4. (35 points, 5 points each). A random sample of patients yields the following results for the dosage of an experimental drug (X) and the patients symptom level (Y). Dosage (X) 0 0 0 10 10 20 20 30 30 Symptom Level (Y) 80 95 70 68 56 42 32 50 28 b. What is the sample correlation? Is it strong, weak, or moderate? c. What is the equation for the regression line? d. What proportion of the variation in y can be explained by its linear relationship with x? e. Predict the symptom level when the dosage is 50. f. Predict the symptom level when the dosage is 15. g. List three points on the regression line. h. Can we conclude that an increase in the dosage level causes a decrease in symptom level? Why or why not?
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4. (35 points, 5 points each). A random sample of patients yields the following results for the dosage of an experimental drug (X) and the patients symptom level (Y).
Dosage (X) 0 0 0 10 10 20 20 30 30
Symptom Level (Y) 80 95 70 68 56 42 32 50 28
b. What is the sample correlation? Is it strong, weak, or moderate?
c. What is the equation for the regression line?
d. What proportion of the variation in y can be explained by its linear relationship with x?
e. Predict the symptom level when the dosage is 50.
f. Predict the symptom level when the dosage is 15.
g. List three points on the regression line.
h. Can we conclude that an increase in the dosage level causes a decrease in symptom level? Why or why not?