Module 05 Written Assignment – Case Study -2 copy



Rasmussen College *

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Jun 11, 2024





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1 Module 05 Written Assignment – Case Study Rasmussen University HUS3120 Section 01: Human Sexuality Clifford Marsh May 9, 2022
2 Module 05 Written Assignment – Case Study When we first begin studying about engaging in the human services field, among the first things that we know is that we will be engaging with a variety of individuals from multiple backgrounds and cultures. We discover that we must be conscious of our biases against others and that we must strive to put those biases away from our brains because they will only obstruct our duty to assist others. Reading about Sylvie and how she sees others makes me a little hesitant to work in the field with individuals like this. Regardless of the small community, she has had to understand how to operate with groups that are different from her own throughout her studies. She additionally originates from a very strong religious background, which can be problematic when interacting with the LGBTQ+ community as well as other people of different cultures. There are several areas I believe Sylvie has to focus hard in order to be objective in her position , one which is awareness. Sylvie needs to examine why she believes the way she does and what she can do to change her mind. Sylvie must keep track of everything she discovers. Another area I think might benefit her is to have a mentorship. I believe that seeing someone functioning correctly will assist Sylvie to gain better experience and professionalism without risking her realtionhip with clients. It is also the individual to whom she should present the material from her self-analysis to obtain advice on how to deal with her biases. One of the most crucial matters Sylvie needs to realize is that as a human services worker, she must adhere to regulatory requirements. Standard 7 is among such requirements, which states Human Service Professionals make certain that their own values and biases are not pushed on their clients ( Ethical Standards for Human Services Professionals , n.d.).
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