SOC 112 Module Eight Worksheet



Southern New Hampshire University *

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Jun 8, 2024





Uploaded by Law2011

SOC 112 Module Eight Worksheet Your Sociological Lens Read the article titled “Understanding the Sociological Perspective: How Sociologists See the World” and watch the video How Does Social Change Happen? Then reflect on the course material by answering the following questions in complete sentences (1–3 sentences per question). You will need to support your answers with at least one scholarly source. Your responses will be graded using the Module Eight Worksheet Rubric. To complete this worksheet, replace the bracketed text with the relevant information.
Questions Your Answers 1. Describe how you can use your newly developed sociological perspective in your everyday life. In my everyday life ican use my newly developed sociological perspective in a lot of ways. In the past weeks I chose to focus on drugg and alcoholism and it revealed what I already assumed but also helped me look at it from many perspectives and open up a whole world of knowledge. This issue has opened my eyes sand has informed me on what goes on in America and what we are doing about it in response. I also learned that this is in issue in any aspects of life, in families, in communities, within peer and groups. It’s important to also spread the knowledge and make people aware on how serious it is. I will definitely check on my family more and friends. 2. What aspects of sociology can be helpful to you in your personal life? After learning newfound information and diving deeper into how drugs and alcoholism is plaguing the nation, I will now look out for my family and be more aware when I see or sense addiction at hand. My family is my personal life and I plan to also make them aware of the issue and bring awareness of addiction. Sociology also helped me realize that black people are more prone to many of the addictions, violence and other extremist activities. It is extremely vital to turn a look at my people and be the helping hand we need to fight the injustices that plague the nation. 3. What aspects of sociology can be helpful to you in your professional life? For my professional life and workplace, I plan on starting my own plant shop. I hope to take away from sociology that can help my employees, staff, and myself by looking out for al 4. How can a deeper understanding of human interaction be helpful in the real world? A deeper understanding of human interaction can help in the real world by allowing each and every one of us to understand each other. For instance, I went to the dog park to get my dog socialized, while there I interacted with 3 people from 3 different backgrounds and cultures. Not everyone says hello the same nor speaks the same, but the interactions all had the same intentions of being friendly and wanting to allow our dogs to have a good time. Once you speak to a person, it can change your perspective on that person, maybe you already had assumptions about a [person up until you spoke to that person. You never know how one is until you simply interact.
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