616436 |
2957826400 |
2019-06-01 |
43.900002 |
50.392502 |
42.567501 |
49.480000 |
48.364227 |
2060874800 |
2019-07-01 |
50.792500 |
55.342499 |
49.602501 |
53.259998 |
52.058983 |
1895406800 |
2019-08-01 |
53.474998 |
54.507500 |
48.145000 |
52.185001 |
51.008228 |
2724326400 |
2019-09-01 |
51.607498 |
56.605000 |
51.055000 |
55.992500 |
54.937809 |
2170268400 |
2019-10-01 |
56.267502 |
62.437500 |
53.782501 |
62.189999 |
61.018581 |
2433210800 |
2019-11-01 |
62.384998 |
67.000000 |
62.290001 |
66.812500 |
65.554001 |
1793326000 |
2019-12-01 |
66.817497 |
73.492500 |
64.072502 |
73.412498 |
72.245941 |
2388794800 |
2020-01-01 |
74.059998 |
81.962502 |
73.187500 |
77.377502 |
76.147942 |
2934370400 |
2020-02-01 |
76.074997 |
81.805000 |
64.092499 |
68.339996 |
67.254044 |
3019279200 |
2020-03-01 |
70.570000 |
76.000000 |
53.152500 |
63.572498 |
62.710781 |
6280072400 |
2020-04-01 |
61.625000 |
73.632500 |
59.224998 |
73.449997 |
72.454391 |
3265299200 |
2020-05-01 |
71.562500 |
81.059998 |
71.462502 |
79.485001 |
78.407593 |
2805936000 |
2020-06-01 |
79.437500 |
93.095001 |
79.302498 |
91.199997 |
90.207329 |
3243375600 |
2020-07-01 |
91.279999 |
106.415001 |
89.144997 |
106.260002 |
105.103401 |
3020283200 |
2020-08-01 |
108.199997 |
131.000000 |
107.892502 |
129.039993 |
127.635460 |
4070061100 |
2020-09-01 |
132.759995 |
137.979996 |
103.099998 |
115.809998 |
114.755981 |
3885245100 |
2020-10-01 |
117.639999 |
125.389999 |
107.720001 |
108.860001 |
107.869247 |
2894666500 |
2020-11-01 |
109.110001 |
121.989998 |
107.320000 |
119.050003 |
117.966499 |
2123077300 |
2020-12-01 |
121.010002 |
138.789993 |
120.010002 |
132.690002 |
131.709213 |
2322189600 |
2021-01-01 |
133.520004 |
145.089996 |
126.379997 |
131.960007 |
130.984589 |
2240262000 |
2021-02-01 |
133.750000 |
137.880005 |
118.389999 |
121.260002 |
120.363693 |
1833855600 |
2021-03-01 |
123.750000 |
128.720001 |
116.209999 |
122.150002 |
121.428291 |
2650418200 |
2021-04-01 |
123.660004 |
137.070007 |
122.489998 |
131.460007 |
130.683289 |
1889857500 |
2021-05-01 |
132.039993 |
134.070007 |
122.250000 |
124.610001 |
123.873756 |
1711934900 |
2021-06-01 |
125.080002 |
137.410004 |
123.129997 |
136.960007 |
136.382065 |
1606590000 |
2021-07-01 |
136.600006 |
150.000000 |
135.759995 |
145.860001 |
145.244492 |
1918976500 |
2021-08-01 |
146.360001 |
153.490005 |
144.500000 |
151.830002 |
151.189301 |
1460744100 |
2021-09-01 |
152.830002 |
157.259995 |
141.270004 |
141.500000 |
141.113998 |
1797465800 |
2021-10-01 |
141.899994 |
153.169998 |
138.270004 |
149.800003 |
149.391357 |
1564866800 |
2021-11-01 |
148.990005 |
165.699997 |
147.479996 |
165.300003 |
164.849091 |
1690808300 |
2021-12-01 |
167.479996 |
182.130005 |
157.800003 |
177.570007 |
177.344055 |
2444507300 |
2022-01-01 |
177.830002 |
182.940002 |
154.699997 |
174.779999 |
174.557602 |
2108231200 |
2022-02-01 |
174.009995 |
176.649994 |
162.149994 |
164.320007 |
164.110916 |
1210592300 |
2022-02-22 |
164.979996 |
166.680099 |
162.149994 |
164.320007 |
164.320007 |
91162758 |

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Consider the historical monthly prices for the last 5 years. We will use the given adjusted close price to calculate the required values.
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