Write a function that gets a binary tree representing an arithmetic expression and returns a string containing the expression. For operations we use the following enum.
enum {PLUS = '+', MINUS = '-', MULT = '*', DIV = '/'};
// converts a arithmetic expression from tree to string
char* get_arithmetic_expression(const BTnode_t* expression)
The expression must have parentheses for each operation (except for the outermost parentheses), and all tokens (numbers and operations) must be separated by a single space. See more examples for the exact format in the test file.
** Negative values are allowed,
** You may assume that all numbers are at most 3 digits long (incl. minus sign)
** YOu may assume the expression is alway legal
** You may find the function sprintf() useful here. The function is similar to printf(), but prints to string, e.g, sprintf(str, “%d”, 15); prints 15 to str.
struct representing node in the binary tree:
struct BTnode {
int value;
struct BTnode* left;
struct BTnode* right;
struct BTnode* parent;
typedef struct BTnode BTnode_t;
test for the function:
bool test_q2() {
// creates the following tree
// +
// / \
// * +
// / \ / \
// 3 - 5 /
// / \ / \
// 9 7 8 -2
BTnode_t* root_plus = create_node(PLUS);
BTnode_t* mult = create_node(MULT);
BTnode_t* plus = create_node(PLUS);
BTnode_t* minus = create_node(MINUS);
BTnode_t* div = create_node(DIV);
BTnode_t* neg_two = create_node(-2);
BTnode_t* three = create_node(3);
BTnode_t* five = create_node(5);
BTnode_t* seven = create_node(7);
BTnode_t* eight = create_node(8);
BTnode_t* nine = create_node(9);
set_left_child(root_plus, mult);
set_right_child(root_plus, plus);
set_left_child(mult, three);
set_right_child(mult, minus);
set_left_child(plus, five);
set_right_child(plus, div);
set_left_child(minus, nine);
set_right_child(minus, seven);
set_left_child(div, eight);
set_right_child(div, neg_two);
char* ans8 = get_arithmetic_expression(eight);
boolcheck8 = (ans8 && strcmp(ans8, "8") == 0);
if (check8)
printf("Q2: 8 ok\n");
printf("Q2: 8 ERROR: %s\n", ans8);
char* ans_neg_two = get_arithmetic_expression(neg_two);
boolcheck_neg_two = (ans_neg_two && strcmp(ans_neg_two, "-2") == 0);
if (check_neg_two)
printf("Q2: -2 ok\n");
printf("Q2: -2 ERROR: %s\n", ans_neg_two);
char* ans_minus = get_arithmetic_expression(minus);
boolcheck_minus = (ans_minus && strcmp(ans_minus, "9 - 7") == 0);
if (check_minus)
printf("Q2: 9-7 ok\n");
printf("Q2: 9-7 ERROR: %s\n", ans_minus);
char* ans_mult = get_arithmetic_expression(mult);
boolcheck_mult = (ans_mult && strcmp(ans_mult, "3 * ( 9 - 7 )") == 0);
if (check_mult)
printf("Q2: 3*(9-7) ok\n");
printf("Q2: 3*(9-7) ERROR: %s\n", ans_mult);
charcorrect_ans[] = "( 3 * ( 9 - 7 ) ) + ( 5 + ( 8 / -2 ) )";
char* ans_root = get_arithmetic_expression(root_plus);
boolcheck_rook = (ans_root && strcmp(ans_root, correct_ans) == 0);
if (check_rook)
printf("Q2: root ok\n");
printf("Q2: root ERROR: %s\n", ans_root);
return true;
Library for the function:
BTnode_t* create_node(int val) {
BTnode_t* newNode = (BTnode_t*) malloc(sizeof(BTnode_t));
newNode->value = val;
newNode->left = NULL;
newNode->right = NULL;
newNode->parent = NULL;
void set_left_child(BTnode_t* parent, BTnode_t* left_child) {
if (parent)
parent->left = left_child;
if (left_child)
left_child->parent = parent;
void set_right_child(BTnode_t* parent, BTnode_t* right_child) {
if (parent)
parent->right = right_child;
if (right_child)
right_child->parent = parent;
void print_pre_order(BTnode_t* root) {
if (root == NULL)
printf("%d ", root->value);
void print_in_order(BTnode_t* root) {
if (root == NULL)
printf("%d ", root->value);
void print_post_order(BTnode_t* root) {
if (root == NULL)
printf("%d ", root->value);