5. Describe taste and smell processes.
-Describe the hearing process.

Sense Organs -- Smell , taste , hearing , vision and touch are fundamental five main functions of important sense organs present in human and other organisms .
S.N. Sense organs Functions
1 - Eyes Vision or to see
2 - Ears to hear
3 - Nose to smell
4 - Tongue to taste
5 - Skin to touch
These are specific organs or structures with specific function consists of specialized nerve endings .
Taste Organ -- Taste organs for the sense of taste includes following structures - ( i ) Mouth ( ii )Tongue ( iii )Palate ( iv ) pharynx .
The main organ which is for taste is tongue is a sense develop through interaction of dissolved molecules with taste buds .
Surface of tongue lined with stratified squamous epithelium, raised bumps called as papilla which contain taste buds . The taste buds consists of specialized taste cells for the transduction of taste stimuli, packed together like segments of tongue .Cells making taste buds store a special protein at the tips which responds to particles in food .
Five sub- tastes are known includes Sweet , Salty , Bitter ,Sour and Umami .
Nerves -- Chorda tympani nerve , Glossopharyngeal nerve and Vagus nerve .
Function of taste --Following mechanism occur in taste detection --
Taste buds which contains very sensitive cells have sensitive microscopic hairs microvilli .
These microvilli send messages or taste signals to the brain stem through nerves chorda tympani nerve from front of tongue , the glossopharyngeal nerve from back of the tongue and vagus nerve from throat and palate .
Taste receptors activate chewed food mixes with saliva .The chemical molecules dissolve and function as tastants .
Testants are received by taste receptors which are present in taste buds and papillae .
The receptors protein when detect the target food particles react and notify their cells which a taste substance contains and detected .
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