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Feb 20, 2024





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Combo with "SPMT 319 chapters 1-6" and 6 others Study online at https://quizlet.com/_1jjc2m 1. Sport is "an institutionalized competitive activity involving two or more opponents and stressing physical exertion by se- rious competitors who represent or are part of formally organized associations" (Nixon, 1984, p. 13). "a compet- itive activity involving at least two competitors, requiring physical skill, following formal rules, and occurring within a formal organizational framework" (LeUnes, 2008, p. 5). 2. Sport represents "well-established, officially governed competitive physical activities in which participants are motivated by internal and external rewards" (Coakley, 2009, p. 6). 3. What is physical activity? all bodily movements that cause increases I physical exertion beyond that which occurs during normal daily activities Any body movement produced by skeletal muscles and resulting in a substantial increase over the resting energy expenditure 4. what does exer- cise improve appearance, fitness, health and reduces stress 5. What is exer- cise? a specific form of physical activity in which the individual engages for the purpose of improving fitness or health form of leisure activity that is undertaken in order to achieve a particular objective (improve appearance or reduce stress) 6. what is health state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity 7. How does Soci- ology differ from Biology and Psy- chology? Sociology looks at the broad picture and biology and psychology focus on the individual level. Sociology looks at cultural and society's influences. 8. 1. People are social by nature. 2. People attitudes and behaviors are shaped by family and friends. 3. People 1 / 46
Combo with "SPMT 319 chapters 1-6" and 6 others Study online at https://quizlet.com/_1jjc2m 3 Key assump- tions of sociolo- gy? create, change, shape and challenge the social context in which they are situated. 9. How does soci- ology relate to sport and physi- cal activity? Sport and physical activity deals with questions like" How are some sports valued and promoted while others are not?' 10. What is Sport? an institutionalized competitive activity involving two or more opponents, stressing physical exertion. 11. What four things does Sport in- volve: Physical in nature, at least 2 people, competition, bound by formal rules of competition. 12. What is the difference be- tween values and sports? Values are culturally derived. Sports reaffirms certain so- cial values. 13. Success Winning is glorified, personal excellence measure by the amount of success one has achieved, both is society and sport. 14. Competition Found in all places of society. It makes sports unique from other activities. 15. What are the neg- ative outcomes of competition? Survival of the fittest and winning becomes the "end all and be all" where coaches and players engage in illegal activities for the sake of winning. 16. Valued means to achieve? Hard work Continued striving for excellence. Deferred gratification 17. What does soci- ety value? a brighter future 18. What does sport value? striving for continual improvement and progress towards goals, setting new records, winning more games. 2 / 46
Combo with "SPMT 319 chapters 1-6" and 6 others Study online at https://quizlet.com/_1jjc2m 19. Materialism in Society? the main goal is to accumulate possessions and gain status. 20. Materialism in Sports? Many times people will judge who's the better athlete by how much their net worth is. 21. External Confor- mity in society? Society cannot tolerate total freedom by individuals so they socialize individuals into acceptable practices and beliefs. 22. External Confor- mity in Sports? Conformity is highly valued and promotes team unity. 23. What is an exam- ple of sport be- ing a microcosm of society? Jackie Robinson breaking the color barrier. 24. What is Social Capital? features of social organization such as networks, norms, and social trust which can foster cooperation and mutual benefits. 25. Bonding social capital? Relationships with similar others 26. Bridging social capital? relationships/networks with dissimilar others 27. What is theory? Theory is a statement of relationships between units ob- served or approximated in the empirical world? a statement of constructs and their relationships to one another that explain how, when, why, and under what conditions phenomena take place 28. What else is the- ory? A story about how and why events in the universe occur 29. Theory articulations of phenomenon; will tell you how and why something is happening; a way of understanding society 3 / 46
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Combo with "SPMT 319 chapters 1-6" and 6 others Study online at https://quizlet.com/_1jjc2m 30. How is theory used in sport? It helps us understand how sport and physical activity impact the use and perceptions of who we are 31. What are the 4 social theories in sport? 1. Functional 2. Conflict 3. Critical 4. Symbolic interaction- ism 32. What does the functionalis- tic theory focus on? systems being interconnected with valued parts 33. What are the potential weak- nesses of the functionalist the- ory? over simplification and assumes all people experience sport the same way 34. What is the Con- flict Theory? Emphasis is on power and economics 35. What is the focus of Conflict theo- ry? focuses on disharmony,social discord, and conflict 36. what is the fo- cus of interac- tion theory focuses on how people interact with their environment to create meaning in their lives. 37. what is the fo- cus of hegemony theory focuses on power and how power is maintained 38. what is the focus of critical race theory Centralizes race and racism in their analysis, questions theory of color blindness and racial equality. 39. what is function- alism theory sport is seen as a positive contributor to society and bene- fits participants through development of better health and 4 / 46
Combo with "SPMT 319 chapters 1-6" and 6 others Study online at https://quizlet.com/_1jjc2m wellness, character development, and the ability to learn life lessons 40. What is an ex- ample of Conflict Theory? Major league baseball teams exploit players being trained in other countries by paying them less than they are worth 41. What is a poten- tial weakness of Conflict Theory? Economic emphasis; not all sports boil down to money 42. What is Critical Theory? Groups are characterized by shared values and conflicts of interest. Agreements are never permanent. 43. What is a poten- tial weakness in Critical Theory? Points out weaknesses without solutions and tries to dis- rupt the status quo when it doesn't need changing. 44. What is Critical Race Theory? It focuses on race and is commited to social justice. 45. What is Feminist Theory? It focuses on the gender of sports. 46. What is symbolic interaction? It is the relationships that people build from meaningful sports experiences. 47. What are Or- ganizational Sys- tems? structure, procedures, and rules; forces ethical behavior 48. What are person- al ethics? sets of morals and values that an individual brings into an organization, workplace 49. What are person- al ethics influ- enced by? family, upbringing, life experiences, religious beliefs 50. What does Doen- tology focus on? It focuses on the means or process and the ends or consequences of ones behavior; RIGHT 5 / 46
Combo with "SPMT 319 chapters 1-6" and 6 others Study online at https://quizlet.com/_1jjc2m 51. What does Tele- ology focus on? It focuses on outcomes of the consequences of our be- havior and the greatest good. 52. What does Virtue ethics focus on? It focuses on the character of the individual and the au- thenticity of the person. 53. What is an ex- ample of Virtue ethics? Basketball official: ethics in the setting 54. What are some ethical dilemmas in Professional Sports? Money, benefits, health 55. What is an eth- ical dilemma in college sports? It's become a business...amateurism vs. professionalism 56. Where do Recre- ational Sports exist? Cities, college campuses, therapeutic in health settings. 57. What is an exam- ple of an ethical dilemma is recre- ational sports? TAMU rock climbing: cost and risk of injury 58. What is the pur- pose of a health and fitness club? It offers various club memberships to meet a wide variety of exercise and fitness goals 59. When did health and fitness clubs begin to show continu- ous, tremendous growth? 1970's 60. 6 / 46
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Combo with "SPMT 319 chapters 1-6" and 6 others Study online at https://quizlet.com/_1jjc2m What is an exam- ple of an ethical dilemma within health and fit- ness clubs? Are they more concerned with meeting quotas or provid- ing great service and help 61. What is macro society level 62. what is micro individual level 63. what is meso organizational level 64. what is values deeply held views that motivate and guide a person's behavior 65. What is leisure non-productive consumption of time 66. what is ethical dilemma situation where the course of action is unclear and chal- lenges a person's belief 67. ethics principle of right and wrong, how you should act 68. morals fundamental baseline values that ultimately dictate our behavior 69. lay theory frequently based on unfounded explanations not based on research 70. What is Macro level governing rules legal systems that cover this level...US Constitution, Title IX, and Government rules and regulations 71. What is recre- ational sport peewee football coach has no prior coaching experience, has player who "got his bell rung" he asks player to go back into the game. This is an example of an ethical dilemma on which level? 72. What is an ethi- cal dilemma An Aggie does not cheat, but your best friends needs help on a take-home test in order to be eligible. If you help and 7 / 46
Combo with "SPMT 319 chapters 1-6" and 6 others Study online at https://quizlet.com/_1jjc2m get caught you are both kicked out of the University. This is an example of a... 73. What is personal ethics comes from your family background, religious beliefs, society, culture, and life experiences 74. What is college sport Penn State assistant coach accused of inappropriate re- lations with minors. Which sport's industry level does this ethical dilemma represent? 75. Sport is physical in nature it involves exertion and participants demonstrating physi- cal skill 76. Sport involves at least 2 people and competition 77. it ex- cludes non-com- petition forms of physical activity such as______ professional wrestling 78. A weakness of the functionalist theory is that it doesn't acknowl- edge that sport is a ____ ____. social construction 79. Another weak- ness of the func- tionalist theory is that it as- sumes the _____ of all groups are the _______. needs, same 80. We must use a _______ _______ approach to critical approach 8 / 46
Combo with "SPMT 319 chapters 1-6" and 6 others Study online at https://quizlet.com/_1jjc2m study sport and ethics. 81. The Critical Ap- proach is based on the assump- tion that groups have ______ ______ and con- flicts of interest. shared values 82. Social life is a continuous process be- cause agree- ments about val- ues and so- cial organiza- tion are never _________. permanent 83. Values and so- cial organiza- tions change over time as there are _______ in the power balance. shifts 84. ________ are principles of right and wrong, how you should act. Ethics 85. What is an exam- ple of ethics be- ing theoretical? Taking a person's life is unethical but in practice there are some times that it might be necessary: self defense, death penalty 86. behave 9 / 46
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Combo with "SPMT 319 chapters 1-6" and 6 others Study online at https://quizlet.com/_1jjc2m Morality involves actions that are based on basic values and soci- ety norms, how we _____. 87. Sport gets its meaning from the ______ that it is a part of. Society 88. S macro societal force that shapes ethical behavior is _________. culture 89. Individualist cul- tures like Ameri- ca think more in terms of _____. I 90. Collectivistic cultures like China think in terms of ______. we 91. An example of commod- ification is _________. When a player has reached his prime he gets traded. 92. Where do you find Commodifi- cation? NFL Scouting, NFL draft, Free agency, and trades 93. The _______sys- tem involves the constitution and governmen- legal 10 / 46
Combo with "SPMT 319 chapters 1-6" and 6 others Study online at https://quizlet.com/_1jjc2m tal regulations on drug use. 94. Sport is encour- aged to ________ an organization- al culture of di- versity. embrace 95. _______ is a so- cial responsibili- ty as well as a le- gal and moral re- sponsibility you have to yourself and others. Culture of diversity 96. Personal ethics come from ________ back- ground, ______ beliefs, society, culture and life experiences. family, religious 97. Deontology is ________. ethics of duty 98. Teleology is the opposite of de- ontology. It fo- cuses more on the _______ of your choice. outcome 99. Virtue Ethics fo- cuses on the character and authenticity of the ________. individual 11 / 46
Combo with "SPMT 319 chapters 1-6" and 6 others Study online at https://quizlet.com/_1jjc2m 100. One ethical dilemma in pro- fessional sports include ______ ____ ____ _______. athlete pay and benefits 101. A second ethical dilemma in pro- fessional sports includes ____ _____ _____ ______. athlete health and participation 102. A third ethical dilemma in pro- fessional sports includes ath- lete _____ ____ _____ conduct and behavior 103. In College sports, ethical dilemmas in- clude: athlete pay, athlete relationships with player agents, gen- der equity, diversity, improprieties by coaches and admin- istrators. 104. In recreation- al sports, ethi- cal dilemmas in- clude: safety, access, affordability 105. In Health and Fit- ness Club sport, ethical issues in- clude: getting customers to sign contracts before they fully un- derstand what they are getting into. 106. ________ is a state of complete physical, men- Health 12 / 46
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Combo with "SPMT 319 chapters 1-6" and 6 others Study online at https://quizlet.com/_1jjc2m tal and social well-being. 107. Some people re- fer to health as _______. wellness 108. Physical health is the over- all functioning of the _____ _____. human body 109. ________ health includes self ef- ficacy and self esteem, coping with stress, and the ability to think clearly, rea- son, and func- tion. Mental 110. Health status is viewed on a ______. continuum 111. Muscular Chris- tianity Movement began in the ____ century in Britain and the U.S. 19th 112. Proponets of the Muscular Chris- tianity Move- ment believe that sports devel- ops a bal- ance between physical and spiritual harmony 13 / 46
Combo with "SPMT 319 chapters 1-6" and 6 others Study online at https://quizlet.com/_1jjc2m ____ and ______ ________. 113. The Muscu- lar Christiani- ty Movement is also seen as a way to improve quality of life for _____ ______. urban poor 114. Sport helped im- migrants assimi- late or ____ __ to American soci- ety and promot- ed interaction. fit in 115. Physical activity improves ______ health. bone 116. Physical activity improves ______ functions. cognitive (thinking) 117. Physical activity decreases ____ ______ _____. high blood pressure 118. Physical activi- ty reduces risk of ______ and improves self _________. cancers, esteem 119. Sport is a ______ form of leisure-time physical activity specialized 14 / 46
Combo with "SPMT 319 chapters 1-6" and 6 others Study online at https://quizlet.com/_1jjc2m so these benefits may not apply to sport specifical- ly. 120. Negative out- comes that ap- ply to sport specifically in- clude ______ and _______. overtraining and injury 121. _____ and ______ are en- couraged on the field and stud- ies show that many players take them into their personal lives as well. Violence and aggression 122. An athlete who experiences too much stress will become ______ _____. burnt out 123. Sport can cre- ate and us ver- sus ______ men- tality. them 124. An example of us vs. them is _______ talking, usually racist, homophobic in nature. trash 15 / 46
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Combo with "SPMT 319 chapters 1-6" and 6 others Study online at https://quizlet.com/_1jjc2m 125. A theory of the leisure class is that peo- ple communicat- ed their _____ status by their possessions and ways they spend their free time. social 126. Another theo- ry of the leisure class is that leisure is a non-productive consumption of ___. time 127. The leisure the- ory includes two classes of peo- ple: ________ and _______. superior pecuniary leisure class or the inferior pecuniary labor class 128. Members of the leisure class do not have to work for what they _____. want 129. Individuals in the leisure class display their wealth and pow- er through ____ _____ and ___ ___. conspicuous consumption and conspicuous leisure 130. Conspicuous ______ is leisure 16 / 46
Combo with "SPMT 319 chapters 1-6" and 6 others Study online at https://quizlet.com/_1jjc2m participation in extensive and visible leisure activities to display social status. 131. Conspicuous _______on luxury goods. consumption 132. Both conspic- uous leisure and consump- tion show that people are able to waste their _____ and _____ on inessential activities. money and time 133. Members of the _____ class can- not avoid pro- ductive employ- ment. labor 134. Laboring is the accepted ____ of _____. Ex. stay at home moms. mode of existence 135. Members of the labor class en- gage in ______ emulation. pecuniary 136. Pecuniary emu- lation is when members of the imitate 17 / 46
Combo with "SPMT 319 chapters 1-6" and 6 others Study online at https://quizlet.com/_1jjc2m lower classes try to _____ the con- sumptive behav- iors of the leisure class. 137. All sport ______ is not equal. participation 138. The ______ are more physically active than the _____. wealthy, poor 139. An example of a sport that is associated with greater sta- tus benefits is ________. Skiing: cost of equipment, travel, and time needed to engage in unproductive activity 140. An example of youth sport re- flecting the sta- tus of the par- ents is ________. Figure skating: a parent can spend as much as $40,000 a year on skates, coaches, costumes 141. These sports are associat- ed with lower classes: _____, ______, _____, and______. boxing, rugby, football, bodybuilding 142. The difference between sports being seen as be- ing of the upper or lower class is due to ______ cultural and economic 18 / 46
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Combo with "SPMT 319 chapters 1-6" and 6 others Study online at https://quizlet.com/_1jjc2m and ______ capi- tal. 143. Cultural capi- tal varies by _______ class. social 144. Economic capi- tal plays a role because the low- er classes tend to prefer sports that are _______. inexpensive 145. Sport team own- ership is a very ______ form of conspicu- ous consump- tion and leisure. visible 146. Today, sport is seen as a _______oc- cupation rather than conspicu- ous leisure. productive 147. _______is the transformation of goods, services, or relationships into commodities that are bought and sold in a market exchange. Commodification 19 / 46
Combo with "SPMT 319 chapters 1-6" and 6 others Study online at https://quizlet.com/_1jjc2m 148. Society took something that inherently had no rules and turned it into something that one could make ______ off of. money 149. An example of a consequence of commodifica- tion made to make a game more media and consumer friend- ly is the ____ ____. shot clock 150. Marxist theory shows the rela- tionship between the upper and lower classes as ______. antagonistic 151. _____ class is the ruling capi- talist class that controls factors of production ac- cording to Marx. Bourgeoisie 152. The goal of ac- cording to the Marxist theory of commodifica- tion is capitalist ______. accumulation 20 / 46
Combo with "SPMT 319 chapters 1-6" and 6 others Study online at https://quizlet.com/_1jjc2m 153. Proletariat class comprises the workers who pro- vide _____to the bourgeoisie. labor 154. An example of the two classes struggling and the laborers be- ing exploited for profit: team owners and athletes disagreeing over salaries 155. Marx sees _____ as an "ideologi- cal tool, mislead- ing the masses to sustain buur- geois control." Marx 156. What does so- cializing costs while privatizing benefits mean when building a sports stadium? It means the community must pay for the stadium while the owners receive the benefits 157. Unfortunately, re- search shows that sports fa- cilities have a _______ impact on employment and income in the host commu- nity. negligible or negative 158. Many decisions to build sports stadiums are be- political pressure 21 / 46
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Combo with "SPMT 319 chapters 1-6" and 6 others Study online at https://quizlet.com/_1jjc2m cause of _____ _____, not to bet- ter the economy. 159. An example of building a pro- fessional stadi- um that took money away from other things is? Elected officials spent $454 million on a new stadium for the Cincinatti Bengals when at the time 1 in 7 people were living below the poverty line. 160. What was the case study in Corpus Christi about? They built a $32 million dollar stadium which did not improve the economy and intensified class conflicts. 161. ______ is the concept of coun- tries collectively conducting busi- ness. Globalization 162. Globalization in- cludes the move- ment of ____, _____, and ______ across borders. movement of labor, knowledge, and technology across borders. 163. _____ is the idea of establishing dominance by imposing ones culture upon an- other country. Imperialism 164. Imperialism was a main contrib- utor to introduc- sports 22 / 46
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Combo with "SPMT 319 chapters 1-6" and 6 others Study online at https://quizlet.com/_1jjc2m ing new _____ to foreign coun- tries. 165. An example of imperialism and sports: Great Britain brought cricket to places like South Africa and the West Indies after their colonial expansion. 166. The three gen- erations of mod- ern international sport are: a. Monopololy generation; b. Television generation and c. Highlight generation 167. The time period of the Monop- oly Generation is ____ to _____. 1900-1949 168. Prior to 1900, sporting events were ______. unstructured 169. Entrepreneurs took notice of the demand for sport and started creating ______ plans according to the demand. business 170. The Monopoly Generation got its name due to its exclusive ______. limitations 171. _____ were limit- ed to live events, radio, or maga- Spectators 23 / 46
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Combo with "SPMT 319 chapters 1-6" and 6 others Study online at https://quizlet.com/_1jjc2m zines in the Mo- nopoly genera- tion. 172. Many formal leagues were created during the time of the Monopoly gener- ation. They in- cluded: 1901-American Baseball League; 1920-American Profes- sional Football Association; 1946-Basketball Association of America 173. The organi- zation, _____, founded in Paris in 1904 brought different nations and people to- gether more than any other league. FIFA 174. The years of the Television Gen- eration were ___ to _____. 1950-1989 175. This generation is when _____ sport became popular through the means of television. international 176. In the Television generation, the sports of ___ and ____ popularity increased great- ly. football and basketball 24 / 46
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Combo with "SPMT 319 chapters 1-6" and 6 others Study online at https://quizlet.com/_1jjc2m 177. In the Television generation, there was _____mar- keting, commu- nication and ad- vertising. increased 178. All the atten- tion to play- ers brought on the players seek- ing professional ____ which led to the development of sports agen- cies. representation 179. The years of the Highlight Gener- ation were ___ to ____. 1190 - present 180. in the High- light generation, sports in gener- al were not relied on as heavily as ______. individuals 181. The ____ is a ma- jor topic in inter- national sport. Olympics 182. The 1984 Olympics host- ed in Los An- geles was the first time major _____ sponsored the games. corporations 25 / 46
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Combo with "SPMT 319 chapters 1-6" and 6 others Study online at https://quizlet.com/_1jjc2m 183. The Olympics have also im- pacted _____. For example na- tions boycotting in protest to var- ious things. society 184. ______ refers to having an influ- ence on more than one nation. Internationalism 185. In the 2002-2003 season, the NBA was broadcast in 212 _____ and in 42 different ____. nations, languages 186. Corporate spon- sorship of inter- national teams and individual athletes is an ef- fort to increase ____ _____ and sales. brand recognition 187. What other coun- try besides the U.S. has an inter- national division office? Australia 188. Who hosted the World Cup in 2012 that had a positive effect on the nation's South Africa 26 / 46
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Combo with "SPMT 319 chapters 1-6" and 6 others Study online at https://quizlet.com/_1jjc2m economy as well as a positive so- cial impact? 189. Hosting the Olympic games also enabled ____ to form a democracy and foster pos- itive relation- ships with their neighbors. Korea 190. Sport is... (Nixon) -*institutionalized* -*competitive* -involves *two or more opponents* -stressing *physical exertion* -participants represent/are part of *formally organized as- sociations* 191. Sport is... (Le- Unes) -competitive -at least two competitors -requiring *physical skill* -following *formal rules* -occurring within a *formal organizational framework* 192. Sport repre- sents... -*well-established* -*officially governed* -motivated by *internal and external rewards* 193. Key Points in def. of sport 1. sport is PHYSICAL IN NATURE 2. sport involves at LEAST 2 people 3. sport involves COMPETITION 4. sport takes place within formally EST. PARAMETERS >structured by a governing body with rules 194. Various levels in sport 1. Informal 2. Organized 3. Corporate 27 / 46
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Combo with "SPMT 319 chapters 1-6" and 6 others Study online at https://quizlet.com/_1jjc2m 195. Informal sport -children playing catch in the backyard -"sport and play" -playing basketball in the street 196. Organized sport -there is a presence of an organization >basic organizational structure -a city softball league, YMCA, Little League 197. Corporate sport -elements of informal and organized -has been affected by economy and politics >Olympics and professional sports -commercialism involved 198. Physical activity refers to "all bodily movements that cause increases in physical exertion beyond that which occurs during normal activities of daily living" 199. Exercise represents a "*specific* form of physical activity in which the individual engages for the *purpose of improving fit- ness, physical performance, or health* 200. Is there a rela- tionship or a dif- ference between the two? -a relationship BUT a difference -walking up the stairs at work instead of taking the eleva- tor is an example of physical activity, but running bleach- ers would be a form of exercise 201. Two indicators of the prevalence of sport and physi- cal activity 1. Represents one of more popular institutions in Ameri- can society (NFL, college football) -people look forward to the sports 2. Incredible amount of money spent on sport AND phys- ical activity -Gross Domestic Sport Product *multi-billion dollar industry 202. What 3 important ideas and beliefs do sports *reaf- firm* in many so- cieties? 1. *Gender ideology*- masculinity and femininity and gen- der dominance 2. *Racial ideology*- skin color 3. *Class ideology*- meritocracy >sport as a vehicle to pull people to greater heights 28 / 46
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Combo with "SPMT 319 chapters 1-6" and 6 others Study online at https://quizlet.com/_1jjc2m 203. Sociology is... -"the *scientific discipline* that DESCRIBES and EX- PLAINS *human social organization*" -"the study of *social worlds* that people 1. CREATE 2. ORGANIZE 3. MAINTAIN and 4. CHANGE through their relationships with one another" -"the analysis of the *structure of social relationships* as constituted by social *interaction*" 204. Key points from the definitions 1. sociology is an *academic discipline* aimed at scientif- ically studying phenomena 2. sociologists study PEOPLE and the INSTITUTIONS they create and maintain 3. sociology is *distinct* from other scientific disciplines, like biology or psychology 205. What is the focus of Sociology? -the study of (*macro*) social issues and the *manner* in which people *engage* and interact with one another 206. 3 key assump- tions of soci. ap- proach 1. people are *social beings 2. individuals are *socially determined* 3. people create/shape/change their social contexts 207. 1. people are SO- CIAL BEINGS -we are *dependent* on others >socialized by/rely on *human corporations* 208. 2. individuals are SOCIALLY DE- TERMINED -*raised* a certain way -*believing* and acting a certain way 209. 3. people CRE- ATE, SHAPE, and CHANGE their social contexts -people *become parts of families* through marriage -*circumstances change* based on social groups/roles we take *human agency*-creates circumstances based on how they think of society 210. sociology of sport and physi- cal activity (com- bo) -a *subsection of sociology* that studies sport and phys- ical activity as *A SOCIAL PHENOMENA* -*examines various ISSUES* pertaining to the analysis of sport and physical activity 29 / 46
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Combo with "SPMT 319 chapters 1-6" and 6 others Study online at https://quizlet.com/_1jjc2m 211. what ARE sport and physical ac- tivity? *SOCIAL CONSTRUCTIONS*: certain meanings and im- portance parts of the social world *created by people* as they interact with one another under particular *1. social 2. political and 3. economic conditions* 212. How does sport shape/in- fluence peoples' lives/well-being? -being an instructor on sports for example: gives opportunity to participate in sports, read about sports, and research sports 213. What do those who study sport identify? -*issues* and *controversies* prevalent within sport 214. how is sport a microcosm of society? -sport is a "window or mirror" which reflects the *underly- ing values, beliefs, and assumptions* of a cultural *group* -reflected in the way the *values* in sport are also seen in *society* 215. 1a. Success (in society) -*success and excellence* as aspects that must be dis- played/measured in constant pursuit of human excellence -value the *self-made person* or the individual who has achieved money/status through his efforts in a highly *competitive system* 216. 1b. Success (in sports) -the focus on *competition* and *success* -oftentimes consider athletes/coaches who fail to win "the big one" as failures -careers considered "incomplete" without the champi- onship 217. 2a. Competition (in society) -*infuses almost all aspects* of American society >from the corporate world to schools and sporting pur- suits 218. 2b. Competition (in sports) -observed readily in sport -one of the elements that *differentiates* sport from other activities 30 / 46
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Combo with "SPMT 319 chapters 1-6" and 6 others Study online at https://quizlet.com/_1jjc2m -can also result in *negative outcomes* (hot dog eating contest) 219. 3a. The val- ued means to achieve (in soci- ety) 1. *Puritan idea of hard work* -pulling yourself up by your bootstraps 2. *Continual striving for excellence* 3. *Deferred gratification* -we put aside the pleasurable activities until the neces- sary has been completed" 220. 3b. Means to achieve (in sport) -Athletes presumably obtain individual achievements in sport through *hard work, perseverance, and sacrifice* >"paying a price to be at your best" 221. 4a. Progress (in society) -American society places *paramount importance upon the future* >emphasis on future, progress, obtaining a better job, brighter future, etc. 222. 4b. Progress (in sport) -coaches, athletes, fans, the media, and other *stakehold- ers* place a high degree of value on progress >strive for *continual* improvement and progress towards goals through setting records, winning more games and championships, or mastering new techniques to enhance performance 223. 5a. Materialism (in society) -goal of many is to accumulate possessions that bring *status* and provide for a *better way of life* >realized in *choices* of homes, clothing styles, boats prestigious neighborhoods, season tickets, and member- ships 224. 5b. Materialism (in sport) -in the 19th and 20th centuries, as sport became more businesslike, *corporate model* infiltrated organization of sport franchises and governing bodies >in athletes, coaches, franchises, and other entities (huge stadiums=commercialization) 225. -societies *can't tolerate total freedom by individuals* -avoiding disorder by *socializing individuals* into *ac- 31 / 46
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Combo with "SPMT 319 chapters 1-6" and 6 others Study online at https://quizlet.com/_1jjc2m 6a. External con- formity (in soci- ety) ceptable beliefs and practices* -seen at *societal* level and *interpersonal* levels (work, organizations, families) 226. 6b. External con- formity (in sport) -coaches expect *behavioral conformity* of athletes to promote *team unity* and *achieve team objectives* -athletes are expected to not challenge the *systems, rules, and power structures* of a coach or of sport in general (if they do, they are considered deviant) 227. power of sport to shape val- ues/change 1. influences society in *good and bad* ways 2. can be a *platform to point to the need* for change in society 3. fosters *development of social capital* >*features of social organization* like networks, norms, and social trust facilitating coordination and cooperation *for mutual benefit* 228. Bonding vs. Bridging social capital *Bonding*: forming relationships with individuals similar to yourself (peers, neighbors) *Bridging*: relationships/networks formed with dissimilar others (homeless soccer programs) >used to break down barriers between groups 229. Formal Theory -*scientists* use of theory -systematically tested and studied 230. Lay Theories -*social commentators* use of theory -experience based explanations not subjected to system- atic scrutiny 231. Systematic Ex- amination *anecdotal evidence* is in line with social commentators -a one time event 232. Empirical Data -scientists rely on this kind of data 233. Alternative ex- planations -sought by scientists through science to *explain phenom- enon* -*no metaphysical* 32 / 46
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Combo with "SPMT 319 chapters 1-6" and 6 others Study online at https://quizlet.com/_1jjc2m -*real life and topical area* in sport makes a distinction between approach of scientists and social commentators 234. What are the 2 things alterna- tive explanations look for? 1. *Relationships* among factors 2. *Explanations* of observed phenomena 235. Theory -statement of *constructs* (approximated units) and their relationships to one another -they explain how, when, and why *under what conditions and phenomena take place* 236. Social Theories -logically interrelated explanations -explain actions and relationships of human beings and *the organization and dynamics of social worlds* 237. Social Theo- ries provide __________ -frameworks for asking *research questions,* *interpret- ing information,* and *making sense* of the meanings and stories associated with sports 238. _______ and The- ories go hand in hand RESEARCH -because sociologists use research *to test* the validity (credibility) of theories -and theories are *developed based on* research findings 239. Why do students shy away from theory -theory is seen as abstract and boring -theory in fact informs practice and research -has a certain utility 240. Sociological The- ories 1. Functionalism Theory 2. Conflict Theory 3. Critical Theory 4. Interactionist Theory 241. Functionalism Theory (views society as____) an organized system of *interrelated/interdependent parts* -held together by *shared values* and *established social arrangements* which maintain the system in a state of *balance and equilibrium* 33 / 46
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Combo with "SPMT 319 chapters 1-6" and 6 others Study online at https://quizlet.com/_1jjc2m 242. Functionalism Theory (views sport as_____) -parts of the system serving to bring about *positive ben- efits* and *change to society* -preserves the status quo -used by people in positions of power to make decisions about 1. sports 2. sports programs at national and local levels EX: FOP little league baseball 243. Conflict Theory (views society as_____) -a system of relationships and social arrangements that are shaped by *economic factors* -focus on *class relations* -focus on rights and *empowerment of the worker* or less powerful 244. Conflict Theory (views sports as_____) -shaped by *economic forces* and used by powerful peo- ple to increase their wealth and influence -viewed as the *"tools of the wealthy"* 245. class relations -social processes that center around *who has economic power*; *how this power is used*; and who has *ad- vantages and disadvantages* because of the economic organization of society 246. whose work is conflict theory rooted in? Karl Marx 247. Critical Theories (three of them) 1. Hegemony Theory 2. Feminist Theory 3. Critical Race Theory (CRT) 248. Hegemony Theo- ry -draws from conflict theory -focuses on *social class* and *power* -highlights issues of *ideologies and culture* -focus is on *steps that the powerful elite take to ensure privilege is maintained* 249. who are the pow- erful elite accord. white, males 34 / 46
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Combo with "SPMT 319 chapters 1-6" and 6 others Study online at https://quizlet.com/_1jjc2m to the hegemony theory? 250. example of Hege- mony Theory -stadium financing issue in major cities -wealthy owners hold cities hostage by threatening to move their team (Browns>Baltimore Ravens) 251. Feminist Theory -people's life experiences in various social context are *gendered in nature* -social construct of gender= women cont. to be devalued and subjugated >need to *change underlying structures and processes* in society AND sport 252. example of femi- nist theory -sport media coverage for women vs. men -looking at disparities >how women are marginalized 253. Critical Race Theory -centralizes and views "race" a social construction that has *historically privileged whites" and *marginalized people of color* on society and sport -racism= *endemic* in society and as a *by-product of racism and subordination* of various social groups and ethnic populations 254. example of Criti- cal Race Theory -racial integration in professional and major college sport -is there a benefit for the owner/team? 255. Interactionist Theory (views society as_______) -focuses on *how people interact with their social envi- ronments* to form their *identities*/sense of who they are and how they're *connected* to the social world 256. Interactionist Theory (views sports as_______) -focuses on issues related to meaning/identity/social re- lationships/subcultures in sports -*sports are given meaning as people interact with one another* 257. what kind of changes do in- -ones that make athletes & participants more responsible for *organizing and controlling* their sporting exercises 35 / 46
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Combo with "SPMT 319 chapters 1-6" and 6 others Study online at https://quizlet.com/_1jjc2m teractionist theo- rists support? 258. example of Inter- actionist Theory experiences of women who coach?? 259. Social Psycho- logical Theories are identified by the _____ ______ ______ Social Categorization Framework 260. The two theo- ries under So- cial Categoriza- tion Framework 1. Social Identity Theory 2. Self-Categorization Theory -people classify themselves and others into *social groups* based on salient characteristics >*race, sex, religion, sport fanship* 261. differences/ sim- ilarities among and between people are used to evaluate self and others HOW? 1. in-group vs. out-group membership 2. stereotypes 262. EX of social identity theory/self-cate- gorization theory people joining a fitness club -use the social categorization framework to decide whether they fit in 263. Physical activity and Health Theo- ry *Social Ecological Theory* -recognizes individuals/social environments/physical en- vironment where they live/policies set at *local/state/na- tional* levels all influence people's attitudes and behav- iors 264. multilevel focus of social ecologi- cal theory -macro (social level) -meso (organizational level) -micro (individual level) 36 / 46
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Combo with "SPMT 319 chapters 1-6" and 6 others Study online at https://quizlet.com/_1jjc2m 265. what does the social ecological theory focus on? -*issues of intervention* to impact attitudes and behaviors related to *physical activity and health* 266. example of so- cial ecological theory -school-based PE interventions -due to the obesity epidemic 267. Thomas Fried- man's book -*The World is Flat* -*increase* in unification/technology/communication led to a *reduction of barriers* from one country to another -enabled *global business* world to be without obstruc- tion 268. Realities of in- ternational ex- change -creation of *leagues* -attendance of *spectators* -business conducted *globally* -*migration of athletes* across borders 269. Globalization and Imperialism -the *consolidation of the world* into a whole space -includes the *movement of labor/knowledge/technology* across borders -originated from a *desire to impose culture* upon other countries 270. Three Genera- tions 1. *Monopoly* Generation 2. *Television* Generation 3. *Highlight* Generation 271. Monopoly Gener- ation -1900-1949: *entrepreneurs took notice* of the growing interest in sport consumption -*owners and league officials* held majority of power over *limited number* of sports and leagues 272. Television Gen- eration 1950-1989: *TV became a commodity* in majority of con- sumer households -allowed sports programs to *become specialized* 273. 37 / 46
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Combo with "SPMT 319 chapters 1-6" and 6 others Study online at https://quizlet.com/_1jjc2m Highlight Gener- ation 1990-present: world evolved into ever-changing *info so- ciety* -*internet explosion* increase technological innovation and social media -shift *power and visibility* of various stakeholder groups 274. Olympics and sport business -1984 LA games in the aftermath of the 1980 games being boycotted by the USA and other countries, lead to the *loss of revenue* -*Peter Ubberoth* conducted plan to secure *sponsor- ships* for the games >served as *blueprint* for future games 275. The Olympics and society -games used as platform to *illuminate societal issues* -*Berlin games* and *Jesse Owen's challenge* to Hitler's Aryan supremacy mentality -1968 *Mexico City games* and *Black Power* -1976 *Montreal games* and *African nations' boycott* 276. Environment of international sport business -*market share and investment* in a given sport product are currently measured on *worldwide basis* 277. Globalization of sport -*technology* significantly enhanced the ease with which sport marketers/practitioners can introduce and sell prod- ucts in *foreign markets* 278. Corporate involvement with international sport -sport manufacturers *distribute products overseas* -companies *utilize sponsorship* to sell products in global markets 279. Pro sport fran- chises and inter- national sport -expansion of *teams and leagues* into various global markets 280. Global markets 1. international *broadcasts* 2. licensing and *merchandising* 38 / 46
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Combo with "SPMT 319 chapters 1-6" and 6 others Study online at https://quizlet.com/_1jjc2m 3. exhibition and regular season games and *competi- tions worldwide* 281. Economic im- pact -do financial gains the nation receive outweigh the re- sources expended to prepare for major event? e.g. 2010 World Cup-South Africa 282. Social impact -*investments in youth sport* in South Africa (e.g. 2010 World Cup) -1988 Olympic games and *Democratic elections* in South Korea and *diplomatic relations* with other coun- tries (e.g., China) 283. Sociological Ap- proaches 1. Theory of the *leisure class* 2. *Commodification* (commodities) of sport/Marxist cri- tiques 3. *Political economy*/growth coalition theory 284. Theory of the leisure class -people *communicate social status* to others by *pos- sessions* and ways in which they *spend their time* > golfer with a country club membership 285. Thorsten Ve- blen's book -The *Theory of the Leisure Class*: An Economic Study of Institutions -went *beyond lens of normative economic science* -to *understand economic behavior* in context of social relations/social class 286. Leisure -the *non-productive* consumption of time -individuals have finite amount of time available during day, typically allocating their time to *leisure or labor* -*leisure class vs. labor class* 287. Conspicuous consumption -one involves the *lavish expenditure* on consumer goods or services 288. Commodifica- tion of sport/Marxist critiques -as sport/rec/ become commercialized there are more opportunities to spend money on sport as leisure activity -Veblen viewed labor and leisure class relations as one characterized by emulation, Marx views it more as inher- 39 / 46
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Combo with "SPMT 319 chapters 1-6" and 6 others Study online at https://quizlet.com/_1jjc2m ently *antagonistic* >*bourgeoisie* serves as ruling capitalist class that con- trols factors of production and *proletariat* are workers who provide labor for them 289. Conspicuous la- bor -*participation in extensive and visible leisure activities* to display social status 290. Cultural Capital -*varies* by social class -*developing appreciation* for certain activities (sport) -individuals in lower classes would develop appreciation for other activities 291. Economic Capi- tal -sports preferred by the lower classes tend to be *inex- pensive* 292. Socioeconomic Status -serve as a *proxy (representation) for one's social class* -annual income or net worth *doesn't automatically deter- mine* whether an individual is a member of the leisure class -*wealth allows* them to dedicate time to unproductive activities -athletes without expectation pecuniary gain= sport is seen as *productive occupation* rather than conspicuous leisure 293. Heath a state of complete *physical, mental, and social well-be- ing* and not merely the absence of disease and infirmity 294. Physical Health -overall *functioning* of the human body 295. Mental Health -self-efficacy and *self-esteem*/*coping* with stress -ability to think clearly/*reason*/function in society 296. Social Health -how individuals *interact* with others and function *as members* of a community 297. Muscular Chris- tianity Movement -19th century movement *rejecting anti-leisure* narrative -sport participation as tool to *develop balance of physical and spiritual harmony* 40 / 46
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Combo with "SPMT 319 chapters 1-6" and 6 others Study online at https://quizlet.com/_1jjc2m -provided impetus for dvlpmt. of public and private *parks* and rec. sports *programs* -rooted in *functionalist perspective* 298. Critics of health promotion lega- cy... -argued sport during industrial-era reform period used primarily as means of *social control & for promotion of capitalist ideology* -rooted in *conflict perspective* -focuses on *class relations and issues of gender inequal- ity* >exclusions of females 299. Benefits of sport and physical ac- tivity -addressing the "obesity epidemic" -youth sport participation *encourages lifelong activity* -participation connected to improve *social, emotional, and mental health* -*decreased risks* of engaging in presumed risky health behaviors 300. Criticisms of sport's efficacy to promote posi- tive health -*over-training and injury* in competitive sport -*overweight* and obese participants *injured* -athletes *playing "hurt" or "injured* in competitive sport -issues of *athlete burnout* at various levels -athletes and *eating disorders* -*unhealthy social interactions* among participants and *fans* 301. Accessibility to sport across the lifespan 1. risk of poor health *not distributed equally* across social hierarchy of populations 2. mechanisms for *socializing youth* into sport 3. socialization and disparities in sport's health benefits 302. Risk of poor health not dis- tributed equally across social hi- erarchy of popu- lations -poor/racial/ethnic minorities/women/people with disabil- ities/senior citizens more likely to be physically inac- tive and have poorer health outcomes than advantaged groups 303. 41 / 46
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Combo with "SPMT 319 chapters 1-6" and 6 others Study online at https://quizlet.com/_1jjc2m Mechanisms for socializing youth into sport -family, peers, media, coaches, teachers play *pivotal roles* -various *interpersonal, intrapersonal, and structural bar- riers* inhibiting and prohibiting participation 304. Socialization and disparities in sport's health benefits -organizational system in USA promotes participation for *elite athletes* as age increases -gender issues and requirements of *greater time com- mitment* in elite sport -*class issues* and participation opportunities -*race issues* and participation opportunities >swimming, golf 305. Recommenda- tions (9) 1. Recreation and school programs must offer and en- courage a *broad range of sport activities* 2. *Limit* youth sport *specialization* 3. Create education programs to teach youth sport skills and *competence* across various sports 4. Develop and *support inclusive* sport programs 5. Reduce *financial barriers* 6. Increase *opportunities* for more physical activities and movement during sport participation 7. Reduce *excessive violence* in all levels of sport 8. Increase *positive interactions* between opposing play- ers and *fans* 9. *Youth coaching certification* and education programs should be *created and promoted* 306. 3 Major assump- tions in the study of ethics 1.groups and societies are characterized by *shared val- ues* and *conflicts of interests* 2. social life involves *continuous processes of negoti- ation, compromise, and coercion* because agreements about values/social organization are *never permanent* 3. values and social organization change over time and form one situation to another as there are *shifts in the power balance* between groups of people in society 307. Ethics *principles of right and wrong* conduct and decisions -focus on how individuals ought to or *should* act -on the level of *theory* 42 / 46
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Combo with "SPMT 319 chapters 1-6" and 6 others Study online at https://quizlet.com/_1jjc2m 308. Morality -*expression of values, attitudes, and lifestyles* by specif- ic social groups and individuals -observed on the level of *practice* >i.e. our *behavior* -and the focus is on what people *do and don't do* 309. Values -*deeply held views* that motivate and guide a person's behavior -an *enduring belief* that a particular way of behavior and living is *personally and socially preferable* to others ways of doing so -morals are those *fundamental baseline values* that ul- timately dictate behavior 310. Ethical Reason- ing -*cognitive process* -*explicitly and implicitly* learned through others -employed to help one arrive at a decision on a particular issue -dependent on one's *personal values and morals* per- haps the values of the organizational settings (code of ethics/conduct policies) and broader society -helps people *work through ethical dilemmas* 311. Ethical Dilemma -occurs when a person is presented with a circumstance that *potentially challenges his or her beliefs* and might force action one way or another to *resolve some conflict* -is a situation where the course of action might be *un- clear* or where *reasonable people cannot agree* on what should or should not be done 312. Sport Ethics -theory of moral behavior in sport and physical activity settings -informal/organized/corporate sport -task is to *critically reflect* on the phenomenon of sport within its social and cultural setting -sport derives meaning from *society* and must be *placed within ethics and moral values of that context 313. 43 / 46
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Combo with "SPMT 319 chapters 1-6" and 6 others Study online at https://quizlet.com/_1jjc2m Macro level forces that shape ethical behavior 1. Culture of a particular society 2. Legal system/laws/governmental relations 314. Culture of a par- ticular society -individualism-collectivism binary -massification -commodification 315. Legal system/laws/gov- ernmental regulations -the US constitution -legislation & court decisions -sport governing bodies 316. Meso level forces that shape ethi- cal behavior 1. Organizational Culture 2. Organizational Systems 317. Organizational Culture -pattern of *basic assumptions* >invented/discovered/developed by given group as it learns to cope with problems of *external adaptation/in- ternal integration* -has worked well enough to be valid to be taught to new members as correct way to *perceive/think/feel relating to problems* 318. Organizational Systems -governance structures -*structures, policies, procedures, and rules* in organiza- tions 319. Micro Level forces that shape ethical behavior -personal ethics 320. Personal Ethics -set of morals & values *someone brings* to an orginiza- ton/workplace/social setting -*influenced by* family background/upbringing/life expe- riences/religious beliefs/informal education/overall moral development 321. 44 / 46
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Combo with "SPMT 319 chapters 1-6" and 6 others Study online at https://quizlet.com/_1jjc2m Personal ethics grounded in what three ethi- cal frameworks 1. Deontology 2. Teleology 3. Virtue Ethics 322. Deontology -a rules based approach that focuses on *obligation and duty* -theories= "ethics of duty" -do not involve considerations of the outcome of action 323. Teleology -*antithesis of deontology* -focuses on *consequences of one's actions* -whether or not actions bring about *greatest good* for greatest # of people -not concerned with character or intentions as long as outcomes of decision-making are good/desirable 324. Virtue Ethics -aka *existentialism* -focuses on *character and authenticity* -how decision making *affects them* -requires *moral training* 325. Ethical Dilem- mas in Profes- sional Sport -creates sport spectacles in which consumers *pay fees* to consume/affiliate with events/exhibitions -athletes/*participants paid* for performance/services -corporate sport; purpose *primarily entertainment & prof- its* 326. Ethical Dilem- mas in College Sport -unique to *American* society -taken on a business *corporate sport model* -*amateurism vs. professionalism* 327. Ethical Dilem- mas in Recre- ational Sport -integral part of most people's lives -exist in *various contexts* (i.e. cities/colleges/therapeutic rec/health settings) -grown from loose collection of *fledgling organizations* to *pro associations* >define/redefine standards in programming & profession- alism 45 / 46
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Combo with "SPMT 319 chapters 1-6" and 6 others Study online at https://quizlet.com/_1jjc2m 328. Ethical Dilem- mas in Health and Fitness Club Sport -aim/purpose to offer various club memberships -to meet a wide variety of exercise and fitness goals for members -tremendous growth since 1970's 329. Massification -transformed social relations resulting from a more *spe- cialized division of labor*, -large-scale *commodity production and consumption*, -widespread *use of technology* to increase industri- al/administrative *efficiency*, -and increasingly *authoritarian* state 330. Commodifica- tion -social, psychological, cultural uses of social structures for commercial needs of monopolies -viewing and treating humans as objects to be manipulat- ed, bought ,and sold i.e. NFL combine 46 / 46
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