#2: Consider the below matrix A, which you can copy and paste directly into Matlab. The matrix contains 3 columns, which represent the final grades in a course with 3 sections of equal size. The first column is C01, the second is C02, and the third is C03. A = [68.88 66.64 70.25;27.45 100 79.78;29.25 99.88 75.58;17.73 100 53.45;41.92 19.4 70.29;53.19 60.43 100;39.54 98.3 51.53;32.91 36.16 66.27;91.37 8.43 100;62.59 10.27 62.79;14.08 100 20.7;100 51.62 30.88;57.07 51.6 22.53;100 29.75 34.26;100 78.33 26.25;14.08 32.78 92.14;40.19 59.41 100;24.5 87.47 89.67;93.96 37.91 25.59;37.92 69.85 87.69;83.27 16.73 100;100 67.95 97.42;36.77 76.99 90.6;16.19 70.39 37.79;26.03 50.01 100;70.99 88.25 63.53;67.81 67.55 90.1;21.83 55.98 100;62.62 51.09 26.82;27.01 100 51.99;47.18 70.81 66.3;100 83.66 70.1;55.09 79.98 43.93;76.27 92.06 100;50.04 91.1 99.7;52.47 49.4 78.1;96.4 41.63 23.24;49.5 22.72 77.99:49.43 80.13 38.81;81.35 67 62.88;65.68 71.52 100;60.86 76.01 20.63;90.06 84.06 100;98.83 19.09 70.52:50.24 13.1 61.27;90.65 29.18 94.48;97.39 54.79 44.69;100 55.6 61.47;34.7 46.43 53.47;42.51 30.85 48.14;47.62 27.36 23.5;60.59 45.45 100;100 17.27 66.62;81.08 100 82.49;13.49 41.59 44.62;28.06 46.53 33.44;26.07 80.35 25.74;86.77 16.74 61.1;54.66 47.85 76.28;83.28 41.01 70.07;31.19 76.79 59.83;91.94 13.58 43.08;100 64.41 58.41;33.62 83.4 100;100 43.15 89.02;21.33 66.89 46.74;75.64 92.93 28.62;16.5 98.53 44.51:20.7 63.78 43.15:25.18 77.46 63.64;84.36 39.15 100;80.99 100 41.96;29.23 52.13 100;42.37 96.94 100;82.66 35.35 49.04;49.5 15.25 52.31;100 48.48 29.3;17.74 79.37 61.66;70.79 91.56 100;100 25.4 79.49;48.66 12.24 95.03;30.26 17.79 44.24;100 50.95 93.58;75.65 71.24 43.76;77.29 75.18 71.28;13.05 99.17 94.14;33.39 85.98 18.94;71.73 59.11 21;73.42 82.68 100;65.95 100 47.74;56 66.97 68.55;46.03 100 28.72;16.87 96.4 82.38:22.24 49.16 41.48;22.9 75.24 45.47;100 47.32 57.37;93.16 45.16 47.3;91.47 12.82 23.15;80.39 41.36 27.62;16.52 38.72 49.17;20.19 16.52 57.91;99.33 25.34 25.41;56.45 75.04 46.7;73.11 58.56 29.5;34.04 33.42 38.83;100 84.39 75.99;79.31 100 100;98.65 54.32 50.92;83.95 47.98 83.07;30.07 52.99 100;43.37 28.39 29.7;66.52 48.02 59.68;74.84 67.33 81.69;53.19 83.8 82.1;80.47 23.08 35.4;72.12 26.27 100;99.28 28.45 95.46;100 30.54 77.02;100 56.17 46.73;29.78 94.1 48.11;24.8 78.66 49.27;68.81 18.18 80.94;91.94 100 84.39;100 65.32 88.14;51.89 64.01 44.86;97.14 54.76 100;17.74 55.15 44.5;88.36 18 100;61.82 29.58 22.58;76.34 41.01 29.74;81.58 100 31.46;30.4 57.89 49.84;66.75 42.2 57.48;38.21 100 21.27;38.9 36.86 87.78;58.45 27.26 96.59;100 31.76 100;98.88 32.26 63.1;68.04 31.39 78.8;76 25.95 82.87;15.73 26.65 100;100 96.51 58.19;59.91 17.65 68;15.74 100 64.35;21.71 95.59 64.52;15.03 92.8 74.72;64.56 95.25 83.04;61.06 67.91 57.43;76.99 20.53 50.27;23.41 42 100;31.73 73.98 80.1;97.08 81.46 93.87;100 100 87.36;68.08 16.46 100;29.24 31.18 100;17.28 9 78.15;60.18 67.11 65.15;59.74 45.62 19.49;71.57 68.87 71.12;78.5 26.35 84.65] (a) Use the colon operator to extract the marks from C02, and then find the average of those marks (using the 'sum' and 'length' commands). (b) Use vertical concatenation to create a single column vector consisting of all of the marks from all 3 sections. Then find the overall class average.
#2: Consider the below matrix A, which you can copy and paste directly into Matlab. The matrix contains 3 columns, which represent the final grades in a course with 3 sections of equal size. The first column is C01, the second is C02, and the third is C03. A = [68.88 66.64 70.25;27.45 100 79.78;29.25 99.88 75.58;17.73 100 53.45;41.92 19.4 70.29;53.19 60.43 100;39.54 98.3 51.53;32.91 36.16 66.27;91.37 8.43 100;62.59 10.27 62.79;14.08 100 20.7;100 51.62 30.88;57.07 51.6 22.53;100 29.75 34.26;100 78.33 26.25;14.08 32.78 92.14;40.19 59.41 100;24.5 87.47 89.67;93.96 37.91 25.59;37.92 69.85 87.69;83.27 16.73 100;100 67.95 97.42;36.77 76.99 90.6;16.19 70.39 37.79;26.03 50.01 100;70.99 88.25 63.53;67.81 67.55 90.1;21.83 55.98 100;62.62 51.09 26.82;27.01 100 51.99;47.18 70.81 66.3;100 83.66 70.1;55.09 79.98 43.93;76.27 92.06 100;50.04 91.1 99.7;52.47 49.4 78.1;96.4 41.63 23.24;49.5 22.72 77.99:49.43 80.13 38.81;81.35 67 62.88;65.68 71.52 100;60.86 76.01 20.63;90.06 84.06 100;98.83 19.09 70.52:50.24 13.1 61.27;90.65 29.18 94.48;97.39 54.79 44.69;100 55.6 61.47;34.7 46.43 53.47;42.51 30.85 48.14;47.62 27.36 23.5;60.59 45.45 100;100 17.27 66.62;81.08 100 82.49;13.49 41.59 44.62;28.06 46.53 33.44;26.07 80.35 25.74;86.77 16.74 61.1;54.66 47.85 76.28;83.28 41.01 70.07;31.19 76.79 59.83;91.94 13.58 43.08;100 64.41 58.41;33.62 83.4 100;100 43.15 89.02;21.33 66.89 46.74;75.64 92.93 28.62;16.5 98.53 44.51:20.7 63.78 43.15:25.18 77.46 63.64;84.36 39.15 100;80.99 100 41.96;29.23 52.13 100;42.37 96.94 100;82.66 35.35 49.04;49.5 15.25 52.31;100 48.48 29.3;17.74 79.37 61.66;70.79 91.56 100;100 25.4 79.49;48.66 12.24 95.03;30.26 17.79 44.24;100 50.95 93.58;75.65 71.24 43.76;77.29 75.18 71.28;13.05 99.17 94.14;33.39 85.98 18.94;71.73 59.11 21;73.42 82.68 100;65.95 100 47.74;56 66.97 68.55;46.03 100 28.72;16.87 96.4 82.38:22.24 49.16 41.48;22.9 75.24 45.47;100 47.32 57.37;93.16 45.16 47.3;91.47 12.82 23.15;80.39 41.36 27.62;16.52 38.72 49.17;20.19 16.52 57.91;99.33 25.34 25.41;56.45 75.04 46.7;73.11 58.56 29.5;34.04 33.42 38.83;100 84.39 75.99;79.31 100 100;98.65 54.32 50.92;83.95 47.98 83.07;30.07 52.99 100;43.37 28.39 29.7;66.52 48.02 59.68;74.84 67.33 81.69;53.19 83.8 82.1;80.47 23.08 35.4;72.12 26.27 100;99.28 28.45 95.46;100 30.54 77.02;100 56.17 46.73;29.78 94.1 48.11;24.8 78.66 49.27;68.81 18.18 80.94;91.94 100 84.39;100 65.32 88.14;51.89 64.01 44.86;97.14 54.76 100;17.74 55.15 44.5;88.36 18 100;61.82 29.58 22.58;76.34 41.01 29.74;81.58 100 31.46;30.4 57.89 49.84;66.75 42.2 57.48;38.21 100 21.27;38.9 36.86 87.78;58.45 27.26 96.59;100 31.76 100;98.88 32.26 63.1;68.04 31.39 78.8;76 25.95 82.87;15.73 26.65 100;100 96.51 58.19;59.91 17.65 68;15.74 100 64.35;21.71 95.59 64.52;15.03 92.8 74.72;64.56 95.25 83.04;61.06 67.91 57.43;76.99 20.53 50.27;23.41 42 100;31.73 73.98 80.1;97.08 81.46 93.87;100 100 87.36;68.08 16.46 100;29.24 31.18 100;17.28 9 78.15;60.18 67.11 65.15;59.74 45.62 19.49;71.57 68.87 71.12;78.5 26.35 84.65] (a) Use the colon operator to extract the marks from C02, and then find the average of those marks (using the 'sum' and 'length' commands). (b) Use vertical concatenation to create a single column vector consisting of all of the marks from all 3 sections. Then find the overall class average.
Algebra and Trigonometry (6th Edition)
6th Edition
Author:Robert F. Blitzer
Publisher:Robert F. Blitzer
ChapterP: Prerequisites: Fundamental Concepts Of Algebra
Section: Chapter Questions
Problem 1MCCP: In Exercises 1-25, simplify the given expression or perform the indicated operation (and simplify,...
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![#2: Consider the below matrix A, which you can copy and paste directly into Matlab. The matrix contains 3 columns,
which represent the final grades in a course with 3 sections of equal size. The first column is C01, the second is
C02, and the third is C03.
A = [68.88 66.64 70.25;27.45 100 79.78;29.25 99.88 75.58;17.73 100 53.45;41.92 19.4 70.29;53.19 60.43
100;39.54 98.3 51.53;32.91 36.16 66.27;91.37 8.43 100;62.59 10.27 62.79;14.08 100 20.7;100 51.62 30.88;57.07
51.6 22.53;100 29.75 34.26;100 78.33 26.25;14.08 32.78 92.14;40.19 59.41 100;24.5 87.47 89.67;93.96 37.91
25.59;37.92 69.85 87.69;83.27 16.73 100;100 67.95 97.42;36.77 76.99 90.6;16.19 70.39 37.79;26.03 50.01
100;70.99 88.25 63.53;67.81 67.55 90.1;21.83 55.98 100;62.62 51.09 26.82;27.01 100 51.99;47.18 70.81
66.3;100 83.66 70.1;55.09 79.98 43.93;76.27 92.06 100;50.04 91.1 99.7;52.47 49.4 78.1;96.4 41.63 23.24;49.5
22.72 77.99:49.43 80.13 38.81;81.35 67 62.88;65.68 71.52 100;60.86 76.01 20.63;90.06 84.06 100;98.83 19.09
70.52:50.24 13.1 61.27;90.65 29.18 94.48;97.39 54.79 44.69;100 55.6 61.47;34.7 46.43 53.47;42.51 30.85
48.14;47.62 27.36 23.5;60.59 45.45 100;100 17.27 66.62;81.08 100 82.49;13.49 41.59 44.62;28.06 46.53
33.44;26.07 80.35 25.74;86.77 16.74 61.1;54.66 47.85 76.28;83.28 41.01 70.07;31.19 76.79 59.83;91.94 13.58
43.08;100 64.41 58.41;33.62 83.4 100;100 43.15 89.02;21.33 66.89 46.74;75.64 92.93 28.62;16.5 98.53
44.51:20.7 63.78 43.15:25.18 77.46 63.64;84.36 39.15 100;80.99 100 41.96;29.23 52.13 100;42.37 96.94
100;82.66 35.35 49.04;49.5 15.25 52.31;100 48.48 29.3;17.74 79.37 61.66;70.79 91.56 100;100 25.4 79.49;48.66
12.24 95.03;30.26 17.79 44.24;100 50.95 93.58;75.65 71.24 43.76;77.29 75.18 71.28;13.05 99.17 94.14;33.39
85.98 18.94;71.73 59.11 21;73.42 82.68 100;65.95 100 47.74;56 66.97 68.55;46.03 100 28.72;16.87 96.4
82.38:22.24 49.16 41.48;22.9 75.24 45.47;100 47.32 57.37;93.16 45.16 47.3;91.47 12.82 23.15;80.39 41.36
27.62;16.52 38.72 49.17;20.19 16.52 57.91;99.33 25.34 25.41;56.45 75.04 46.7;73.11 58.56 29.5;34.04 33.42
38.83;100 84.39 75.99;79.31 100 100;98.65 54.32 50.92;83.95 47.98 83.07;30.07 52.99 100;43.37 28.39
29.7;66.52 48.02 59.68;74.84 67.33 81.69;53.19 83.8 82.1;80.47 23.08 35.4;72.12 26.27 100;99.28 28.45
95.46;100 30.54 77.02;100 56.17 46.73;29.78 94.1 48.11;24.8 78.66 49.27;68.81 18.18 80.94;91.94 100
84.39;100 65.32 88.14;51.89 64.01 44.86;97.14 54.76 100;17.74 55.15 44.5;88.36 18 100;61.82 29.58
22.58;76.34 41.01 29.74;81.58 100 31.46;30.4 57.89 49.84;66.75 42.2 57.48;38.21 100 21.27;38.9 36.86
87.78;58.45 27.26 96.59;100 31.76 100;98.88 32.26 63.1;68.04 31.39 78.8;76 25.95 82.87;15.73 26.65 100;100
96.51 58.19;59.91 17.65 68;15.74 100 64.35;21.71 95.59 64.52;15.03 92.8 74.72;64.56 95.25 83.04;61.06 67.91
57.43;76.99 20.53 50.27;23.41 42 100;31.73 73.98 80.1;97.08 81.46 93.87;100 100 87.36;68.08 16.46 100;29.24
31.18 100;17.28 9 78.15;60.18 67.11 65.15;59.74 45.62 19.49;71.57 68.87 71.12;78.5 26.35 84.65]
(a) Use the colon operator to extract the marks from C02, and then find the average of those marks (using the
'sum' and 'length' commands).
(b) Use vertical concatenation to create a single column vector consisting of all of the marks from all 3 sections.
Then find the overall class average.](/v2/_next/image?url=https%3A%2F%2Fcontent.bartleby.com%2Fqna-images%2Fquestion%2F322742eb-4a31-4e3c-832a-7268262542b0%2F395ca13f-dfef-41ca-a0a0-ead330553357%2Ftxe2ef_processed.png&w=3840&q=75)
Transcribed Image Text:#2: Consider the below matrix A, which you can copy and paste directly into Matlab. The matrix contains 3 columns,
which represent the final grades in a course with 3 sections of equal size. The first column is C01, the second is
C02, and the third is C03.
A = [68.88 66.64 70.25;27.45 100 79.78;29.25 99.88 75.58;17.73 100 53.45;41.92 19.4 70.29;53.19 60.43
100;39.54 98.3 51.53;32.91 36.16 66.27;91.37 8.43 100;62.59 10.27 62.79;14.08 100 20.7;100 51.62 30.88;57.07
51.6 22.53;100 29.75 34.26;100 78.33 26.25;14.08 32.78 92.14;40.19 59.41 100;24.5 87.47 89.67;93.96 37.91
25.59;37.92 69.85 87.69;83.27 16.73 100;100 67.95 97.42;36.77 76.99 90.6;16.19 70.39 37.79;26.03 50.01
100;70.99 88.25 63.53;67.81 67.55 90.1;21.83 55.98 100;62.62 51.09 26.82;27.01 100 51.99;47.18 70.81
66.3;100 83.66 70.1;55.09 79.98 43.93;76.27 92.06 100;50.04 91.1 99.7;52.47 49.4 78.1;96.4 41.63 23.24;49.5
22.72 77.99:49.43 80.13 38.81;81.35 67 62.88;65.68 71.52 100;60.86 76.01 20.63;90.06 84.06 100;98.83 19.09
70.52:50.24 13.1 61.27;90.65 29.18 94.48;97.39 54.79 44.69;100 55.6 61.47;34.7 46.43 53.47;42.51 30.85
48.14;47.62 27.36 23.5;60.59 45.45 100;100 17.27 66.62;81.08 100 82.49;13.49 41.59 44.62;28.06 46.53
33.44;26.07 80.35 25.74;86.77 16.74 61.1;54.66 47.85 76.28;83.28 41.01 70.07;31.19 76.79 59.83;91.94 13.58
43.08;100 64.41 58.41;33.62 83.4 100;100 43.15 89.02;21.33 66.89 46.74;75.64 92.93 28.62;16.5 98.53
44.51:20.7 63.78 43.15:25.18 77.46 63.64;84.36 39.15 100;80.99 100 41.96;29.23 52.13 100;42.37 96.94
100;82.66 35.35 49.04;49.5 15.25 52.31;100 48.48 29.3;17.74 79.37 61.66;70.79 91.56 100;100 25.4 79.49;48.66
12.24 95.03;30.26 17.79 44.24;100 50.95 93.58;75.65 71.24 43.76;77.29 75.18 71.28;13.05 99.17 94.14;33.39
85.98 18.94;71.73 59.11 21;73.42 82.68 100;65.95 100 47.74;56 66.97 68.55;46.03 100 28.72;16.87 96.4
82.38:22.24 49.16 41.48;22.9 75.24 45.47;100 47.32 57.37;93.16 45.16 47.3;91.47 12.82 23.15;80.39 41.36
27.62;16.52 38.72 49.17;20.19 16.52 57.91;99.33 25.34 25.41;56.45 75.04 46.7;73.11 58.56 29.5;34.04 33.42
38.83;100 84.39 75.99;79.31 100 100;98.65 54.32 50.92;83.95 47.98 83.07;30.07 52.99 100;43.37 28.39
29.7;66.52 48.02 59.68;74.84 67.33 81.69;53.19 83.8 82.1;80.47 23.08 35.4;72.12 26.27 100;99.28 28.45
95.46;100 30.54 77.02;100 56.17 46.73;29.78 94.1 48.11;24.8 78.66 49.27;68.81 18.18 80.94;91.94 100
84.39;100 65.32 88.14;51.89 64.01 44.86;97.14 54.76 100;17.74 55.15 44.5;88.36 18 100;61.82 29.58
22.58;76.34 41.01 29.74;81.58 100 31.46;30.4 57.89 49.84;66.75 42.2 57.48;38.21 100 21.27;38.9 36.86
87.78;58.45 27.26 96.59;100 31.76 100;98.88 32.26 63.1;68.04 31.39 78.8;76 25.95 82.87;15.73 26.65 100;100
96.51 58.19;59.91 17.65 68;15.74 100 64.35;21.71 95.59 64.52;15.03 92.8 74.72;64.56 95.25 83.04;61.06 67.91
57.43;76.99 20.53 50.27;23.41 42 100;31.73 73.98 80.1;97.08 81.46 93.87;100 100 87.36;68.08 16.46 100;29.24
31.18 100;17.28 9 78.15;60.18 67.11 65.15;59.74 45.62 19.49;71.57 68.87 71.12;78.5 26.35 84.65]
(a) Use the colon operator to extract the marks from C02, and then find the average of those marks (using the
'sum' and 'length' commands).
(b) Use vertical concatenation to create a single column vector consisting of all of the marks from all 3 sections.
Then find the overall class average.
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