Alice, a friend of Mr. Bernard’s, wants to compose a song. She asks Mr. Bernard for help. Although Mr. Barnard knows nothing about music, he finds that the sequence of notes in a numbered musical notation can be expressed as an FSM with input the alphabet {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7} (“do”, “re”, “mi”, “fa”, “so”, “la”, “ti”). b)Alice changes her mind. She finds that it would be enough to just use {1, 5} (“do”, “so”) in her new song. She wants to compose a song satisfying the following two conditions: i)If the sequence of notes ends with “1”, it should contain an even number of digits. ii)If the sequence of notes ends with “5”, it should contain an odd number of digits. Please draw an FSM that only accepts the sequences of notes that satisfy the above conditions.Note that you should provide a detailed description of the FSMs in your design to show how it works. Specifically, you should describe the meaning of each state
Alice, a friend of Mr. Bernard’s, wants to compose a song. She asks Mr. Bernard for help. Although Mr. Barnard knows nothing about music, he finds that the sequence of notes in a numbered musical notation can be expressed as an FSM with input the alphabet {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7} (“do”, “re”, “mi”, “fa”, “so”, “la”, “ti”).
b)Alice changes her mind. She finds that it would be enough to just use {1, 5} (“do”, “so”) in her new song. She wants to compose a song satisfying the following two conditions:
i)If the sequence of notes ends with “1”, it should contain an even number of digits.
ii)If the sequence of notes ends with “5”, it should contain an odd number of digits.
Please draw an FSM that only accepts the sequences of notes that satisfy the above conditions.Note that you should provide a detailed description of the FSMs in your design to show how it works. Specifically, you should describe the meaning of each state

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