


University of Texas *

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Apr 3, 2024





Uploaded by hs.jeong

Question 2 The data set linked below contains a time series generated from the following univariate dynamic linear model: where a. Apply a Kalman filter to this data to make one-step ahead predictions of given . Create a times-series plot containing the observations and one-step ahead predictions of . Include a 95% confidence band around your predictions. Report the numerical values found for and . set.seed( 123 ) Ft <- 1.2 Gt <- 0.8 m0 <- 0 C0 <- 25 Vt <- 9 Wt <- 4 n <- nrow(dlm_data) y <- rep( NA , n) theta <- rep( NA , n) theta0 <- rnorm( 1 , m0, sqrt(C0)) theta[ 1 ] <- Gt * theta0 + rnorm( 1 , 0 , sqrt(Wt)) for (i in 2 :n) theta[i] <- theta[i- 1 ] + rnorm( 1 , 0 , sqrt(Wt)) for (j in 1 :n) y[j] <- theta[j] + rnorm( 1 , 0 , sqrt(Vt)) dlm_mod <- dlm(FF = Ft, GG = Gt, V = Vt, W = Wt, m0 = m0, C0 = C0) dlm_data_filtered <- dlmFilter(y = dlm_data$yt, mod = dlm_mod) dlm_data$pred <- dlm_data_filtered$a dlm_data$pSE <- sqrt(unlist( dlmSvd2var(dlm_data_filtered$U.R, dlm_data_filtered$D.R))) gg_sim <- ggplot(dlm_data, aes(y = yt, x = time)) + geom_line(linetype = "dashed" , color = "black" ) gg_sim + geom_line(data = dlm_data, aes(y = pred, x = time), color = "red" , linewidth = 1.2 ) + geom_ribbon(data = dlm_data, aes(x = time, ymin = pred - 1.96 * pSE, ymax = pred + 1.96 * pSE), fill = "red" , alpha = 0.2 ) + labs(title = expression( paste( "One-Step-Ahead Predictions of " , theta[t], " with Standard Errors" ))) + ylab( "" )+ theme_bw() = 3.529 and = 5.951 b. Apply a Kalman filter to this data to make one-step-ahead predictions of given . Create a time-series plot showing the observed values of and one-step ahead predictions of . Include a 95% confidence band around your predictions. Report the numerical values of and . (Hint: R’s DLM package does not provide these values directly, so you will need to calculate them.) dlm_data$ft <- dlm_data_filtered$f for (i in 1 : 100 ){ dlm_data$qSE[i] <- sqrt(Ft*dlm_data$pSE[i]^ 2 *Ft+Vt) } gg_sim + geom_line(data = dlm_data, aes(y = ft, x = time), color = "orange" , linewidth = 1.2 ) + geom_ribbon(data = dlm_data, aes(x = time, ymin = ft - 1.96 * qSE, ymax = ft + 1.96 * qSE), fill = "orange" , alpha = 0.2 ) + labs(title = expression( paste( "One-Step-Ahead Predictions of " , y[t], " with Standard Errors" ))) + ylab( "" )+ theme_bw() The one-step-ahead predictive distribution of given is = 4.235 and = 17.569 c. Apply a Kalman filter to this data to find the filtering distribution of the values of given . Create a time-series plot showing the observed values of and filtered predictions of . Include a 95% confidence band around your predictions. Report the numerical values of and . dlm_data$filtered <- dropFirst(dlm_data_filtered$m) dlm_data$fSE <- dropFirst(sqrt(unlist( dlmSvd2var(dlm_data_filtered$U.C, dlm_data_filtered$D.C)))) gg_sim + geom_line(data = dlm_data, aes(y = filtered, x = time), color = "blue" , linewidth = 0.8 ) + geom_ribbon(data = dlm_data, aes(x = time, ymin = filtered - 1.96 * fSE, ymax = filtered + 1.96 * fSE), fill = "blue" , alpha = 0.2 ) + labs(title = expression( paste( "Filtering distribution of " , theta[t], " with Standard Errors" ))) + ylab( "" )+ theme_bw() = 0.501 and = 3.048 d. The filtering distribution of is N( (your answer should match this). Analytically (i.e., not using code) show that the predictive distribution of is . where 5.951 7.809 8.998 9.758 10.245 10.557 e. Apply a Kalman smoother to this data to create the smoothing distribution for given . Create a time-series plot showing the observed values of and smoothed estimates of . Include a 95% confidence band around your predictions. Additionally, report your values of for the values of such that is missing. dlm_data_smoothed <- dlmSmooth(dlm_data_filtered) dlm_data$smoothed <- dropFirst(dlm_data_smoothed$s) dlm_data$sSE <- dropFirst(sqrt(unlist( dlmSvd2var(dlm_data_smoothed$U.S, dlm_data_smoothed$D.S)))) gg_sim + geom_line(data = dlm_data, aes(y = smoothed, x = time), color = "purple" , linewidth = 1.2 ) + geom_ribbon(data = dlm_data, aes(x = time, ymin = smoothed - 1.96 * sSE, ymax = smoothed + 1.96 * sSE), fill = "purple" , alpha = 0.2 ) + labs(title = expression( paste( "Smoothed Values of " , theta[t], " with Standard Errors" ))) + ylab( "" )+ theme_bw() = 2.715 = 2.831 = 2.265 = 1.812 = 1.450 = 1.160 = -0.503 = 1.391 f. Create a plot showing forecasted values (using the DLM forecasting methods discussed in lecture) of (including confidence bands), along with the original plot of . Report the numerical values of and and provide a non-technical explanation for why the predictive variance of is less than that ? dlm_data_forecast<- dlmForecast(dlm_data_filtered, nAhead = 10 ) val <- dlm_data$yt fore_pt_data <- bind_rows( data.frame(Time = 1 : 100 , Type = factor(rep( "Data" , 100 ), levels = c( "Data" , "Pred" )), y = as.numeric(val)), data.frame(Time = 101 : 110 , Type = factor(rep( "Pred" , 10 ), levels = c( "Data" , "Pred" )), y = dlm_data_forecast$f) ) fore_pt_pred<- data.frame(time = 101 : 110 , yt = dlm_data_forecast$f, SE = sqrt(unlist(dlm_data_forecast$Q))) # Plot data and forecasts gg_sim + geom_line(data = fore_pt_pred, aes(y = yt, x = time), color = 'red' , linewidth = 0.8 ) + geom_ribbon(data = fore_pt_pred, aes(x = time, ymin = yt - 1.96 * SE, ymax = yt + 1.96 * SE), fill = 'red' , alpha = 0.2 ) + labs(title = expression( paste( "Observations(yt) and forecasted values with Standard Errors" ))) + ylab( "" ) + geom_vline(xintercept = 100 ) + theme_bw() and The variance of the forecast due to estimation error increases as the lead time gets larger, but there is a limit to the increase with stationary models. Therefore, the predictive variance of is less than that of . = + y t f t θ t v t = + θ t g t θ t 1 w t = 1.2 F t = 0.8 G t N (0, = 25) θ 0 σ 2 θ N (0, = 9) v t σ 2 v N (0, = 4) w t σ 2 w θ t y 1:( t 1) y t θ t θ t a 40 R 40 a 40 R 40 y t y 1:( t 1) y t y t y t f 40 Q 40 Y t y 1: t 1 = E ( | ) = = 1.2 × 3.529 = 4.235 f t Y t y 1: t 1 F t a t = Var ( | ) = + = 1.2 × 5.951 × 1.2 + 9 = 17.569 Q t Y t y 1: t 1 F t R t F t V t f 40 Q 40 θ t y 1: t y t θ t θ t m 40 C 40 m 40 C 40 | θ 22 y 1:22 = 3.539, = 3.048) m 22 C 22 | θ 28 y 1:27 N ( = .928, = 10.557) a 28 R 28 | N ( , ) θ t y 1:( t 1) a t R t = E [ | ] = a t θ t y 1:( t 1) G t m t 1 = Var [ | ] = + R t θ t y 1:( t 1) G t C t 1 G t w t = = 0.8 × 3.539 = 2.831 = + = 0.8 × 3.048 × 0.8 + 4 = a 23 G t m 22 R 23 G t C 22 G t w t = = 0.8 × 2.831 = 2.265 = + = 0.8 × 5.951 × 0.8 + 4 = a 24 G t m 23 R 24 G t C 23 G t w t = = 0.8 × 2.265 = 1.812 = + = 0.8 × 7.809 × 0.8 + 4 = a 25 G t m 24 R 25 G t C 24 G t w t = = 0.8 × 1.812 = 1.450 = + = 0.8 × 8.997 × 0.8 + 4 = a 26 G t m 25 R 26 G t C 25 G t w t = = 0.8 × 1.450 = 1.160 = + = 0.8 × 9.758 × 0.8 + 4 = a 27 G t m 26 R 27 G t C 26 G t w t = = 0.8 × 1.160 = 0.928 = + = 0.8 × 10.245 × 0.8 + 4 = a 28 G t m 27 R 28 G t C 27 G t w t θ t y 1: T y t θ t θ t θ t t y t θ 11 θ 23 θ 24 θ 25 θ 26 θ 27 θ 64 θ 80 y 101:110 y 1:100 Q 101 Q 110 y 101 y 110 = 17.569 Q 101 = 24.866 Q 110 y 101 y 110
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