1. Download the financial statements of Gulf Mushroom Products Company 2022 from the Muscat Securities Market website (Muscat Stock Exchange (msx.om)) 2. Calculate the following ratios: A) Dividend coverage b) Interest coverage C) P/E ratio D) gross profit margin E) return on assets f) Current ratio g) Quick ratio h) Earnings per share 3. Analyzing and interpreting ratios 4. Based on your analysis and interpretation, prepare a detailed and effective report to management on the company's performance for 2022. Statement of Financial position. Current/non-current STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION CONSOLIDATED AND SEPARATE ASSETS NON-CURRENT ASSETS Property, plant and equipment Right-of-use assets Total non-current assets CURRENT ASSETS Current inventories Trade and other current receivables Cash and bank balances Total current assets other than non-current assets or disposal groups classified as held for sale or as held for distribution to owners. Total current assets Total assets EQUITY AND LIABILITIES EQUITY Issued capital Statutory reserve Other reserves Retained earnings (accumulated Losses) Total equity LIABILITIES NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES NON-CURRENT PROVISIONS Non-current provisions for employee benefits Total non-current provisiom Borrowings, non current Non-current lease liabilities Deferred tax liabilities Total non-current liabilities CURRENT LIABILITIES CURRENT PROVISIONS Trade and other current payables Borrowings, current Current lease liabilities Current tax liabilities, current Total current liabilities other than liabilities included in disposal groups classified as held for sale Tatal current liabilities Total liabilities Total equity and liabilities Number of outstanding shares Net assets per share. Income Statement - Function of expense PROFIT OR LOSS CONSOLIDATED AND SEPARATE PROFIT (LOSS) Revenue Cost of sales Gross profit Other income General and administrative expense Actuals Oman Standalone 31/12/2022 12.579,229 21,291 12.600,520 Subclassifications of Assets, Liabilities and Equity, Current, Non-current SUBCLASSIFICATIONS OF ASSETS, LIABILITIES AND EQUITIES CONSOLIDATED AND SEPARATE ASSETS NON-CURRENT ASSETS EXPLORATION AND EVALUATION ASSETS INVESTMENT ACCOUNTED FOR USING EQUITY METHOD INVESTMENT PROPERTIES INVESTMENT PROPERTIES AT COST INVESTMENT PROPERTIES AT FAIR VALUE OTHER NON-CURRENT NON-FINANCIAL ASSETS Actuals Omani Standalone 31/12/2022 4,160,527 1,036,548 Finished goods Current spare parts Other inventories 2.187.593 1,600,816 CURRENT ASSETS 752.858 4,541,267 INVENTORIES Raw materials Work in progress 4,541.267 Current packaging and storage materials 17,141,787 Current fuel Allowance for slow moving and obsolete inventories Total inventories, current 1,020,110 415,764 205,677 177,519 366,375 13,807 39,073 50,732 2.187.591 1.392,295 TRADE AND OTHER CURRENT RECEIVABLES 2.582.667 Accounts receivables 1,427,495 9.172.037 PREPAYMENTS, ADVANCES AND ACCRUED INCOME Prepayments 29,912 Advances 64,116 Total prepayments and accrued income 94,028 411,316 411,316 3,741,651 8.575 590.993 4,752,535 Other receivables Allowance for expected credit losses Total trade and other current receivables CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS CASH Cash on hand 87373 8,080 1,600,816 Balances with banka 8,317 744,541 1,489,635 1,470,881 K168 248,529 3.217.215 3,217,215 7.969.750 17,141,787 41605271 0.220 ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS WERE APPROVE ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS, 31/12/2022 Page Actuals/O Total cash 752,858 Standalone 01/01/2022-31/12/2022 Stan 01/01 CASH EQUIVALENTS Total cash and cash equivalents 752.858 Total cash and bank balances 752.858 OTHER CURRENT NON-FINANCIALASSETS EQUITY OTHER RESERVES Special and general reserve 12.405 9,812,998 Revaluation surplus Total reserves 1,379,890 1,392,295 5,104,326 LIABILITIES 4,708,672 27,259 NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES Employee End of Term Benefits, non current 1,892,684 724,480 NON-CURRENT PROVISIONS FOR EMPLOYEE BENEFITS Total non-current provisions for employee benefits BORROWINGS, NON CURRENT Borrowings from hanks and other financial institutions, non current Total borrowings, non current 3,741,651 3,741,651 411,316 411,316 Selling, distribution and marketing expenses CURRENT LIABILITIES Profit (loss) from operating activities 2,118,767 Finance costs 286,707 CURRENT PROVISIONS FOR EMPLOYEE BENEFITS TRADE AND OTHER CURRENT PAYABLES Trade payable 531,481 Profit (loss) before income tax, continuing operations 1,832,060 Income tax expense, continuing operations 274,021 Profit (loss) from continuing operations 1,558,039 Payables to related parties ACCRUALS AND DEFERRED INCOME Accruals Total accruals and deferred income 16,395 100,497 100,497 Other payables Net Profit/(Loss) for the period 1,558,039 Total trade and other current payables 1,489,635 BORROWINGS, CURRENT PROFIT (LOSS), ATTRIBUTABLE TO Borrowings from banks and other financial institutions, current 1,220,883 BASIC AND DILUTED EARNINGS PER SHARE Other borrowings, current 250,000 Total borrowings, current 1,470,883 BASIC EARNINGS PER SHARE Basic earnings (loss) per share from continuing operations 0.037 Total basic earnings (loss) per share 0.037 STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE COME DILUTED EARNINGS PER SHARE OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME Total diluted earnings (loss) per share 0.037 UTCOME INCOME (LOWN TO RECLAMEEMENT OF INCOME IN BRUDENT PERIODANET COMPRENDE INCOME LOW NOT TO RECLAMENT COME IN SEM ENTFER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME TO TABLE TO Statement of cash flows, indirect method STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS CONSOLIDATED AND SEPARATE CASH FLOWS FROM (USED IN) OPERATING ACTIVITIES Actuals CONSOLIDATE AND Standalone 01/01/2022-31/12/2022 Stan 01/0 Profit (loss) before tax 1,832,060 ADJUSTMENTS TO RECONCILE PROFIT (LOSS) Adjustments for depreciation and amortisation expense 633.299 Adjustments for finance costs 264,214 Adjustments for gain (loss) on disposals, property, plant and equipment 3,721 Provision for employees' end of service benefits 53,275 Adjustments for other provisions Total adjustments to reconcile profit (loss) 947,067 Cash flows from (used in) operations before changes in working capital 2.779,127 WORKING CAPITAL CHANGES Adjustments for decrease (increase) in inventories (973,134) Adjustments for decrease (increase) in trade and other receivables Adjustments for increase (decrease) in trade and other payables Total adjustments to working capital changes Cash flows from (used in) operations Income taxes paid (refund), classified as operating activities Employees end of service benefits paid (1,476) Net cash flows from (used in) opera erating activities 1,616,304 CASH FLOWS FROM (USED IN) INVESTING ACTIVITIES Purchase of property, plant and equipment, classified as investing activities 719,464 Proceeds from sales of other long-term assets, classified as investing activities 8,145 Net cash flows from (used in) investing activities (711,319) CASHI I FLOWS FROM (USED IN) FINANCING ACTIVITIES Repayments Dividends paid of borrowings 291.237 273,102 Interest paid Net cash flows from (used in) financing activities (620,303) Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents before effect of exchange rate changes 284,682 Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents 284,682 Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period 468,176 Cash and cash equivalents at end of period 752,858 304 13 M K (114,596) 33,493 (1,054,237) 1,724,890 (107,110) 55,964 Calculate financial ratios Gulf Mushroom Products Company for the year 2022 A) Dividend coverage b) Interest coverage C) P/E ratio D) gross profit margin E return on assets f) Current ratio g) Quick ratio h) Earnings per share
1. Download the financial statements of Gulf Mushroom Products Company 2022 from the Muscat Securities Market website (Muscat Stock Exchange (msx.om)) 2. Calculate the following ratios: A) Dividend coverage b) Interest coverage C) P/E ratio D) gross profit margin E) return on assets f) Current ratio g) Quick ratio h) Earnings per share 3. Analyzing and interpreting ratios 4. Based on your analysis and interpretation, prepare a detailed and effective report to management on the company's performance for 2022. Statement of Financial position. Current/non-current STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION CONSOLIDATED AND SEPARATE ASSETS NON-CURRENT ASSETS Property, plant and equipment Right-of-use assets Total non-current assets CURRENT ASSETS Current inventories Trade and other current receivables Cash and bank balances Total current assets other than non-current assets or disposal groups classified as held for sale or as held for distribution to owners. Total current assets Total assets EQUITY AND LIABILITIES EQUITY Issued capital Statutory reserve Other reserves Retained earnings (accumulated Losses) Total equity LIABILITIES NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES NON-CURRENT PROVISIONS Non-current provisions for employee benefits Total non-current provisiom Borrowings, non current Non-current lease liabilities Deferred tax liabilities Total non-current liabilities CURRENT LIABILITIES CURRENT PROVISIONS Trade and other current payables Borrowings, current Current lease liabilities Current tax liabilities, current Total current liabilities other than liabilities included in disposal groups classified as held for sale Tatal current liabilities Total liabilities Total equity and liabilities Number of outstanding shares Net assets per share. Income Statement - Function of expense PROFIT OR LOSS CONSOLIDATED AND SEPARATE PROFIT (LOSS) Revenue Cost of sales Gross profit Other income General and administrative expense Actuals Oman Standalone 31/12/2022 12.579,229 21,291 12.600,520 Subclassifications of Assets, Liabilities and Equity, Current, Non-current SUBCLASSIFICATIONS OF ASSETS, LIABILITIES AND EQUITIES CONSOLIDATED AND SEPARATE ASSETS NON-CURRENT ASSETS EXPLORATION AND EVALUATION ASSETS INVESTMENT ACCOUNTED FOR USING EQUITY METHOD INVESTMENT PROPERTIES INVESTMENT PROPERTIES AT COST INVESTMENT PROPERTIES AT FAIR VALUE OTHER NON-CURRENT NON-FINANCIAL ASSETS Actuals Omani Standalone 31/12/2022 4,160,527 1,036,548 Finished goods Current spare parts Other inventories 2.187.593 1,600,816 CURRENT ASSETS 752.858 4,541,267 INVENTORIES Raw materials Work in progress 4,541.267 Current packaging and storage materials 17,141,787 Current fuel Allowance for slow moving and obsolete inventories Total inventories, current 1,020,110 415,764 205,677 177,519 366,375 13,807 39,073 50,732 2.187.591 1.392,295 TRADE AND OTHER CURRENT RECEIVABLES 2.582.667 Accounts receivables 1,427,495 9.172.037 PREPAYMENTS, ADVANCES AND ACCRUED INCOME Prepayments 29,912 Advances 64,116 Total prepayments and accrued income 94,028 411,316 411,316 3,741,651 8.575 590.993 4,752,535 Other receivables Allowance for expected credit losses Total trade and other current receivables CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS CASH Cash on hand 87373 8,080 1,600,816 Balances with banka 8,317 744,541 1,489,635 1,470,881 K168 248,529 3.217.215 3,217,215 7.969.750 17,141,787 41605271 0.220 ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS WERE APPROVE ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS, 31/12/2022 Page Actuals/O Total cash 752,858 Standalone 01/01/2022-31/12/2022 Stan 01/01 CASH EQUIVALENTS Total cash and cash equivalents 752.858 Total cash and bank balances 752.858 OTHER CURRENT NON-FINANCIALASSETS EQUITY OTHER RESERVES Special and general reserve 12.405 9,812,998 Revaluation surplus Total reserves 1,379,890 1,392,295 5,104,326 LIABILITIES 4,708,672 27,259 NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES Employee End of Term Benefits, non current 1,892,684 724,480 NON-CURRENT PROVISIONS FOR EMPLOYEE BENEFITS Total non-current provisions for employee benefits BORROWINGS, NON CURRENT Borrowings from hanks and other financial institutions, non current Total borrowings, non current 3,741,651 3,741,651 411,316 411,316 Selling, distribution and marketing expenses CURRENT LIABILITIES Profit (loss) from operating activities 2,118,767 Finance costs 286,707 CURRENT PROVISIONS FOR EMPLOYEE BENEFITS TRADE AND OTHER CURRENT PAYABLES Trade payable 531,481 Profit (loss) before income tax, continuing operations 1,832,060 Income tax expense, continuing operations 274,021 Profit (loss) from continuing operations 1,558,039 Payables to related parties ACCRUALS AND DEFERRED INCOME Accruals Total accruals and deferred income 16,395 100,497 100,497 Other payables Net Profit/(Loss) for the period 1,558,039 Total trade and other current payables 1,489,635 BORROWINGS, CURRENT PROFIT (LOSS), ATTRIBUTABLE TO Borrowings from banks and other financial institutions, current 1,220,883 BASIC AND DILUTED EARNINGS PER SHARE Other borrowings, current 250,000 Total borrowings, current 1,470,883 BASIC EARNINGS PER SHARE Basic earnings (loss) per share from continuing operations 0.037 Total basic earnings (loss) per share 0.037 STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE COME DILUTED EARNINGS PER SHARE OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME Total diluted earnings (loss) per share 0.037 UTCOME INCOME (LOWN TO RECLAMEEMENT OF INCOME IN BRUDENT PERIODANET COMPRENDE INCOME LOW NOT TO RECLAMENT COME IN SEM ENTFER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME TO TABLE TO Statement of cash flows, indirect method STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS CONSOLIDATED AND SEPARATE CASH FLOWS FROM (USED IN) OPERATING ACTIVITIES Actuals CONSOLIDATE AND Standalone 01/01/2022-31/12/2022 Stan 01/0 Profit (loss) before tax 1,832,060 ADJUSTMENTS TO RECONCILE PROFIT (LOSS) Adjustments for depreciation and amortisation expense 633.299 Adjustments for finance costs 264,214 Adjustments for gain (loss) on disposals, property, plant and equipment 3,721 Provision for employees' end of service benefits 53,275 Adjustments for other provisions Total adjustments to reconcile profit (loss) 947,067 Cash flows from (used in) operations before changes in working capital 2.779,127 WORKING CAPITAL CHANGES Adjustments for decrease (increase) in inventories (973,134) Adjustments for decrease (increase) in trade and other receivables Adjustments for increase (decrease) in trade and other payables Total adjustments to working capital changes Cash flows from (used in) operations Income taxes paid (refund), classified as operating activities Employees end of service benefits paid (1,476) Net cash flows from (used in) opera erating activities 1,616,304 CASH FLOWS FROM (USED IN) INVESTING ACTIVITIES Purchase of property, plant and equipment, classified as investing activities 719,464 Proceeds from sales of other long-term assets, classified as investing activities 8,145 Net cash flows from (used in) investing activities (711,319) CASHI I FLOWS FROM (USED IN) FINANCING ACTIVITIES Repayments Dividends paid of borrowings 291.237 273,102 Interest paid Net cash flows from (used in) financing activities (620,303) Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents before effect of exchange rate changes 284,682 Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents 284,682 Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period 468,176 Cash and cash equivalents at end of period 752,858 304 13 M K (114,596) 33,493 (1,054,237) 1,724,890 (107,110) 55,964 Calculate financial ratios Gulf Mushroom Products Company for the year 2022 A) Dividend coverage b) Interest coverage C) P/E ratio D) gross profit margin E return on assets f) Current ratio g) Quick ratio h) Earnings per share
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