ANSWER THE QUESTIONS IN NOT LESS THAN 10 SENTENCES Guide Question for the journal entry #1: CICM CONSTITUTION Art 2 The CICM members are sent to the nations to announce the Good News, wherever missionary presence is most needed, especially where the Gospel is not known or lived. The CICM members leave their country to proclaim salvation as a gift of God which liberates from everything that oppresses and divides people. The CICM members address themselves preferentially to the poor as the privileged recipients of the Kingdom of God. The CICM members who come from different races and cultures live and work together as brothers, One of heart and One of soul, as a sign of solidarity among the particular churches in the universal mission. ACTIVITY: From the description given about a CICM Missionary above, how does it affect you as a student studying in a CICM school that would also regard you as a member of the CICM community?
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Guide Question for the journal entry #1: CICM CONSTITUTION
Art 2
The CICM members are sent to the nations to announce the Good News, wherever missionary presence is most needed, especially where the Gospel is not known or lived.
The CICM members leave their country to proclaim salvation as a gift of God which liberates from everything that oppresses and divides people.
The CICM members address themselves preferentially to the poor as the privileged recipients of the Kingdom of God.
The CICM members who come from different races and cultures live and work together as brothers, One of heart and One of soul, as a sign of solidarity among the particular churches in the universal mission.
From the description given about a CICM Missionary above, how does it affect you as a student studying in a CICM school that would also regard you as a member of the CICM community?