702c L64. Given the following data: For Review 70. Consider two reactions for the production of ethanol: C,H,(g) + H,O(g) C,H,(g) + H,O(g) + 150,(g) 12CO2(g) + 6H,O(1) C(s) + O2(g) –→ Co,(3) H,(g) + 02(g) –→ H;O(1) CH;CH,OH() CH;CH,OH(1) + H;(g) AG° = - 6399 kJ AG° = -394 kJ %3| Which would be the more thermodynamically feasible at stan- dard conditions? Why? calculate AG° for the reaction AG° = -237 kJ Free Energy: Pressure Dependence and Equilibrium 71. Using data from Appendix 4, calculate AG for the reaction NO(g) + 0;(g)=NO,(g) + O;(g) 6C(s) + 3H,(g) → C,H<(1) -65. For the reaction SF,(g) + F,(g) – SF;(g) the value of AG° is -374 kJ. Use this value and data from for these conditions: Appendix 4 to calculate the value of AG for SF4(g). L66. The value of AG° for the reaction PNO = 1.00 X 10-6 atm, Po, = 2.00 X 106 atm PNO, = 1.00 X 10- atm, Po, T = 298 K %3D atm 2C,H10(8) + 130,(g) → 8CO,(g) + 10H,0(1) = 1.00 X 10-3 %3D is -5490. kJ. Use this value and data from Appendix 4 to calculate the standard free energy of formation for C,H10(g). E72. Using data from Appendix 4, calculate AG for the reaction 2H,S(g) + SO;(g)=3Sthombie (s) + 2H,O(g) -67. Consider the reaction for the following conditions at 25°C: = 1.0 × 10¯4 atm PH,S %3D Fe,O;(s) + 3H,(g) → 2Fe(s) + 3H,0(g) Pso2 = 1.0 × 10-2 atm a. Use AG; values in Appendix 4 to calculate AG° for this PHO = 3.0 × 10-² atm %3D reaction. b. Is this reaction spontaneous under standard conditions at -73. Consider the reaction 298 K? 2NO,(g) N,04(g) For each of the following mixtures of reactants and products at 25°C, predict the direction in which the reaction will shift to reach equilibrium. c. The value of AH° for this reaction is 100. kJ. At what temperatures is this reaction spontaneous at standard conditions? Assume that AH° and AS° do not depend on 1.0 atm а. Рхо, b. PNO, PN,0. 0.21 atm, PN,0. 0.29 atm, PN,0. %3D temperature. = 0.50 atm 68. Consider the reaction с. Рхо, 1.6 atm %3D %3D 2POCI, (g) → 2PCI,(g) + O2(g) -74. Consider the following reaction: a. Calculate AG° for this reaction. The AG? values for POC13(g) and PCI3(g) are -502 kJ/mol and -270. kJ/mol, respectively. N2(8) + 3H,(g) =2NH3(g) D. Is this reaction spontaneous under standard conditions at 298 K? Calculate AG for this reaction under the following conditions (assume an uncertainty of ±1 in all quantities): a. T = 298 K, PN, = = 200 atm, PNH, = 50 atm Pн, = 200 atm, PH, %3D %3D %3D C. The value of AS° for this reaction is 179 J/K · mol. At what temperatures is this reaction spontaneous at standard conditions? Assume that AH° and AS do not depend on temperature. b. T = 298 K, PN, PNH, = 200 atm 600 atm, %3D %3D %3D 75 One of the reactions that destroys ozone in the upper atmo- sphere is . Using data from Appendix 4, calculate AH®, ASº, and AG° for the following reactions that produce acetic acid: NO(3) + 0,(g)=NO;(g) + O,(g) Using data from Appendix 4, calculate AG° and K (at 298 K) for this reaction, L76. Hydrogen sulfide can be removed from natural gas by the reaction CH4(g) + CO2(g) CH;C-OH(1) 2H,S(g) + SO,(g) 3S(s) + 2H,O(g) Calculate AG° and K (at 298 K) for this reaction. Would this reaction be favored at a high or low temperature? Which reaction would you choose as a commercial method for producing acetic acid (CH3CO;H) at standard conditions? What temperature conditions would you choose for the reac- tion? Assume AH and AS do not depend on temperature. -77. Consider the following reaction at 25.0°C: CH3OH(g) + CO(g) CH;C-OH(1) 2NO,(g) N,0,(g) The values of AH° and AS are -58.03 kJ/mol and -176.6 J/K mol, respectively. Calculate the value of K at 25.0°C. Assuming AH° and AS are temperature independent, estimate the value of K at 100.0°C. CHAPTER 17 Spontaneity, Entropy, and Free Energy -55. Consider the reaction 20(3) 702b -46 Predict the sign of AS° for each of the following changes. a. K(s) + Br,(g) b. N2(g) + 3H,(g) с. КBг(s) d. KBr(s) ) 0,(g) L64. Gi KBr(s) a. Predict the signs of AH and AS. 20 b. Would the reaction be more spontaneous at high or low L56. Hydrogen cyanide is produced industrially by the following → 2NH,(g) → K*(aq) + Br¯(aq) » KBr(1) temperatures? -47. For each of the following pairs of substances, which substance has the greater value of S°? exothermic reaction: cal 2NH;(g) + 30,(g) + 2CH,(g) Is the high temperature needed for thermodynamic or kinetic 100°C 2HCN(3) + 6H,0(e Pt-Rh a. Cgraphite(S) or Cdiamond(S) b. C,H5OH(I) or C,H;OH(g) c. CO2(s) or CO2(g) -48. For each of the following pairs, which substance has the greater value of S? reasons? -65. For -57. From data in Appendix 4, calculate AH°, AS', and AG for the each of the following reactions at 25°C. a. CH,(3) + 20,(8) b. 6CO,(g) + 6H,0(1) Ap Co,(8) + 2H,0(3) CH1;O6(s) + 60,lg) a. N20 (at 0 K) or He (at 10 K) -66. The b. N,0(g) (at 1 atm, 25°C) or He(g) (at 1 atm, 25°C) c. NH3(s) (at 196 K) –→ NH;(1) (at 196 K) Glucose is -49. Predict the sign of AS° and then calculate AS° for each of the following reactions. a. 2H,S(g) + S0,(g) → 3S,hombic (S) + 2H,O(g) b. 2SO;(g) Fe,O;(s) + 3H,(g) c. P,O10(s) + 6H,O(1) –→ 4H;PO,(s) d. HCI(g) + NH;(g). -58. Calculate AHº, ASº, and AGº at 25°C for each of the following reactions that occur in the atmosphere. calc → NH,CI(s) -67. Cor → 250,(g) + O2(8) a. C,H4(8) + O3(g) → CH;CHO(g) + O,(g) b. O3(g) + NO(8) → NO2(8) + O2(g) c. SO3(g) + H20(1) → H2SO4(aq) -59. The major industrial use of hydrogen is in the production of ammonia by the Haber process: → 2Fe(s) + 3H,0(g) a. -50. Predict the sign of AS° and then calculate AS° for each of the b. I following reactions. a. H,(g) + 0,(g) – H,0(1) b. 2CH,OH(g) + 30,(g) –→ 2C0,(g) + 4H,0(g) c. HCI(g) H¨(aq) + Cl (aq) c. T to 3H,(g) + N,(g) –→ 2NH;(g) r51. For the reaction te a. Using data from Appendix 4, calculate AH, AS", and AG for the Haber process reaction. C,H,(g) + 4F2(g) → 2CF,(g) + H,(g) -68. Cons b. Is the reaction spontaneous at standard conditions? AS is equal to-358 J/K. Use this value and data from Appen- dix 4 to calculate the value of S° for CF4(g). c. At what temperatures is the reaction spontaneous at stan- dard conditions? Assume AH and AS° do not depend on a. C -52. For the reaction temperature. 60. For the reaction at 298 K, CS,(g) + 30,(g) →Co,(8) + 2SO,(g) b. Is AS is equal to-143 J/K. Use this value and data from Appen- dix 4 to calculate the value of S° for CS2(g). 29 2NO,(g) → N,O4(8) c. T 53. It is quite common for a solid to change from one structure to another at a temperature below its melting point. For example, sulfur undergoes a phase change from the rhombic crystal structure to the monoclinic crystal form at temperatures above 95°C. the values of AH° and AS° are -58.03 kJ and -176.6 J/K. respectively. What is the value of AG° at 298 K? Assuming (m that AH° and AS° do not depend on temperature, at what tem- perature is AG° = 0? Is AG° negative above or below this W. cc ter 69. Using temperature? the fo a. Predict the signs of AH and AS for the process Sthombic (S) b. Which form of sulfur has the more ordered crystalline structure (has the smaller positional probability)? 54. Two crystalline forms of white phosphorus are known. Both forms contain P molecules, but the molecules are packed together in different ways. The a form is always obtained when the liquid freezes. However, below -76.9°C, the a form spontaneously converts to the B form: -61. At 100.°C and 1.00 atm, AH° = 40.6 kJ/mol for the vaporiza- → Smonoclinic (S). tion of water. Estimate AG° for the vaporization of water at 90.°C and 110.°C. Assume AH° and AS° at 100.°C and 1.00 atm do not depend on temperature. -62. For the sublimation of iodine at 25°C I(s) → I2(g) the values of AH® and AG° are, respectively, 62 kJ and 19 kl. Estimate the temperature at which iodine sublimes. Assume AH and AS do not depend on temperature. Which P(s, a) P.(s, ß) produc What a. Predict the signs of AH and AS for this process. b. Predict which form of phosphorus has the more ordered crystalline structure (has the smaller positional probability). 63. Given the following data: tion? A 2H,(g) + C(s) CH,(8) 2H2(g) + O3(g) AG° = -51 kJ AG° = -474 kJ AG° = -394 kJ → 2H,0(1) C(s) + 0,(g) - CO,(g) Calculate AG for CH,(g) + 20,(g) →CO.(e) + 2H,00).
702c L64. Given the following data: For Review 70. Consider two reactions for the production of ethanol: C,H,(g) + H,O(g) C,H,(g) + H,O(g) + 150,(g) 12CO2(g) + 6H,O(1) C(s) + O2(g) –→ Co,(3) H,(g) + 02(g) –→ H;O(1) CH;CH,OH() CH;CH,OH(1) + H;(g) AG° = - 6399 kJ AG° = -394 kJ %3| Which would be the more thermodynamically feasible at stan- dard conditions? Why? calculate AG° for the reaction AG° = -237 kJ Free Energy: Pressure Dependence and Equilibrium 71. Using data from Appendix 4, calculate AG for the reaction NO(g) + 0;(g)=NO,(g) + O;(g) 6C(s) + 3H,(g) → C,H<(1) -65. For the reaction SF,(g) + F,(g) – SF;(g) the value of AG° is -374 kJ. Use this value and data from for these conditions: Appendix 4 to calculate the value of AG for SF4(g). L66. The value of AG° for the reaction PNO = 1.00 X 10-6 atm, Po, = 2.00 X 106 atm PNO, = 1.00 X 10- atm, Po, T = 298 K %3D atm 2C,H10(8) + 130,(g) → 8CO,(g) + 10H,0(1) = 1.00 X 10-3 %3D is -5490. kJ. Use this value and data from Appendix 4 to calculate the standard free energy of formation for C,H10(g). E72. Using data from Appendix 4, calculate AG for the reaction 2H,S(g) + SO;(g)=3Sthombie (s) + 2H,O(g) -67. Consider the reaction for the following conditions at 25°C: = 1.0 × 10¯4 atm PH,S %3D Fe,O;(s) + 3H,(g) → 2Fe(s) + 3H,0(g) Pso2 = 1.0 × 10-2 atm a. Use AG; values in Appendix 4 to calculate AG° for this PHO = 3.0 × 10-² atm %3D reaction. b. Is this reaction spontaneous under standard conditions at -73. Consider the reaction 298 K? 2NO,(g) N,04(g) For each of the following mixtures of reactants and products at 25°C, predict the direction in which the reaction will shift to reach equilibrium. c. The value of AH° for this reaction is 100. kJ. At what temperatures is this reaction spontaneous at standard conditions? Assume that AH° and AS° do not depend on 1.0 atm а. Рхо, b. PNO, PN,0. 0.21 atm, PN,0. 0.29 atm, PN,0. %3D temperature. = 0.50 atm 68. Consider the reaction с. Рхо, 1.6 atm %3D %3D 2POCI, (g) → 2PCI,(g) + O2(g) -74. Consider the following reaction: a. Calculate AG° for this reaction. The AG? values for POC13(g) and PCI3(g) are -502 kJ/mol and -270. kJ/mol, respectively. N2(8) + 3H,(g) =2NH3(g) D. Is this reaction spontaneous under standard conditions at 298 K? Calculate AG for this reaction under the following conditions (assume an uncertainty of ±1 in all quantities): a. T = 298 K, PN, = = 200 atm, PNH, = 50 atm Pн, = 200 atm, PH, %3D %3D %3D C. The value of AS° for this reaction is 179 J/K · mol. At what temperatures is this reaction spontaneous at standard conditions? Assume that AH° and AS do not depend on temperature. b. T = 298 K, PN, PNH, = 200 atm 600 atm, %3D %3D %3D 75 One of the reactions that destroys ozone in the upper atmo- sphere is . Using data from Appendix 4, calculate AH®, ASº, and AG° for the following reactions that produce acetic acid: NO(3) + 0,(g)=NO;(g) + O,(g) Using data from Appendix 4, calculate AG° and K (at 298 K) for this reaction, L76. Hydrogen sulfide can be removed from natural gas by the reaction CH4(g) + CO2(g) CH;C-OH(1) 2H,S(g) + SO,(g) 3S(s) + 2H,O(g) Calculate AG° and K (at 298 K) for this reaction. Would this reaction be favored at a high or low temperature? Which reaction would you choose as a commercial method for producing acetic acid (CH3CO;H) at standard conditions? What temperature conditions would you choose for the reac- tion? Assume AH and AS do not depend on temperature. -77. Consider the following reaction at 25.0°C: CH3OH(g) + CO(g) CH;C-OH(1) 2NO,(g) N,0,(g) The values of AH° and AS are -58.03 kJ/mol and -176.6 J/K mol, respectively. Calculate the value of K at 25.0°C. Assuming AH° and AS are temperature independent, estimate the value of K at 100.0°C. CHAPTER 17 Spontaneity, Entropy, and Free Energy -55. Consider the reaction 20(3) 702b -46 Predict the sign of AS° for each of the following changes. a. K(s) + Br,(g) b. N2(g) + 3H,(g) с. КBг(s) d. KBr(s) ) 0,(g) L64. Gi KBr(s) a. Predict the signs of AH and AS. 20 b. Would the reaction be more spontaneous at high or low L56. Hydrogen cyanide is produced industrially by the following → 2NH,(g) → K*(aq) + Br¯(aq) » KBr(1) temperatures? -47. For each of the following pairs of substances, which substance has the greater value of S°? exothermic reaction: cal 2NH;(g) + 30,(g) + 2CH,(g) Is the high temperature needed for thermodynamic or kinetic 100°C 2HCN(3) + 6H,0(e Pt-Rh a. Cgraphite(S) or Cdiamond(S) b. C,H5OH(I) or C,H;OH(g) c. CO2(s) or CO2(g) -48. For each of the following pairs, which substance has the greater value of S? reasons? -65. For -57. From data in Appendix 4, calculate AH°, AS', and AG for the each of the following reactions at 25°C. a. CH,(3) + 20,(8) b. 6CO,(g) + 6H,0(1) Ap Co,(8) + 2H,0(3) CH1;O6(s) + 60,lg) a. N20 (at 0 K) or He (at 10 K) -66. The b. N,0(g) (at 1 atm, 25°C) or He(g) (at 1 atm, 25°C) c. NH3(s) (at 196 K) –→ NH;(1) (at 196 K) Glucose is -49. Predict the sign of AS° and then calculate AS° for each of the following reactions. a. 2H,S(g) + S0,(g) → 3S,hombic (S) + 2H,O(g) b. 2SO;(g) Fe,O;(s) + 3H,(g) c. P,O10(s) + 6H,O(1) –→ 4H;PO,(s) d. HCI(g) + NH;(g). -58. Calculate AHº, ASº, and AGº at 25°C for each of the following reactions that occur in the atmosphere. calc → NH,CI(s) -67. Cor → 250,(g) + O2(8) a. C,H4(8) + O3(g) → CH;CHO(g) + O,(g) b. O3(g) + NO(8) → NO2(8) + O2(g) c. SO3(g) + H20(1) → H2SO4(aq) -59. The major industrial use of hydrogen is in the production of ammonia by the Haber process: → 2Fe(s) + 3H,0(g) a. -50. Predict the sign of AS° and then calculate AS° for each of the b. I following reactions. a. H,(g) + 0,(g) – H,0(1) b. 2CH,OH(g) + 30,(g) –→ 2C0,(g) + 4H,0(g) c. HCI(g) H¨(aq) + Cl (aq) c. T to 3H,(g) + N,(g) –→ 2NH;(g) r51. For the reaction te a. Using data from Appendix 4, calculate AH, AS", and AG for the Haber process reaction. C,H,(g) + 4F2(g) → 2CF,(g) + H,(g) -68. Cons b. Is the reaction spontaneous at standard conditions? AS is equal to-358 J/K. Use this value and data from Appen- dix 4 to calculate the value of S° for CF4(g). c. At what temperatures is the reaction spontaneous at stan- dard conditions? Assume AH and AS° do not depend on a. C -52. For the reaction temperature. 60. For the reaction at 298 K, CS,(g) + 30,(g) →Co,(8) + 2SO,(g) b. Is AS is equal to-143 J/K. Use this value and data from Appen- dix 4 to calculate the value of S° for CS2(g). 29 2NO,(g) → N,O4(8) c. T 53. It is quite common for a solid to change from one structure to another at a temperature below its melting point. For example, sulfur undergoes a phase change from the rhombic crystal structure to the monoclinic crystal form at temperatures above 95°C. the values of AH° and AS° are -58.03 kJ and -176.6 J/K. respectively. What is the value of AG° at 298 K? Assuming (m that AH° and AS° do not depend on temperature, at what tem- perature is AG° = 0? Is AG° negative above or below this W. cc ter 69. Using temperature? the fo a. Predict the signs of AH and AS for the process Sthombic (S) b. Which form of sulfur has the more ordered crystalline structure (has the smaller positional probability)? 54. Two crystalline forms of white phosphorus are known. Both forms contain P molecules, but the molecules are packed together in different ways. The a form is always obtained when the liquid freezes. However, below -76.9°C, the a form spontaneously converts to the B form: -61. At 100.°C and 1.00 atm, AH° = 40.6 kJ/mol for the vaporiza- → Smonoclinic (S). tion of water. Estimate AG° for the vaporization of water at 90.°C and 110.°C. Assume AH° and AS° at 100.°C and 1.00 atm do not depend on temperature. -62. For the sublimation of iodine at 25°C I(s) → I2(g) the values of AH® and AG° are, respectively, 62 kJ and 19 kl. Estimate the temperature at which iodine sublimes. Assume AH and AS do not depend on temperature. Which P(s, a) P.(s, ß) produc What a. Predict the signs of AH and AS for this process. b. Predict which form of phosphorus has the more ordered crystalline structure (has the smaller positional probability). 63. Given the following data: tion? A 2H,(g) + C(s) CH,(8) 2H2(g) + O3(g) AG° = -51 kJ AG° = -474 kJ AG° = -394 kJ → 2H,0(1) C(s) + 0,(g) - CO,(g) Calculate AG for CH,(g) + 20,(g) →CO.(e) + 2H,00).
10th Edition
Author:Steven S. Zumdahl, Susan A. Zumdahl, Donald J. DeCoste
Publisher:Steven S. Zumdahl, Susan A. Zumdahl, Donald J. DeCoste
Chapter1: Chemical Foundations
Section: Chapter Questions
Problem 1RQ: Define and explain the differences between the following terms. a. law and theory b. theory and...
Related questions
NUMBER 63 and 64 and 65

Transcribed Image Text:702c
L64. Given the following data:
For Review
70. Consider two reactions for the production of ethanol:
C,H,(g) + H,O(g)
C,H,(g) + H,O(g)
+ 150,(g) 12CO2(g) + 6H,O(1)
C(s) + O2(g) –→
H,(g) + 02(g) –→ H;O(1)
CH;CH,OH(1) + H;(g)
AG° =
- 6399 kJ
AG° = -394 kJ
Which would be the more thermodynamically feasible at stan-
dard conditions? Why?
calculate AG° for the reaction
AG° = -237 kJ
Free Energy: Pressure Dependence and Equilibrium
71. Using data from Appendix 4, calculate AG for the reaction
NO(g) + 0;(g)=NO,(g) + O;(g)
6C(s) + 3H,(g) →
-65. For the reaction
SF,(g) + F,(g) – SF;(g)
the value of AG° is -374 kJ. Use this value and data from
for these conditions:
Appendix 4 to calculate the value of AG for SF4(g).
L66. The value of AG° for the reaction
PNO = 1.00 X 10-6 atm, Po, = 2.00 X 106 atm
PNO, = 1.00 X 10- atm, Po,
T = 298 K
2C,H10(8) + 130,(g) → 8CO,(g) + 10H,0(1)
= 1.00 X 10-3
is -5490. kJ. Use this value and data from Appendix 4 to
calculate the standard free energy of formation for C,H10(g).
E72. Using data from Appendix 4, calculate AG for the reaction
2H,S(g) + SO;(g)=3Sthombie (s) + 2H,O(g)
-67. Consider the reaction
for the following conditions at 25°C:
= 1.0 × 10¯4 atm
Fe,O;(s) + 3H,(g)
→ 2Fe(s) + 3H,0(g)
= 1.0 × 10-2 atm
a. Use AG; values in Appendix 4 to calculate AG° for this
PHO = 3.0 × 10-² atm
b. Is this reaction spontaneous under standard conditions at
-73. Consider the reaction
298 K?
2NO,(g) N,04(g)
For each of the following mixtures of reactants and products at
25°C, predict the direction in which the reaction will shift to
reach equilibrium.
c. The value of AH° for this reaction is 100. kJ. At what
temperatures is this reaction spontaneous at standard
conditions? Assume that AH° and AS° do not depend on
1.0 atm
а. Рхо,
b. PNO,
0.21 atm, PN,0.
0.29 atm, PN,0.
= 0.50 atm
68. Consider the reaction
с. Рхо,
1.6 atm
2POCI, (g) → 2PCI,(g) + O2(g)
-74. Consider the following reaction:
a. Calculate AG° for this reaction. The AG? values for
POC13(g) and PCI3(g) are -502 kJ/mol and
-270. kJ/mol, respectively.
N2(8) + 3H,(g) =2NH3(g)
D. Is this reaction spontaneous under standard conditions at
298 K?
Calculate AG for this reaction under the following conditions
(assume an uncertainty of ±1 in all quantities):
a. T = 298 K, PN, =
= 200 atm, PNH, = 50 atm
= 200 atm, PH,
C. The value of AS° for this reaction is 179 J/K · mol. At
what temperatures is this reaction spontaneous at standard
conditions? Assume that AH° and AS do not depend on
b. T = 298 K, PN,
PNH, = 200 atm
600 atm,
75 One of the reactions that destroys ozone in the upper atmo-
sphere is
. Using data from Appendix 4, calculate AH®, ASº, and AG° for
the following reactions that produce acetic acid:
NO(3) + 0,(g)=NO;(g) + O,(g)
Using data from Appendix 4, calculate AG° and K (at 298 K)
for this reaction,
L76. Hydrogen sulfide can be removed from natural gas by the
CH4(g) + CO2(g) CH;C-OH(1)
2H,S(g) + SO,(g) 3S(s) + 2H,O(g)
Calculate AG° and K (at 298 K) for this reaction. Would this
reaction be favored at a high or low temperature?
Which reaction would you choose as a commercial method for
producing acetic acid (CH3CO;H) at standard conditions?
What temperature conditions would you choose for the reac-
tion? Assume AH and AS do not depend on temperature.
-77. Consider the following reaction at 25.0°C:
CH3OH(g) + CO(g) CH;C-OH(1)
2NO,(g) N,0,(g)
The values of AH° and AS are -58.03 kJ/mol and
-176.6 J/K mol, respectively. Calculate the value of K at
25.0°C. Assuming AH° and AS are temperature independent,
estimate the value of K at 100.0°C.

Transcribed Image Text:CHAPTER 17 Spontaneity, Entropy, and Free Energy
-55. Consider the reaction
-46 Predict the sign of AS° for each of the following changes.
a. K(s) + Br,(g)
b. N2(g) + 3H,(g)
с. КBг(s)
d. KBr(s)
) 0,(g)
L64. Gi
a. Predict the signs of AH and AS.
b. Would the reaction be more spontaneous at high or low
L56. Hydrogen cyanide is produced industrially by the following
→ 2NH,(g)
→ K*(aq) + Br¯(aq)
» KBr(1)
-47. For each of the following pairs of substances, which substance
has the greater value of S°?
exothermic reaction:
2NH;(g) + 30,(g) + 2CH,(g)
Is the high temperature needed for thermodynamic or kinetic
2HCN(3) + 6H,0(e
a. Cgraphite(S) or Cdiamond(S)
b. C,H5OH(I) or C,H;OH(g)
c. CO2(s) or CO2(g)
-48. For each of the following pairs, which substance has the
greater value of S?
-65. For
-57. From data in Appendix 4, calculate AH°, AS', and AG for
each of the following reactions at 25°C.
a. CH,(3) + 20,(8)
b. 6CO,(g) + 6H,0(1)
Co,(8) + 2H,0(3)
CH1;O6(s) + 60,lg)
a. N20 (at 0 K) or He (at 10 K)
-66. The
b. N,0(g) (at 1 atm, 25°C) or He(g) (at 1 atm, 25°C)
c. NH3(s) (at 196 K) –→ NH;(1) (at 196 K)
-49. Predict the sign of AS° and then calculate AS° for each of the
following reactions.
a. 2H,S(g) + S0,(g) → 3S,hombic (S) + 2H,O(g)
b. 2SO;(g)
Fe,O;(s) + 3H,(g)
c. P,O10(s) + 6H,O(1) –→ 4H;PO,(s)
d. HCI(g) + NH;(g).
-58. Calculate AHº, ASº, and AGº at 25°C for each of the following
reactions that occur in the atmosphere.
→ NH,CI(s)
-67. Cor
→ 250,(g) + O2(8)
a. C,H4(8) + O3(g) → CH;CHO(g) + O,(g)
b. O3(g) + NO(8) → NO2(8) + O2(g)
c. SO3(g) + H20(1) → H2SO4(aq)
-59. The major industrial use of hydrogen is in the production of
ammonia by the Haber process:
→ 2Fe(s) + 3H,0(g)
-50. Predict the sign of AS° and then calculate AS° for each of the
b. I
following reactions.
a. H,(g) + 0,(g) – H,0(1)
b. 2CH,OH(g) + 30,(g) –→ 2C0,(g) + 4H,0(g)
c. HCI(g) H¨(aq) + Cl (aq)
c. T
3H,(g) + N,(g) –→ 2NH;(g)
r51. For the reaction
a. Using data from Appendix 4, calculate AH, AS", and AG
for the Haber process reaction.
C,H,(g) + 4F2(g) → 2CF,(g) + H,(g)
-68. Cons
b. Is the reaction spontaneous at standard conditions?
AS is equal to-358 J/K. Use this value and data from Appen-
dix 4 to calculate the value of S° for CF4(g).
c. At what temperatures is the reaction spontaneous at stan-
dard conditions? Assume AH and AS° do not depend on
a. C
-52. For the reaction
60. For the reaction at 298 K,
CS,(g) + 30,(g)
→Co,(8) + 2SO,(g)
b. Is
AS is equal to-143 J/K. Use this value and data from Appen-
dix 4 to calculate the value of S° for CS2(g).
→ N,O4(8)
c. T
53. It is quite common for a solid to change from one structure to
another at a temperature below its melting point. For example,
sulfur undergoes a phase change from the rhombic crystal
structure to the monoclinic crystal form at temperatures above
the values of AH° and AS° are -58.03 kJ and -176.6 J/K.
respectively. What is the value of AG° at 298 K? Assuming
(m that AH° and AS° do not depend on temperature, at what tem-
perature is AG° = 0? Is AG° negative above or below this
69. Using
the fo
a. Predict the signs of AH and AS for the process
Sthombic (S)
b. Which form of sulfur has the more ordered crystalline
structure (has the smaller positional probability)?
54. Two crystalline forms of white phosphorus are known. Both
forms contain P molecules, but the molecules are packed
together in different ways. The a form is always obtained
when the liquid freezes. However, below -76.9°C, the a form
spontaneously converts to the B form:
-61. At 100.°C and 1.00 atm, AH° = 40.6 kJ/mol for the vaporiza-
→ Smonoclinic (S).
tion of water. Estimate AG° for the vaporization of water at
90.°C and 110.°C. Assume AH° and AS° at 100.°C and 1.00 atm
do not depend on temperature.
-62. For the sublimation of iodine at 25°C
I(s) → I2(g)
the values of AH® and AG° are, respectively, 62 kJ and 19 kl.
Estimate the temperature at which iodine sublimes. Assume
AH and AS do not depend on temperature.
P(s, a) P.(s, ß)
a. Predict the signs of AH and AS for this process.
b. Predict which form of phosphorus has the more ordered
crystalline structure (has the smaller positional
63. Given the following data:
tion? A
2H,(g) + C(s) CH,(8)
2H2(g) + O3(g)
AG° = -51 kJ
AG° = -474 kJ
AG° = -394 kJ
→ 2H,0(1)
C(s) + 0,(g) - CO,(g)
Calculate AG for CH,(g) + 20,(g) →CO.(e) + 2H,00).
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