Author Bio
Charlotte Bronte is the eldest daughter of the renowned Bronte literary family, her younger sisters being Anne Bronte and Emily Bronte. Charlotte’s father was a rural clergyman, and she lost her mother at a very young age. She returned from a school she had enlisted in to educate her younger sister. Her involvement in education continued as she was employed as a governess and later opened a school along with her family, which unfortunately did not attract enough attention. It is at this juncture that Charlotte Bronte and her sisters turned to writing and published their first novels in 1846 under pseudonyms that concealed their gender. Her first novel was rejected, but her second novel Jane Eyre became a huge success and catapulted the Bronte sisters into fame in London literary circles. She was the last of the surviving Bronte sisters whose life was eventually lost to complications arising from her first pregnancy. Bronte is taught widely in English Literature courses across the world today and is required reading in feminist study discourses.

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