100 900 Amazon purchasing@amazon.com 20000. 0 210 Nordstrom purchasing@nordstrom.com 50000.0 10 Rutgers purchasing@rutgers.edu 32000.0 520 Alamo purchasing@alamo.com 23000.0 1 Kean purchasing@kean.edu 158000.5 100 Allied purchasing@allied.com 85300.0 950 JoesInc purchasing@joesinc.com 999999.0 697 BostonU purchasing@tufts.edu 340020.23 310 TruckersInc purchasing@truckersinc.com 55000.0 820 Clothiers purchasing@clothiers.com 20044.0 849 RedCross purchasing@redcross.org 48900.2 125 ChocolateRus purchasing@chocolate.com 3000.5 535 CareBear purchasing@carebear.com 6000.0 331 BalloonInc purchasing@balloon.com 5100.5 345 TiresInc purchasing@tires.com 211 JeweleryInc purchasing@jewelery.com 52000.0 2 Vassar purchasing@vassar.edu 53000.0 521 Hertz purchasing@hertz.com 22200.0 9 JCU purchasing@jcu.edu 135678.5 120 Enterprise purchasing@enterprise.com 75300.0 958 Avis purchasing@avis.com 89999.0 699 Tufts purchasing@tufts.edu 340020.23 910 Truckers2Corp purchasing@truckers2corp.com 55000.0 825 LandsEnd purchasing@landsend.com 20054.0 853 TheFutureProject purchasing@tfp.org 48920.2 225 Bromilows purchasing@bromilows.com 3300.5 539 Thrifty purchasing@thrify.com 6600.0 339 FlowersRus purchasing@flowers.com 59300.5 660 Prudential purchasing@prudential.com 28900.0 567 MassMutual purchasing@massmutual.com 5890.0 111 Montclair purchasing@montclair.edu 39800.0 578 SaveTheChildren purchasing@savechildren.com 28760.0 154 NJDOE purchasing@njdoe.gov 158000.5 333 ShopRite purchasing@shoprite.com 82100.0 943 Turtles purchasing@turtles.com 88888.0 901 Brandeis purchasing@brandeis.edu 340020.23 610 TruckersRus purchasing@truckersrus.com 54000.0 821 Clothier&Son purchasing@clothiersson.com 20044.0 823 MLH purchasing@mlh.org 900.2 725 Calandras purchasing@calandra.com 43000.5 536 PinkElephant purchasing@pinkelephant.com 600.0 338 Essie purchasing@essie.com 5000.5 348 Uber purchasing@uber.com 1500.0 157 NYDOE purchasing@nydoe.gov 12000.5 213 Zales purchasing@zales.com 54300.0 0.07 322 Columbia purchasing@columbia.edu 54500.0 555 CheapCars purchasing@cheapcars.com 23210.0 99 NJIT purchasing@NJIT.edu 13978.5 0.08 0.07 education 0.05 education 0.06 0.03 education 0.10 0.05 non-profit 0.1 0.08 0.06 0.0 0.07 0.08 education 0.07 education 0.06 0.03 education 0.10 0.04 other 0.5 0.07 0.08 0.07 0.08 education non-profit other 0.07 0.08 education 0.08 0.05 other 0.7 0.05 0.07 0.05 other education 0.09 education 358 DAV purchasing@dav.org 4860.2 852 LLBean purchasing@llbean.com 2234.0 238 ArthritisREU purchasing@arthritisreu.org 4890.2 902 Etsy purchasing@etsy.com 20400.0 212 BedBath purchasing@Bedbath.com 55000.0 11 UPenn purchasing@upenn.edu 350000.0 522 EnginesRus purchasing@enginesrus.com 23500.0 8 SetonHall purchasing@setonhall.edu 158090.5 108 TiresToGo purchasing@tirestogo.com 8300. 0 956 Billshop purchasing@billshop.com 9999.0 798 NorthEastern purchasing@northeastern.edu 40020.23 318 Chocolatiers purchasing@chocolatiers.com 59000.0 819 DunkinDonuts purchasing@dunkingdonuts.com 2044.0 850 DiabetesOrg purchasing@diabetes.org 4900.2 126 Beans purchasing@beans.com 1000.5 538 BabyGap purchasing@babygap.com 6100.0 334 PartyStore purchasing@partystore.com 500.5 349 Threads purchasing@threads.com 29000.0 218 ColorsInc purchasing@colorsinc.com 2000.0 12 CountyCollegel purchasing@ccl.edu 5000.0 531 BusinessRUs purchasing@businessrus.com 1200.0 109 CountyCollege2 purchasing@cc2.edu 1678.5 128 Business2 purchasing@business2.com 5300.0 959 Oleander purchasing@oleander.com 2999.0 698 Harvard purchasing@harvard.edu 34020.23 914 TaxisInc purchasing@taxisinc.com 5000.0 829 Jjill purchasing@jjill.com 2054.0 859 CSTA purchasing@csta.org 4820.2 229 Godiva purchasing@godiva.com 3100.5 540 DryCleaners purchasing@drycleaners.com 6800.0 332 Macys purchasing@macys.com 58200.5 669 CADOE purchasing@cadoe.gov.com 2900.0 561 Prudential purchasing@prudential.com 58290.0 112 Linden purchasing@linden.gov 3800.0 579 FoodPantry purchasingefoodpantry.org 25760.0 159 WADOE purchasing@wadoe.gov 18000.5 377 StopandShop purchasing@stopandshop.com 8100.0 953 WholeFoods purchasing@wholefoods.com 8888.0 907 FIT purchasing@fit.edu 30020.23 690 CarRentall purchasing@carrentall.com 5400.0 851 Officel purchasing@officel..com 2044.0 822 CodeHS purchasing@codehs.org 1000.2 727 Bakeryl purchasing@bakery1.com 4000.5 539 BabyToys purchasing@babytoys.com 6000.0 3 Google purchasing@google.com 500.5 19 NYYankees purchasing@nyyankees.com 15500.0 155 Census purchasing@census.gov 102000.5 110 Fridays purchasing@fridays.com 5300.0 328 CUNY purchasing@cuny.edu 5500.0 non-profit 0.03 other 0.03 0.05 education 0.06 education 0.06 0.08 education 0.03 0.06 non-profit 0.03 0.07 0.03 0.05 0.06 education 0.08 education 0.02 0.04 education 0.09 0.05 other 0.06 0.05 0.07 other 0.07 other non-profit other 0.06 0.06 education 0.04 0.05 other 0.07 0.04 0.01 0.07 other 0.06 education
The fields below repeat for each customer:
o Customer name (String)
o Customer ID (numeric integer) o Bill balance (numeric)
o EmailAddress (String)
o Tax liability (numeric or String)
The customers served by the office supply store are of two types: tax-exempt or non-tax- exempt. For a tax-exempt customer, the tax liability field on the file is the reason for the tax exemptions: education, non-profit, government, other (String). For a non-tax exempt customer, the tax liability field is the percent of tax that the customer will pay (numeric) based on the state where the customer’s business resides.
Program requirements:
From the information provided, write a solution that includes the following:
A suitable inheritance hierarchy which represents the customers serviced by the office supply company. It is up to you how to design the inheritance hierarchy. I suggest a Customer class and appropriate subclasses..
For all classes include the following:
o Instance variables o Constructors
o Accessor and mutator methods o Suitable toString() methods
o Any other appropriate methods
Write a class xxxx_program5 which utilizes the following:
o An Array of Customer objects
o A method which reads the input file provided and stores the objects in the array of Customers.
o A method which sorts the array of Customers in ascending order by the customer ID.
o A method that formats and prints the output report. The report should include the following requirements:
Report header at the start of each page showing the name of the company, report and page number.
Report headers for each column of information.
One Customer per line.
At most 45 Customers per page.
All money amounts and percentages should be displayed with 2
decimal places and commas after each thousand.
o A sample report is shown at the end of the assignment. The report produced does not have to exactly match the sample output provided but must contain all required components listed above.
Theres no way for me to upload the txt file

Step by step
Solved in 3 steps with 2 images