A balloon is filled with helium gas to a volume of 2.5 L at a pressure of 99.6 kPa and a temperature of 24 °C. What Gas Law am I using if I decide to keep the pressure of the gas constant, and I manipulate the temperature to find the new volume of the gas? H Li Na Mg Rb Be Ca Sc Fak Sr Cs Ba Fr Ra Act La La Boyle's Law Ideal Gas Law MB Charles's Law Gay-Lussac's Combination Law Periodic Table of the Elements H Symbel 20 2 Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu 40 41 42 MA Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd TH 10 Rf Db Sg Bh Hs Mt Ds KID Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg Basic 1980 H 45 B 14 15 14 17 2 Ga Ge "Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Np Pu Am Cm Bk Cf Es Fm Md No Ac Th Pa As Se Br LIRIUM VILA Cl Ar He 53 40 54 Sb Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn Rg Cn Uut FI Uup Lv Uus Uuo T Xe
Ideal and Real Gases
Ideal gases obey conditions of the general gas laws under all states of pressure and temperature. Ideal gases are also named perfect gases. The attributes of ideal gases are as follows,
Gas Laws
Gas laws describe the ways in which volume, temperature, pressure, and other conditions correlate when matter is in a gaseous state. The very first observations about the physical properties of gases was made by Robert Boyle in 1662. Later discoveries were made by Charles, Gay-Lussac, Avogadro, and others. Eventually, these observations were combined to produce the ideal gas law.
Gaseous State
It is well known that matter exists in different forms in our surroundings. There are five known states of matter, such as solids, gases, liquids, plasma and Bose-Einstein condensate. The last two are known newly in the recent days. Thus, the detailed forms of matter studied are solids, gases and liquids. The best example of a substance that is present in different states is water. It is solid ice, gaseous vapor or steam and liquid water depending on the temperature and pressure conditions. This is due to the difference in the intermolecular forces and distances. The occurrence of three different phases is due to the difference in the two major forces, the force which tends to tightly hold molecules i.e., forces of attraction and the disruptive forces obtained from the thermal energy of molecules.

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