Administrator Module: The main job responsibility of an administrator is to ensure the efficient performance of all people (shop keeper and customer). Following are key features for admin Here are features (functionalities) of administrator that your project should contains: ● Sign into system Show signing page to each type of user and ask for username and password. The username and password should be unique for each type of member. Username and password admin/admin. ● Add new Shop Keeper To add a new shop keeper, your program should ask some credentials from the user to register a shop keeper. Credentials you must ask includes: S-id (Shop keeper id) should be in proper format as string to use in future modules [All the info should be taken in same order] ⮚ First Name ⮚ Last Name ⮚ S-id (should be auto generated by the system in increasing order) [format should be Shopkeeper e.g., 0001 for first shopkeeper and 1001 for one thousand and one shopkeeper number] ⮚ Username ⮚ Email ⮚ Password ⮚ Registration Date ⮚Gender ⮚Blood Group ⮚ Contact No ⮚ Address After this, you must record all the above-mentioned data save data within a file named as “shopkeeper.txt” present in the same directory. ● Add new Customer Similarly, to add a new customer, your program should ask some credentials from the user to register a customer. Credentials you must ask includes: ⮚ First Name ⮚ Last Name ⮚ C-id (should be auto generated by the system in increasing order) [format should be Customer e.g., 0001 for first customer and 1001 for one thousand and one customer number] ⮚ Registration Date ⮚ Gender ⮚ Contact No ⮚ Blood Group ⮚ Address ⮚ Products selected o Category of products o Number of products ⮚ Bill paid status (true/ false) After this, you must record all the above-mentioned data save data within a file named as “customer.txt” present in the same directory. ● Add new Product To add new product following steps must be full filled ⮚ Select category ⮚ Product Name ⮚ Description of product ⮚ Product Category Name Sports Garments Eatables Medicines Fashion ⮚ P-id (should be auto generated by the system in increasing order) [format should be product from which category+std_number e.g., 010001 for sports category and 1001 for product number and 020003 for category of Garments and 0003 product number] ⮚ Size of product(optional) e.g., Small, Medium, Large ⮚Color of product(optional) e.g., Blue, Brown, Black ⮚Product quantity (if quantity is zero show out of stock) After this, you must record all the above-mentioned data save data within a file named as “products.txt” present in the same directory. ● Edit Shopkeeper details Your program should be capable of editing the shopkeeper's basic details. The details that administrator can edit includes: ⮚ First Name ⮚ Last Name ⮚ Address ⮚ Contact No ⮚ Username ⮚ Email ⮚ Password The system should display a shopkeepers list and then admin enter/select shopkeeper’s id number to edit and then update the above fields for that specific shopkeeper. Once the user updates the shopkeeper’s record, your program should update this information against the id you have selected in file “shopkeeper.txt”. ● Edit Customer details Your program should be capable of editing the customer's basic details. The details that administrator can edit includes: ⮚ First Name ⮚ Last Name ⮚ Address ⮚ Contact No ⮚ Username ⮚ Email ⮚ Password The system should display a customer list and then admin enter/select customer’s id number to edit and then update the above fields for that specific customer. Once the user updates the customer’s record, your program should update this information against the id you have selected in file “customer.txt”. Same as shopkeeper updating records. ● Edit Product details Your program should be capable of editing the product basic details. The details that administrator can edit includes: ⮚Name of product ⮚ Description of product ⮚ Number of products ⮚ Size of product(optional) e.g Small, Medium, Large ⮚ Color of product(optional) e.g Blue, Brown, Black
Programming in C++ Language
Final Project statement
Your task is to implement a complete Inventory Management System (IMS). IMS are centralized systems used by shop keepers, customers, and administrators to collect information needed to manage all core features of an inventory’s operations such as add products, view products, administrative tasks. maintain customers data records, shopkeeper’s data records, product records etc. Mostly, IMS contains functionalities of three major entities i.e. (Administrators, Shop keepers and customers).
Major entities along with their functionalities are described below:
You need to design the hierarchy of classes to be defined in the system first. All the components should be implemented in OOP concepts. [ constructers, Inheritance, virtual function, friend-class/functions, static data members, polymorphism, operator overloading, three files’ structures etc.]
1) Administrator Module:
The main job responsibility of an administrator is to ensure the efficient performance of all people (shop keeper and customer). Following are key features for admin
Here are features (functionalities) of administrator that your project should contains:
● Sign into system
Show signing page to each type of user and ask for username and password. The username and password should be unique for each type of member.
Username and password admin/admin.
● Add new Shop Keeper
To add a new shop keeper, your program should ask some credentials from the user to register a shop keeper. Credentials you must ask includes:
S-id (Shop keeper id) should be in proper format as string to use in future modules [All the info should be taken in same order]
⮚ First Name
⮚ Last Name
⮚ S-id (should be auto generated by the system in increasing order) [format should be Shopkeeper e.g., 0001 for first shopkeeper and 1001 for one thousand and one shopkeeper number]
⮚ Username
⮚ Password
⮚ Registration Date
⮚Blood Group
⮚ Contact No
⮚ Address
After this, you must record all the above-mentioned data save data within a file named as
“shopkeeper.txt” present in the same directory.
● Add new Customer
Similarly, to add a new customer, your program should ask some credentials from the user to register a customer. Credentials you must ask includes:
⮚ First Name
⮚ Last Name
⮚ C-id (should be auto generated by the system in increasing order) [format should be Customer e.g., 0001 for first customer and 1001 for one thousand and one customer number]
⮚ Registration Date
⮚ Gender
⮚ Contact No
⮚ Blood Group
⮚ Address
⮚ Products selected
o Category of products
o Number of products
⮚ Bill paid status (true/ false)
After this, you must record all the above-mentioned data save data within a file named as
“customer.txt” present in the same directory.
● Add new Product
To add new product following steps must be full filled
⮚ Select category
⮚ Product Name
⮚ Description of product
⮚ Product Category Name
- Sports
- Garments
- Eatables
- Medicines
- Fashion
⮚ P-id (should be auto generated by the system in increasing order) [format should be product from which category+std_number e.g., 010001 for sports category and 1001 for product number and 020003 for category of Garments and 0003 product number]
⮚ Size of product(optional) e.g., Small, Medium, Large
⮚Color of product(optional) e.g., Blue, Brown, Black
⮚Product quantity (if quantity is zero show out of stock)
After this, you must record all the above-mentioned data save data within a file named as
“products.txt” present in the same directory.
● Edit Shopkeeper details
Your program should be capable of editing the shopkeeper's basic details. The details that administrator can edit includes:
⮚ First Name
⮚ Last Name
⮚ Address
⮚ Contact No
⮚ Username
⮚ Password
The system should display a shopkeepers list and then admin enter/select shopkeeper’s id number to edit and then update the above fields for that specific shopkeeper. Once the user updates the shopkeeper’s record, your program should update this information against the id you have selected in file “shopkeeper.txt”.
● Edit Customer details
Your program should be capable of editing the customer's basic details. The details that administrator can edit includes:
⮚ First Name
⮚ Last Name
⮚ Address
⮚ Contact No
⮚ Username
⮚ Password
The system should display a customer list and then admin enter/select customer’s id number to edit and then update the above fields for that specific customer. Once the user updates the customer’s record, your program should update this information against the id you have selected in file “customer.txt”. Same as shopkeeper updating records.
● Edit Product details
Your program should be capable of editing the product basic details. The details that administrator can edit includes:
⮚Name of product
⮚ Description of product
⮚ Number of products
⮚ Size of product(optional) e.g Small, Medium, Large
⮚ Color of product(optional) e.g Blue, Brown, Black

Step by step
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