AHLI BANK SAOG STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 31 DECEMBER 2016 2015 US$ '000 321,299 156,824 3,942,991 416,452 45,725 47,267 4,930,558 565,478 3,378,797 125,000 8,427 93,680 168,831 4,340,213 370,140 52,023 16,995 104,771 138 46,278 590,345 4,930,558 41.4 2016 US$ '000 734,825 ASSETS 364,528 Cash and balances with Central Bank of Oman 79,927 Due from banks 3,953,524 Loans & advances and financing, net 458,812 Investment securities 43,844 Property and equipment 33,533 Other assets 4,934,168 TOTAL ASSETS 603,319 Due to banks 3,301,367 Customers' deposits 130,000 Borrowed funds 11,655 Taxation 87,961 Other liabilities. 168,831 Subordinated liabilities. 4,303,133 TOTAL LIABILITIES LIABILITIES EQUITY 370,140 Share capital 59,699 Legal reserve 16,995 General loan loss reserve 115,691 Subordinated debt reserve 1,081 Fair value reserve 67,429 Retained earnings 631,035 TOTAL EQUITY 4,934,168 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY Net assets value per share Hamdan Ali Nasser Al Hinai Chairman Report of the Auditors - page 1. Note 7 5 6 7 8 9 11 12 13 14 10 15 16 17 18 7 16 20 البنك الأهلي 21 ahlibank 2016 RO '000 140,343 30,772 1,522,106 176,643 16,880 12,910 1,899,654 232,278 1,271,026 50,050 4,487 33,865 65,000 1,656,706 142,504 22,984 6,543 44,541 416 25,960 242,948 1,899,654 170.5 213,822 2015 RO '000 44.3 (US cents / baizas) 555,382 Contingent liabilities and commitments The financial statements on pages 7 to 51 were approved by the Board of Directors on 25 January 2017 and signed on their behalf by: Lloyd Maddock Chief Executive Officer 123,700 60,377 1,518,052 160,334 17,604 18,198 1,898,265 217,709 1,300,837 48,125 3,245 36,066 65,000 1,670,982 142,504 20,029 6,543 40,337 53 17,817 227,283 1,898,265 159.5 282,908 AHLI BANK SAOG STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2016 2015 US$ '000 156,857 (55,131) 101,726 25,291 (6,727) 18,564 120,290 25,096 145,386 (12,337) (1,366) 131,683 (31,002) (3,844) (17,922) (52,768) 78,915 (6,894) 72,021 1,060 (992) 68 72,089 5.1 2016 US$ '000 175,766 Interest income (77,851) Interest expense 97,915 NET INTEREST INCOME 29,771 Income from Islamic financing and investments (11,499) 18,272 Unrestricted investment account holders' share of profit and profit expense NET INCOME FROM ISLAMIC FINANCING AND INVESTMENTS NET INTEREST INCOME AND INCOME FROM 116,187 ISLAMIC FINANCING AND INVESTMENTS 22,961 Other operating income 139,148 OPERATING INCOME (395) Loans and financing impairment, net of recoveries (1,496) Impairment on available for sale investments 137,257 NET OPERATING INCOME (31,584) Staff expenses (3,360) Depreciation (14,966) Other operating expenses (49,910) OPERATING EXPENSES 87,347 PROFIT BEFORE TAXATION (10,587) Tax expense 76,760 PROFIT FOR THE YEAR OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME- NET OF TAX Fair value reserve (available for sale investments) to be reclassified to profit or loss in subsequent periods 1,590 -Net amount transferred to profit or loss (647) Net changes in fair values OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE 943 YEAR TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE 77,703 YEAR 5.4 Basic and diluted earnings per share (US cents / baizas) Note 8 22 23 24 7 25 9 26 10 27 البنك الأهلي ahlibank 2016 RO '000 67,670 (29,973) 37,697 11,462 (4,427) 7,035 44,732 8,840 53,572 (152) (576) 52,844 (12,160) (1,294) (5,762) (19,216) 33,628 (4,076) 29,552 612 (249) 363 29,915 The notes and other explanatory information on pages 11 to 51 form an integral part of these financial statements. Report of the Auditors - page 1. 20.7 2015 RO '000 60,390 (21,226) 39,164 9,737 (2,590) 7,147 46,311 9,662 55,973 (4,750) (526) 50,697 (11,936) (1,480) (6,900) (20,316) 30,381 (2,654) 27,727 408 (382) 26 27,753 19.5
1/from the pictures Income statement and
- Assets
- Liabilities
- Equities
2/From the income statement, what is the major source of
- Income? Why?
- Expense? Why?
3/In what extent the balance sheet and income statements of banks are different from company( JAZEERA STEEL PRODUCTS )?
Revenue 68,299,139 69,293,351 67,822,976 68,862,381
Cost of sales 16 (55,979,263) (61,531,010) (55,584,858) (61,235,369)
Gross profit 12,319,876 7,762,341 12,238,118 7,627,012
Selling and distribution expenses 17 (3,732,937) (3,549,465) (3,724,629) (3,537,859)
General and administrative expenses 18 (2,942,751) (1,887,082) (2,893,261) (1,876,167)
Other operating expenses (33,816) (21,148) (33,862) (21,148)
Operating profit 5,610,372 2,304,646 5,586,366 2,191,838
Finance costs 20 (389,685) (470,473) (386,785) (463,325)
Finance income 20 70,935 10,670 70,935 10,670
Profit before
Income tax expense 21 (691,070) (24,175) (691,070) (24,175)
Net profit and total
income for the period 4,600,552 1,820,668 4,579,446 1,715,008
Profit attributable to:
Parent Company 4,672,770 1,940,412 - -
Non-controlling interest (72,218) (119,744) - -
4,600,552 1,820,668
Earnings per share attributable
to shareholders of the Parent
Company (RO)
22 0.037 0.016 0.037 0.014

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