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Essentials Of Investments
11th Edition
Author:Bodie, Zvi, Kane, Alex, MARCUS, Alan J.
Publisher:Bodie, Zvi, Kane, Alex, MARCUS, Alan J.
Chapter1: Investments: Background And Issues
Section: Chapter Questions
Problem 1PS
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Calculate the table factor, the finance charge, and the monthly payment (in $) for the loan by using the APR table, Table 13-1. (Round your answers to the nearest cent.)
Amount Financed |
Number of Payments |
APR | Table Factor |
Finance Charge |
Monthly Payment |
$800 | 18 | 16% | $ | $ | $ |

Transcribed Image Text:**Title:** Annual Percentage Rate (APR) Finance Charge Table for Monthly Payment Plans
**Introduction:** This table provides a comprehensive look at the finance charges applicable for every $100 financed, based on different annual percentage rates (APR) and the number of monthly payments.
**Table Description:**
- **Columns:**
- The leftmost column lists the "Number of Payments" ranging from 1 to 60.
- The subsequent columns display various "Annual Percentage Rates" starting from 10.00% to 13.75% in increments such as 10.25%, 10.50%, 10.75%, etc.
- **Rows:**
- Each row corresponds to the finance charge per $100 of the amount financed for the indicated number of monthly payments.
**Key Data Points:**
- The table begins with finance charges for one payment, showing varying charges according to different APRs.
- Higher APRs and greater numbers of payments result in increased finance charges, illustrating the compounding cost of financing over time.
**Usage Instructions:**
- Identify the desired number of payments in the first column.
- Select the column with the relevant annual percentage rate.
- The intersection provides the finance charge per $100 financed.
- If a loan has an APR of 11.50% with 12 monthly payments, the finance charge per $100 is $5.12.
**Conclusion:** This table serves as a useful resource for estimating finance charges under various loan structures. It is crucial for borrowers and financial planners to understand these values to make informed decisions about loan agreements.

Transcribed Image Text:**Table 15-1: Annual Percentage Rate (APR) Finance Charge per $100**
**Annual Percentage Rate Table for Monthly Payment Plans**
*Instructions for Use of Tables FRS-104-M*
This table provides detailed information on the annual percentage rate (APR) based on the number of monthly payments and finance charges per $100 of amount financed. This resource serves as a guide for understanding finance charges and can be used for educational purposes.
**Table Columns:**
- **Number of Payments**: Lists from 1 to 60, representing the total number of monthly payments.
- **Finance Charge per $100 of Amount Financed**: Series of finance charges ranging from $0.87 to $53.47.
- **Annual Percentage Rate Columns**: Represent various finance charge levels, incremented by $0.25 or $0.50. The rates range from 14.00% to 36.67%.
**Description of the Rows:**
1. **Finance Charges**: Represent various finance charge amounts per $100.
2. **APR Values**: Each cell within the table provides the APR corresponding to the specific number of payments and finance charge. For instance, a finance charge of $5.43 over 6 payments results in a specific APR, as laid out in the grid.
- This table is meant for those seeking to understand the relationship between finance charges and their impact on the APR over different payment schedules. It is particularly useful for students and individuals learning about personal finance and loan calculations.
- To use the table effectively, locate the desired number of payments (vertical axis) and find the corresponding finance charge (horizontal axis). The intersecting cell will provide the applicable APR.
- It's advised to combine this table with instructional resources to fully grasp the implications of finance charges in loan agreements.
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