Analyze the following case study and demonstrate clearly that you can accurately apply the Albert Ellis' ABC model in a way to help the individual in the case study better understand how their thinking patterns influence their emotions and behaviors. Be very specific ad fully explain your answers. You will also need to identify at least two specific maladaptive beliefs (according to Aaron Beck) .
Demonstrate clearly that you can accurately apply the Albert Ellis' ABC model in a way to help the individual better understand how their thinking patterns influence their emotions and behaviors.
Analyze the following case study and demonstrate clearly that you can accurately apply the Albert Ellis' ABC model in a way to help the individual in the case study better understand how their thinking patterns influence their emotions and behaviors. Be very specific ad fully explain your answers. You will also need to identify at least two specific maladaptive beliefs (according to Aaron Beck) . Here is the case study: Cognitive Theory Case Study.docxDownload Cognitive Theory Case Study.docx You will also need to identify at least two specific maladaptive beliefs (according to Aaron Beck) .
Applying Cognitive Theory
(1) Pricilla recently graduated high school and has started college. Pricilla admits that
she doesn't manage her time well and she is a procrastinator. In high school, she didn't
really understand why doing homework was all that important and she valued the time
she spent socializing with friends more than learning. Her friends would often
encourage her to set aside her homework to go out with them. At times they would
ccuse her of being anti-social or caring more about school than being their friend wher
she tried to focus on homework. So, inevitably Pricilla would give and go out. For a
while, Pricilla was able to completely forget about the impending due date for the
assignment and in the short-run it seemed worth it. After all, there was always time to
do homework later, right? Besides, Pricilla believed that she did her best work when she
had to do an assignment at the last minute and under the pressure of a deadline. After
all she got good grades on all her assignments, even those she spent very little time on
Eventually, Pricilla had convinced herself over time that procrastinating actually helped
her do her best work.
(2) Most of the classes she took in high school seemed unnecessary and she often tolc
herself that what she was supposed to be learning was a waste of time. Besides it was
all so boring. The subjects were boring. The teachers were boring. The assignments
were boring. If adults want students to learn it is the adult's responsibility to make it
interesting and entertaining. Because she told herself everything related to school was
boring, she felt more justified in blowing off assignments and missing due dates. She
was also convinced that she already knew all that she needed to know for most of her
classes and even knew the subject matter at least as good as the teacher
high school students that they needed to learn how college to
(3) The teachers would tell the
manage their time properly and juggle several assignments at one time because
professors and/or employers were not going to do it for them. But Pricilla never had to
keep track of due dates because her teachers would remind them many times about
upcoming assignments. Also, her mother kept a notebook for her with the assignments
and due dates for her. Her mother would nag Pricila often about getting her homework
done and even threatened to punish her if she didn't have her work completed ahead
of time. But, Pricilla was usually able to escape punishment by whining and promising to
not be late again. One time Pricilla was grounded for a week for not doing her
homework on time. Her mother told her that being grounded would help her to focus
on her responsibilities and make certain she spent the time necessary to complete her
work on time. But when Pricilla's friends called to ask Pricilla to the movies, she was
"ungrounded" for the night so she wouldn't have to miss out on seeing the movie
(4) On those occasions that time ran out and she didn't get an assignment turned in by
the due date during high school she would go in and give the teacher a sob story about
why she didn't get her work in on time. With rare exception she was given an
extension. With numerous extensions and late penalties waived, Pricilla was able to
maintain a high grade-point despite submitting many assignments late.
(5) One time when she didn't have an assignment done on time Pricilla went to the
eacher to ask for an extension. But this time, her teacher chided her for asking for sc
nany extensions and denied her request. This assignment was worth a lot of points sa
y the time Pricilla got home she was crying and went to her mother to complain abou
her "unreasonable teacher" . Upon seeing her daughter in such distress, Pricilla's
mother contacted the teacher to complain. The mother threatened to go over the
teacher's head if her daughter wasn't granted an extension without penalty. The
teacher had learned through experience that if a parent complained loud enough and to
the right people, the teacher would be forced to give in, so she decided to go ahead and
grant the extension in order to avoid dealing with the negative feedback from her

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(6) Then there was one course that Pricilla really liked and looked forward to. She put a lot of effort into doing the home work and meeting deadlines for assignments. But there were a couple of times she worked very hard to meet a deadline only to find out that the teacher decided to extend the due date for the entire class. She felt foolish for working so hard to meet the deadline only to have it extended. She kept thinking about the social activities she gave up in order to turn the work in on time and that really irritated her. On other occasions where she had worked very hard to turn an assignment in on time, several of her classmates were granted extensions even though they didn’t have a good excuse for being late. Pricilla often focused on the perceived unfairness and convinced herself that this was yet another justification for procrastinating when doing her homework.
(7) In her junior year, she had to take chemistry. She had put off doing the class because she heard it was a hard course and the teacher, Mr. Thompson, was an unreasonable pain. Her worst fears were realized on the first day of class when Mr. Thompson spent almost the entire class time telling the students that he didn’t tolerate lateness and he would not accept late work under any circumstances. Since Mr. Thompson sounded very strict, Pricilla decided she had better buckle down and make sure her assignments were submitted on time. She made assignments for her chemistry class a priority and assignments for lenient instructors were pushed aside. About 3 weeks into the semester, she overhead a conversation a student had with Mr. Thompson in which it seemed that he easily granted the student a significant extension on late work even in the absence of a good excuse. Then a couple of weeks later, she overheard a similar conversation with yet another student where an extension was granted on late work. After that Pricilla convinced herself that Mr. Thompson was all talk, a pushover when it came to late assignments, and there was really no reason to buckle down any longer. That night she called up friends to hang out even though a big assignment was due in her chemistry class the next day. She didn’t have the work done when it was due, so she asked for an extension. Mr. Thompson flatly refused to give her an extension. From that point on, Pricilla decided that teachers are not fair and due dates are arbitrary. Why bother to comply with due dates in such an unfair system?
(8) Now Pricilla is in her first semester of college. The course work is much more demanding than in high school and professors are not nearly as understanding about late work. Her grades are suffering noticeably. Her attempts at improving her time management seem to be simultaneously ineffective or overwhelming. She is never going to get the hang of it. The professors are totally unreasonable and she never gets to have any fun anymore. Pricilla tells herself to just give up. The system is rigged and her professors don’t like her. She is certain that she just isn’t cut out for college and after all the classes are boring and a waste of time. She will never have the career she wants, but she could work very hard for the next several years and still not have the career she wants. She will just cut her losses and drop out. She can do just as well with a high school diploma as with a college degree.