Apparent conesion does not arišé fröm a. Negative pore water pressures b. Negative excess pore water pressures due to dilation C. Apparent mechanical forces d. None 5. In a drained condition test Pore water pressure is greater than hydrostatic pressure m b. Pore water pressure is less than hydrostatic pressure Pore water pressure is equal to hydrostatic pressure d. All may apply a. С. 6. In an Undrained condition test Excess pore water pressure will not develop b. Excess pore water pressure will be negative during dilation Excess pore water pressure will be negative during contraction d. Excess pore water pressure developed will not depend on volume change a. C.

Correct option of the above question given in 2 step with explanation
Solution (1) Apparent cohesion does not arise From
(C) Apparent mechanical forces
Explanation- Apparent cohesion is caused due to by
(1) Cohesion is caused by hydrogen bonding and van dar walls forces and adhesion is caused by electrostatic and mechanical forces
(2)Negative capillary pressure (which is lost upon wetting)
(3) Pore Pressure response during Undrained loading (which is lost through time)
Solution (2) In a drained condition test
(b) Pore water pressure is less than hydro-static pressure
Explanation- In drained condition there are permeable and water is allow freely from that so pore water pressure should be less than the hydro static pressure
Step by step
Solved in 3 steps