A surveyor starting from a point A moves N. 22°12′ E. a distance of 544′ 7.75″ to point B. Next, she moves N. 56°33′ E. a distance of 422′ 3.5″ to point C. Next, she walks S. 6°56′ W. a distance of 1726′ 3.75″ to point D. Finally, she returns to the starting point.
What distance must she walk to return to the starting point? (Answer accurate to the nearest quarter inch.)
_____feet & ______inches
What heading does she walk from the fourth point to return to the starting point? (Answer accurate to the nearest minute.)
N.___ °___ ′ W.
What is the acreage of this plot of land?
area = acre
Your answer should be accurate to 3 decimal places.
* the prime symbol in an angle represents minutes: 60′ = 1°
* the prime symbol in a length represents feet; double prime = inches;
* 1 acre = 4840 yd²
* 1 acre = 43,560 ft²
* an angle like N 20 E means 20 degrees east of north.

Step by step
Solved in 3 steps