A signed screenshot (or more if needed) with the ERD done in MySQL Workbench You must follow these conventions when you perform this. Entity names: singular nouns (or noun phrase) written in CAPITAL LETTERS, using _ instead of space, must end with a two letter suffix with your first name and last name initials (e.g. if your name is John Doe, an entity name will be PERSON_JD) Attribute names: singular nouns (or noun phrase) written in CAPITAL LETTERS, using _ instead of space, must end with a two-letter suffix with your first name and last name initials (e.g. if your name is John Doe, an attribute name will be FIRST_NAME_JD) Relationship names: third person verbs (or verb phrase) written in lower case letters, using spaces. Do not use "has" or other generic names. Use a name that clarifies the meaning (even if contains entity names) Additional conventions might be specified by your instructor
Happy Learning (this is a fictional scenario)
A private kindergarten, Happy Learning, wants to build a
database to manage their operations. You were assigned to create an initial design based on the following customer description of their operations.There are 3 age levels in the kindergarten (turtles, foxes and monkeys). At each level there 3 classes (red, blue and green). For a class we keep a code based on the initial of group color and level (e.g. RT for red turtles, GF for green foxes). Each class has a room number and a phone number (with the format (999) 9999999). Also, each class has a maximum capacity (between 25 and 35). For some classes we will keep brief directions to the class location in the building (less than 160 characters).
For a student we will keep the name (first, last, middle each less than 15 characters), any nickname (less than 10 characters), date of birth, address, and the class in which the student is currently enrolled. We will process students based on their first and last name, or nickname, if present. We will process the address based on the city (less than 15 characters), zipcode-5 and street (less than 35 characters) to identify recruiting areas.
For each student we will keep information about one or more parents (or caretakers). A parent may have several students enrolled in the kindergarted. For a parent (or caretaker) we will keep the name (first, last, middle), home phone number, mobile phone number, work phone number, (same format as above), the personal email (less than 30 characters) and relationship to the child (e.g. father, mother, grandfather). At least one type of phone is required, but some parents may not provide all types of phone numbers. Some parents do not provide emails. We will process parents based on their last name.
Each class has one or more teachers assigned. A teacher is assigned to one or more classes. For a teacher we keep the name (first, middle, last), home phone number, work email, personal email, the graduated college and their highes degree (e.g. BS, MS, MA, ... - a maximum five characters code) and the area of the degree (at most 25 characters). All the teachers must have at least bachelor degree. We will process teachers based on their first and last name, phone, email. The format for the name, phone, email as described above.
A signed screenshot (or more if needed) with the ERD done in MySQL Workbench
You must follow these conventions when you perform this.
- Entity names: singular nouns (or noun phrase) written in CAPITAL LETTERS, using _ instead of space, must end with a two letter suffix with your first name and last name initials (e.g. if your name is John Doe, an entity name will be PERSON_JD)
- Attribute names: singular nouns (or noun phrase) written in CAPITAL LETTERS, using _ instead of space, must end with a two-letter suffix with your first name and last name initials (e.g. if your name is John Doe, an attribute name will be FIRST_NAME_JD)
- Relationship names: third person verbs (or verb phrase) written in lower case letters, using spaces. Do not use "has" or other generic names. Use a name that clarifies the meaning (even if contains entity names)
- Additional conventions might be specified by your instructor (e.g. prefix the attribute names with the entity name or abbreviation)

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