A. For the vector function A=p²â, - 3zâz, verify the divergence theorem for the cylin- drical region enclosed by p= 5, z = 0, and z = 4. B. A vector field Ď = (sin² )r-4â, exists in the region between the two spherical shells defined by r = 2 and r = 3. Evaluate explicitly a) § Ď· ds b) ƒV. Ď dv

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A. For the vector function A=p²â, - 3zâz, verify the divergence theorem for the cylin-
drical region enclosed by p= 5, z = 0, and z = 4.
B. A vector field Ď = (sin² )r-4â, exists in the region between the two spherical shells
defined by r = 2 and r = 3. Evaluate explicitly a) § Ď· ds b) ƒV. Ď dv
Transcribed Image Text:A. For the vector function A=p²â, - 3zâz, verify the divergence theorem for the cylin- drical region enclosed by p= 5, z = 0, and z = 4. B. A vector field Ď = (sin² )r-4â, exists in the region between the two spherical shells defined by r = 2 and r = 3. Evaluate explicitly a) § Ď· ds b) ƒV. Ď dv
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