12. ANOVA for Verbal SAT as a Predictor of GPAHow well does a student’s Verbal SAT score (on an 800-point scale) predict future college grade point average (on a four-point scale)? Computer output for this regression analysis is shown below, using the data in StudentSurvey. The regression equation is GPA=2.03+0.00189VerbalSAT Analysis of Variance Source DF SS MS F P Regression 1 6.8029 6.8029 48.84 0.000 Residual Error 343 47.7760 0.1393 Total 344 54.5788 VerbalSAT GPA 540 3.13 520 2.5 550 2.55 490 3.1 720 2.7 600 3.2 640 2.77 660 3.3 550 2.8 670 3.7 500 2.09 580 530 2.9 650 3.08 700 590 3.86 600 3 700 3 610 3.35 550 3.3 550 3.4 560 2.9 560 3.5 550 3 550 3.3 700 3.7 610 3.48 570 3.4 550 2.5 500 3.3 610 3.5 610 3.79 500 3.3 640 2.9 490 2.68 560 3.28 560 3.51 470 2.6 680 3.85 570 2.4 630 3.4 580 2.4 550 3 490 3.1 590 2.94 620 3.31 560 3.3 630 2.9 600 3.4 550 3.16 590 640 3.84 650 3.6 420 2.36 500 2.9 620 3 600 3.3 580 3.7 490 2.9 630 3.6 600 3.56 590 3.7 550 4 600 3.4 500 600 3.3 600 3.1 650 2.5 650 3.2 560 3.1 540 3.5 640 3 690 3.25 600 2.4 610 3.22 610 600 580 3.64 560 3.5 620 2.5 620 3.4 630 430 3.25 640 3.7 490 2.1 550 2.8 690 3.49 550 3.83 600 530 2.7 520 2.8 660 3.13 800 3.62 560 2 610 3.6 660 4 650 3.1 680 2.6 550 3.7 660 3.57 650 2.9 620 3.15 530 3.88 670 3.5 640 2.8 680 670 2.9 730 3.21 580 3.5 610 3.33 580 3 620 3.5 680 3.95 570 2.1 500 3 800 3 610 3.75 550 2.5 600 3.4 660 3.4 640 3.14 560 2.6 600 3.4 480 2.7 650 3.15 520 2.2 640 3.5 610 2.9 450 2.5 700 3.5 540 3.6 550 3.1 640 3 560 3 530 3.8 620 3.15 550 2.75 520 2.8 660 3 470 3.1 570 2.27 560 2.8 520 3.02 560 2.93 600 3.2 400 3 540 3 400 2.7 530 3.2 530 2.9 517 3 620 2.72 590 3.3 590 620 2.22 540 3.26 490 3.5 540 3.1 640 3.3 620 3.29 680 800 3.69 510 2.65 620 3.25 670 2.8 560 3.36 630 2.97 590 3.31 630 3.05 470 2.2 550 3.3 690 3.45 660 3.83 600 3 700 3.35 660 2.4 540 3.1 520 3.4 550 2.82 600 2.9 600 3.4 520 3.2 490 3.2 600 3.8 620 3.57 530 3.33 550 2.9 600 3.2 610 3.1 550 3.25 560 3.4 670 3.8 610 3.38 660 3.88 630 2.75 520 2.9 670 3.6 550 2.8 560 2.2 390 600 3.3 560 2.85 610 3.37 710 3.5 710 3.55 560 3.2 600 2.47 540 2.72 600 3.4 600 550 3.4 550 3.1 620 3.1 550 2.94 570 3 530 570 3.6 620 3.6 520 3.5 620 3.4 520 3.5 680 3 630 2.75 730 3.56 440 2.7 670 3.68 500 3.5 630 3.5 680 3.4 530 2.6 630 3.25 600 3.3 700 3.2 590 2.9 670 3.85 780 3.4 660 3.4 600 510 2.7 800 3.81 740 3.4 780 3.23 440 3.1 700 2.89 660 2.81 520 3 600 3.77 760 3.3 680 3 520 2.9 510 3.5 600 3.6 650 3.7 700 3.2 650 2.87 520 3.3 580 3.3 600 3.45 520 3.1 750 3.71 650 3.3 550 3.3 650 640 3.73 660 3.13 640 3.89 530 3.05 690 3.2 630 3.25 600 2.9 560 3 720 3.5 610 3.5 720 3.6 590 3.4 620 3.25 550 2.7 800 3.78 670 4 550 3 620 3.3 520 2.8 440 2.5 720 3.5 390 2.8 560 3.4 570 3 660 3.27 620 3.5 660 3 630 3.6 610 3.25 540 3 570 2.75 600 2.9 600 3 530 3 560 2.9 560 3.36 500 3.25 560 3.5 500 2.76 640 660 2.75 550 3.25 630 3 700 2.8 560 3.4 580 3.25 800 3.5 460 3.05 700 3.18 660 3 500 2.23 600 3.4 650 3.3 640 3.43 620 3.88 570 3.45 540 3 670 3 620 3.18 650 2.2 560 3.29 480 3.5 460 2.8 500 2.9 680 3.5 550 2.5 630 3.25 620 2.9 560 3.66 590 3.01 530 2.25 690 3.2 550 3.35 600 3 610 3 600 3.48 750 2.88 470 2.6 550 2.75 540 3.3 530 3.25 540 3.3 680 3.2 510 2.6 500 3 680 3.25 500 3.3 570 3.25 540 2.83 550 3.3 680 3.6 630 3.7 650 2.83 680 3.3 550 3.44 600 3 540 3.27 550 2.3 500 2.6 (a) What is the predicted grade point average of a student who receives a 510 on the verbal SAT exam?Round your answer to two decimal places. (b) Use the information in the ANOVA table to determine the number of students included in the dataset. (c) Use the information in the ANOVA table to compute R2.Round your answer to one decimal place.
Correlation defines a relationship between two independent variables. It tells the degree to which variables move in relation to each other. When two sets of data are related to each other, there is a correlation between them.
Linear Correlation
A correlation is used to determine the relationships between numerical and categorical variables. In other words, it is an indicator of how things are connected to one another. The correlation analysis is the study of how variables are related.
Regression Analysis
Regression analysis is a statistical method in which it estimates the relationship between a dependent variable and one or more independent variable. In simple terms dependent variable is called as outcome variable and independent variable is called as predictors. Regression analysis is one of the methods to find the trends in data. The independent variable used in Regression analysis is named Predictor variable. It offers data of an associated dependent variable regarding a particular outcome.
12. ANOVA for Verbal SAT as a Predictor of GPA
How well does a student’s Verbal SAT score (on an 800-point scale) predict future college grade point average (on a four-point scale)? Computer output for this
The regression equation is GPA=2.03+0.00189VerbalSAT | |||||
Analysis of Variance | |||||
Source | DF | SS | MS | F | P |
Regression | 1 | 6.8029 | 6.8029 | 48.84 | 0.000 |
Residual Error |
343 | 47.7760 | 0.1393 | ||
Total | 344 | 54.5788 |
VerbalSAT | GPA |
540 | 3.13 |
520 | 2.5 |
550 | 2.55 |
490 | 3.1 |
720 | 2.7 |
600 | 3.2 |
640 | 2.77 |
660 | 3.3 |
550 | 2.8 |
670 | 3.7 |
500 | 2.09 |
580 | |
530 | 2.9 |
650 | 3.08 |
700 | |
590 | 3.86 |
600 | 3 |
700 | 3 |
610 | 3.35 |
550 | 3.3 |
550 | 3.4 |
560 | 2.9 |
560 | 3.5 |
550 | 3 |
550 | 3.3 |
700 | 3.7 |
610 | 3.48 |
570 | 3.4 |
550 | 2.5 |
500 | 3.3 |
610 | 3.5 |
610 | 3.79 |
500 | 3.3 |
640 | 2.9 |
490 | 2.68 |
560 | 3.28 |
560 | 3.51 |
470 | 2.6 |
680 | 3.85 |
570 | 2.4 |
630 | 3.4 |
580 | 2.4 |
550 | 3 |
490 | 3.1 |
590 | 2.94 |
620 | 3.31 |
560 | 3.3 |
630 | 2.9 |
600 | 3.4 |
550 | 3.16 |
590 | |
640 | 3.84 |
650 | 3.6 |
420 | 2.36 |
500 | 2.9 |
620 | 3 |
600 | 3.3 |
580 | 3.7 |
490 | 2.9 |
630 | 3.6 |
600 | 3.56 |
590 | 3.7 |
550 | 4 |
600 | 3.4 |
500 | |
600 | 3.3 |
600 | 3.1 |
650 | 2.5 |
650 | 3.2 |
560 | 3.1 |
540 | 3.5 |
640 | 3 |
690 | 3.25 |
600 | 2.4 |
610 | 3.22 |
610 | |
600 | |
580 | 3.64 |
560 | 3.5 |
620 | 2.5 |
620 | 3.4 |
630 | |
430 | 3.25 |
640 | 3.7 |
490 | 2.1 |
550 | 2.8 |
690 | 3.49 |
550 | 3.83 |
600 | |
530 | 2.7 |
520 | 2.8 |
660 | 3.13 |
800 | 3.62 |
560 | 2 |
610 | 3.6 |
660 | 4 |
650 | 3.1 |
680 | 2.6 |
550 | 3.7 |
660 | 3.57 |
650 | 2.9 |
620 | 3.15 |
530 | 3.88 |
670 | 3.5 |
640 | 2.8 |
680 | |
670 | 2.9 |
730 | 3.21 |
580 | 3.5 |
610 | 3.33 |
580 | 3 |
620 | 3.5 |
680 | 3.95 |
570 | 2.1 |
500 | 3 |
800 | 3 |
610 | 3.75 |
550 | 2.5 |
600 | 3.4 |
660 | 3.4 |
640 | 3.14 |
560 | 2.6 |
600 | 3.4 |
480 | 2.7 |
650 | 3.15 |
520 | 2.2 |
640 | 3.5 |
610 | 2.9 |
450 | 2.5 |
700 | 3.5 |
540 | 3.6 |
550 | 3.1 |
640 | 3 |
560 | 3 |
530 | 3.8 |
620 | 3.15 |
550 | 2.75 |
520 | 2.8 |
660 | 3 |
470 | 3.1 |
570 | 2.27 |
560 | 2.8 |
520 | 3.02 |
560 | 2.93 |
600 | 3.2 |
400 | 3 |
540 | 3 |
400 | 2.7 |
530 | 3.2 |
530 | 2.9 |
517 | 3 |
620 | 2.72 |
590 | 3.3 |
590 | |
620 | 2.22 |
540 | 3.26 |
490 | 3.5 |
540 | 3.1 |
640 | 3.3 |
620 | 3.29 |
680 | |
800 | 3.69 |
510 | 2.65 |
620 | 3.25 |
670 | 2.8 |
560 | 3.36 |
630 | 2.97 |
590 | 3.31 |
630 | 3.05 |
470 | 2.2 |
550 | 3.3 |
690 | 3.45 |
660 | 3.83 |
600 | 3 |
700 | 3.35 |
660 | 2.4 |
540 | 3.1 |
520 | 3.4 |
550 | 2.82 |
600 | 2.9 |
600 | 3.4 |
520 | 3.2 |
490 | 3.2 |
600 | 3.8 |
620 | 3.57 |
530 | 3.33 |
550 | 2.9 |
600 | 3.2 |
610 | 3.1 |
550 | 3.25 |
560 | 3.4 |
670 | 3.8 |
610 | 3.38 |
660 | 3.88 |
630 | 2.75 |
520 | 2.9 |
670 | 3.6 |
550 | 2.8 |
560 | 2.2 |
390 | |
600 | 3.3 |
560 | 2.85 |
610 | 3.37 |
710 | 3.5 |
710 | 3.55 |
560 | 3.2 |
600 | 2.47 |
540 | 2.72 |
600 | 3.4 |
600 | |
550 | 3.4 |
550 | 3.1 |
620 | 3.1 |
550 | 2.94 |
570 | 3 |
530 | |
570 | 3.6 |
620 | 3.6 |
520 | 3.5 |
620 | 3.4 |
520 | 3.5 |
680 | 3 |
630 | 2.75 |
730 | 3.56 |
440 | 2.7 |
670 | 3.68 |
500 | 3.5 |
630 | 3.5 |
680 | 3.4 |
530 | 2.6 |
630 | 3.25 |
600 | 3.3 |
700 | 3.2 |
590 | 2.9 |
670 | 3.85 |
780 | 3.4 |
660 | 3.4 |
600 | |
510 | 2.7 |
800 | 3.81 |
740 | 3.4 |
780 | 3.23 |
440 | 3.1 |
700 | 2.89 |
660 | 2.81 |
520 | 3 |
600 | 3.77 |
760 | 3.3 |
680 | 3 |
520 | 2.9 |
510 | 3.5 |
600 | 3.6 |
650 | 3.7 |
700 | 3.2 |
650 | 2.87 |
520 | 3.3 |
580 | 3.3 |
600 | 3.45 |
520 | 3.1 |
750 | 3.71 |
650 | 3.3 |
550 | 3.3 |
650 | |
640 | 3.73 |
660 | 3.13 |
640 | 3.89 |
530 | 3.05 |
690 | 3.2 |
630 | 3.25 |
600 | 2.9 |
560 | 3 |
720 | 3.5 |
610 | 3.5 |
720 | 3.6 |
590 | 3.4 |
620 | 3.25 |
550 | 2.7 |
800 | 3.78 |
670 | 4 |
550 | 3 |
620 | 3.3 |
520 | 2.8 |
440 | 2.5 |
720 | 3.5 |
390 | 2.8 |
560 | 3.4 |
570 | 3 |
660 | 3.27 |
620 | 3.5 |
660 | 3 |
630 | 3.6 |
610 | 3.25 |
540 | 3 |
570 | 2.75 |
600 | 2.9 |
600 | 3 |
530 | 3 |
560 | 2.9 |
560 | 3.36 |
500 | 3.25 |
560 | 3.5 |
500 | 2.76 |
640 | |
660 | 2.75 |
550 | 3.25 |
630 | 3 |
700 | 2.8 |
560 | 3.4 |
580 | 3.25 |
800 | 3.5 |
460 | 3.05 |
700 | 3.18 |
660 | 3 |
500 | 2.23 |
600 | 3.4 |
650 | 3.3 |
640 | 3.43 |
620 | 3.88 |
570 | 3.45 |
540 | 3 |
670 | 3 |
620 | 3.18 |
650 | 2.2 |
560 | 3.29 |
480 | 3.5 |
460 | 2.8 |
500 | 2.9 |
680 | 3.5 |
550 | 2.5 |
630 | 3.25 |
620 | 2.9 |
560 | 3.66 |
590 | 3.01 |
530 | 2.25 |
690 | 3.2 |
550 | 3.35 |
600 | 3 |
610 | 3 |
600 | 3.48 |
750 | 2.88 |
470 | 2.6 |
550 | 2.75 |
540 | 3.3 |
530 | 3.25 |
540 | 3.3 |
680 | 3.2 |
510 | 2.6 |
500 | 3 |
680 | 3.25 |
500 | 3.3 |
570 | 3.25 |
540 | 2.83 |
550 | 3.3 |
680 | 3.6 |
630 | 3.7 |
650 | 2.83 |
680 | 3.3 |
550 | 3.44 |
600 | 3 |
540 | 3.27 |
550 | 2.3 |
500 | 2.6 |
(a) What is the predicted grade point average of a student who receives a 510 on the verbal SAT exam?
Round your answer to two decimal places.
(b) Use the information in the ANOVA table to determine the number of students included in the dataset.
(c) Use the information in the ANOVA table to compute R2.
Round your answer to one decimal place.

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