Adrienne is a single mother with a
Q: Here is the word problem that I attempted: Jamie Lee and Ross were stunned to find that their…
A: The family need method is a method that has you calculating your immediate needs upon death, adding…
Q: Mark and Lisa were divorced in 2018. In 2019, Mark has custody of theirchildren, but Lisa provides…
A: A dependent is a person who qualifies for the dependency exemption but is not the taxpayer or…
Q: Husband and Wife have two biological children and one adopted child. Now that the adoption is…
A: adoption is a process of getting non-biological child of someone else legally.
Q: Tom is 36 years old and has never been married. Frank, age 13, is Tom's nephew who lived with him…
A: Blind taxpayers refers tp the individual or person in the United States who lack vision and…
Q: Andrew is a successful barrister working in London; he owns his own house. His parents are both…
A: A will is a legal document that allows a person, known as the testator, to make decisions about how…
Q: Marsha is 23 years old and single. She cannot be claimed as a dependent by another taxpayer. •…
A: Taxable income is the amount of income computed to measure the amount of taxes to be paid to the…
Q: Hailey starts an IRA at the age of 22 to save
A: Annuity is the series of equal cash payments over the period.
Q: Which of the following is not an example of a special needs situation? Planning for Billy and Ray,…
A: Special needs situations is a typically situation where it involve individuals or families who have…
Q: Dick and Karen are married and live in a community property state. All of their property is also…
A: Community property states that everything which spouses own together, which is acquired during the…
Q: Vern has a whole life policy, and he has named his wife Corinne as a revocable beneficiary. He is…
A: When Vern designates Corrine as an irrevocable beneficiary of his whole life policy, it means that…
Q: Martha is 25 and has a very low net worth. Considering the life cycle, her most pressing financial…
A: Liability Planning: Involves managing and minimizing debts and liabilities. This includes strategies…
Q: Joey lives in North Carolina, a common law state. He is a shareholder in an S corporation. If he…
A: S corporations are ordinary business corporationst that elect to pass corporate income, losses,…
Q: ma, Erin, and Emily are all siblings. Between them they provide 100% of the support for their…
A: Tax Exemption -An exemption is a legal deduction that lowers the amount of income subject to taxes.…
Q: Determine Joe and Jessie’s AGI and taxable income for the year. (Round your intermediate…
A: Taxable income refers to the income that is taxable in the hands of the taxpayer. In a nutshell, it…
Q: Ashley Panda lives at 1310 Meadow Lane, Wayne, OH 43466, and her Social Security number is…
Q: Pedro Viera and Valeria Real are married, filing a joint return, and have two dependent children…
A: “Since you have posted a question with multiple sub parts, we will provide the solution only to the…
Q: Katie and Rob were married in 2010. Katie and Rob lived together until February 2020, when Katie…
A: Explanation of rules filing status under the head of Household: The person should provide more than…
Q: Jane Smith, age 40, is single and has no dependents. She is employed as a legalsecretary by Legal…
A: Federal tax laws: “Federal tax laws reflect the three branches of the federal government. It is a…
Q: .Compute Devon’s lowest net tax payable or refund due for 2018 assuming that he makes any available…
Q: During the current year, Freda was entirely supported by her three children, Michelle, Brian, and…
A: A multiple support agreement allows more than one taxpayer to claim a dependent if certain…
Q: 11. Sarah, age 34, is single, and lives with her Mom, Ellen, who is age 66. Sarah has income of $…
A: An individual can have different filing statuses as per the qualification. The filing status depends…
Q: François, an insurance agent with Safe Life Insurance Co., meets with Thomas and Annie Fortin to…
A: The first part of the question is asking whether François should also assess the financial impact…
Q: Determine Joe and Jessie's AGI and taxable income for the year.
A: If you are married, you and your spouse can be agree to file either a joint tax return or separate…
Q: s. What is the total of Vanessa's Child Tax Credit and Other Dependent Credit?
A: Child tax credit refers to the form of a benefit provided by the authtoritaihve government to the…
Q: Ashley Panda lives at 1310 Meadow Lane, Wayne, OH 43466, and her Social Security number is…
A: 2022 Federal Tax Return for Ashley PandaForm 1040: U.S. Individual Income Tax ReturnPersonal…
Q: Cara wants to make sure that her stock portfolio will not have to go through probate when she dies.…
A: Given, In this question, there are some substitutes for Cara to use and we have to choose the better…
Q: Martha is 80 and has a very high net worth. Her most important financial concern is probably her…
A: Financial management is one of the important aspect being used by individuals as well as the…
Q: At age 19, Zoe Trainor is in the middle of her second year of studies at a community college in…
A: Person Z is at 19 age will require $25,000 for studies for 2 years. For such educational expenses…
Q: tim is living with his spouse in California when he finds out that his wife is having an affair. Tim…
A: Tax is a charge which is charged on the taxable income of the taxpayer. This tax amount is…
Q: Kiara (31) is married. However, she and her two children, Xavier (3) and Shandra (5), moved back in…
A: Answer: Given Kiara is married but not divorced till 2020 She has two children who are dependent…
Q: Aman (46) and Katy (46) are married and want to file together. Their sons, Jason (18) and Julie…
A: Answer: As per Q/A guidelines, only first three subparts are to be solved. Please repost rest…
Q: Determine whether the individuals will qualify as the taxpayer's dependent in each of the following…
A: Relative is a person connected by blood or marriage. In the context of tax regulations and…
Q: François, an insurance agent with Safe Life Insurance Co., meets with Thomas and Annie Fortin to…
A: The first part of the question is asking whether François should also assess the financial impact…
Q: Richard McCarthy (born 2/14/1966; Social Security number 100-10-9090) and Christine McCarthy (born…
A: Assumptions In his return, Mr. Richard Mccarthy included the income of his 12-year-old daughter and…
Q: Joe and Jessie are married and have one dependent child, Lizzie. Lizzie is currently in college at…
A: Adjusted gross income is the difference between the gross income and specific deductions allowed by…

Step by step
Solved in 3 steps

- Jermaine Watson is a single father with a son, Jamal, who qualifies as a dependent. They live at 5678 SE Stark St., Portland, OR 97233. Jermaine works at first bank of Oregon. Jamaal attends school and at the end of the school day he goes to a dependent care facility next-door to his school, where Jermaine picks him up after work. Jermaine pays $800 per month to the care facility (Portland Day Care, 4567 SE Stark St,. Portland, OR 97233. EIN 90-654-3210). Jermaine's W-2 from the first bank of Oregon is as follows: Wages (box 1) = $71,510.00 Federal W/H (Box 2) = $3,197.00 Social Security wages (box 3) = $71,510.00 Social Security W/H (box 4) = $4,433.62 Medicare wages (Box 5) = $71,510.00 Medicare W/H (Box 6) = $1,036.90 State Income Taxes (Box 17) = 1,134.90 Jermaine takes one class a semester at Portland State University towards an MBA degree. In 2019, he paid $1300 in tuition, $300 for books and $200 for a meal card. Jermaine has some investments in a New Zealand public…Would you sign this return if you were Tom and Teri’s Paid Tax Preparer? Why or why not? Your clients, Tom (age 48) and Teri (age 45) Trendy, have a son, Tim (age 27). Tim lives in Hawaii, where he studies the effects of various sunscreens on his ability to surf. Last year, Tim was out of money and wanted to move back home and live with Tom and Teri. To prevent this, Tom lent Tim $20,000 with the understanding that he would stay in Hawaii and not come home. Tom had Tim sign a formal note, including a stated interest rate and due date. Tom has a substantial portfolio of stocks and bonds and has generated a significant amount of capital gains in the current year. He concluded that Tim is a deadbeat and the $20,000 note is worthless. Consequently, Tom wants to his son’s bad debt on his and Teri’s current tax return and net it against his other capital gains and losses. Tom is adamant about this!Tim and Allison are married and have two children, ages 8 and 13. Allison is a "nonworking" spouse who devotes all of her time to household activities. Estimate how much life insurance Tim and Allison should carry to cover Allison. Life insurance need
- Christina is a divorced independent marketing consultant age 32, in excellent health, with two young children. She took out a $100,000 whole life insurance policy seven years ago, before the children were born. At that time she was employed in an administrative capacity in a real estate office and had a limited income. She appreciated the value of permanent life insurance but was concerned about her ability to afford whole life premiums over the long-term. Consequently, she chose a dividend option that applied the annual policy dividend to reduce the premium due each year. Christina is now doing much better financially and can easily afford the annual premium. With two children dependent on her she is concerned, however, that the death benefit of her policy should increase with inflation over the long-term. What dividend option could Christina select to meet her current needs? A) The premium reduction dividend option B) The cash dividend option C) The accumulation dividend option D)…Bert Baker and Ernestine Moffet were never formally married but have lived together as husband and wife for the last 14 years. Bert and Ernestine reside in Washington, D.C., a jurisdiction that recognizes common law marriages as valid. Consequently, they filed both a joint district income tax return and a joint federal income tax return for the last eight years. Bert and Ernestine are planning to move their household to Frederick, Maryland, and become permanent residents of that state. Maryland doesn’t recognize common law marriages. Will Bert and Ernestine’s change in residence allow them to avoid the marriage penalty by filing as single individuals?Tom Brown is 36 years old and has never been married. Frank, age 13, is Tom1s nephew who lived with hin all year. Tom provided all of his support and provifded over half the cost of keeping up the home. Tom earned 44,000 in wages Tom is legally blind and cannot be claiment as a dependent by another taxpayer. Tom and Frank are U.S citizens, have valid social securities numbers, and lived in the U.S. the entire year. Do the individual income tax return? If need to use a state use mississippi
- Tony and Nancy are married. Both are under age 55. For all of 2022, Tony has self-only coverage under a hig deductible health plan (HDHP) with a $2,000 annual deductible. He has no other health coverage. Nancy ha non-HDHP family coverage for herself and the couple's two dependent children. Tony is not covered by Nancy non-HDHP. Because he has no health coverage beyond his own HDHP, Tony is eligible to contribute up to wh amount to a health savings account (HSA) for the 2022 tax year? A. $1,400 B. $3,650 C. $7,050 D. $7,300Ann, who is age 22, just returned to the work force last week after giving birth to twins. She has limited disposable income. She is healthy now but her family history indicates the incidence of stroke. She would like some insurance coverage for her children’s education in the event of her death. What kind of plan would you recommend to Cindy?Richard is age 39 and was widowed in 2017. He has a daughter, Isabella, age 5.• Richard provided the entire cost of maintaining the household and over half of the support for Isabella. In order to work, he pays childcare expenses to Busy Bee Daycare.• Richard declined to receive advance child tax credit payments in 2021.• Richard’s earned income in 2019 was $19,000.• Richard and Isabella are U.S. citizens and lived in the United States all year in 2021.• Richard received the third Economic Impact Payment (EIP3) in the amount of $2,800 in 2021. 30. Richard is not eligible to claim the Qualifying Widower filing status. true or false 31. What is Richard’s adjusted gross income on his Form 1040? A. $41,500 B. $41,580 C. $41,600 D. $41,620 32. Richard is eligible to claim the child…
- 18 Sandy is seeking child support under the Divorce Act from her former husband, Raymond. Her daughter, Kalia is a normal healthy child who attends daycare while Sandy works. Sandy hopes that the court will order an amount in addition to the basic amount to help her defray some of her unique expenses. Which of the following purchases or expenses may result in Raymond having to pay an amount greater than the basic amount under the federal Child Support Guidelines? a) expenses for Kalia's daycare b) Kalia's new clothes c) the loan on Sandy's new car, which has a built-in car seat for Kalia Od) the child-sized, electric Barbie-mobile that Sandy bought for Kalia's third birthdayAshley Panda lives at 1310 Meadow Lane, Wayne, OH 43466, and her Social Security number is 123-45-6777. Ashley is single and has a 20-year-old son, Bill. His Social Security number is 111-11-1112. Bill lives with Ashley, and she fully supports him. Bill spent 2019 traveling in Europe and was not a college student. He had gross income of $4,655 in 2019. Bill paid $4,000 of lodging expenses that Ashley reimbursed after they were fully documented. Ashley paid the $4,000 to Bill using a check from her sole proprietorship. That amount is not included in the items listed below. Ashley had substantial health problems during 2019, and many of her expenses were not reimbursed by her health insurance. Ashley owns Panda Enterprises, LLC (98-7654321), a data processing service that she reports as a sole proprietorship. Her business is located at 456 Hill Street, Wayne, OH 43466. The business activity code is 514210. Her 2019 Form 1040, Schedule C for Panda Enterprises shows revenues of $315,000,…François, an insurance agent with Safe Life Insurance Co., meets with Thomas and Annie Fortin to assess their life insurance needs. The Fortins are a single-income family with two children: a two-year- old and a four-year-old. Annie, the sole income earner, is an anesthetist with a hectic and unpredictable work schedule at the hospital Thomas is the primary caregiver and stay-at-home parent. He does not earn an income. Annie's income is sufficient to cover the family's savings and expenses. During the meeting, François gathers relevant information to assess the loss of income that would result from Annie's death. Should François also assess the financial impact that would result from Thomas's death? Select one correct answer from the list 1. Yes, Thomas's sense of self-worth would suffer if he was not included in the analysis Yes, Thomas' death may have a financial impact on Annie's ability to keep earning a sufficient income. No, Annie's income already covers the family's savings and…