Case Study W11



Brigham Young University, Idaho *

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Apr 3, 2024





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Case Study Name : Natalie Denkers Case Study Option (A, B, C, or D) : C Instructions The purpose of this assignment is to apply your knowledge and deepen your learning by responding to real life examples that you or others may face in defending the Proclamation and the eternal family . Your response to the case study you have chosen may be written in essay format, or you may choose to write your response as if you were speaking or writing directly to someone facing the situation described. Your response must show thought, reflection, pondering, and depth, and be presented with college-level writing skills. The following should be integrated into your response: The gospel doctrines or principles that are involved in the case study, and how they help to clarify and give direction in addressing the situation. Messages from scripture, the proclamation, and the course readings for the current unit of study that address the dilemma and how those messages would be helpful. Your own suggestions and ideas about actions that would be helpful in addressing the issue. Your response must include: At least four references, each from a different talk or article in the current course readings. These may be direct quotes or paraphrases of statements, and must include appropriate in-text citations. (See Good Writing Practices for REL 200 ) A pertinent passage from the Proclamation A scripture that would support your thoughts and ideas As an option, you may choose to use two statements from two of the most recent General Conference addresses in place of two references from the current course readings Be sure to connect the references to your thoughts and discuss why or how the reference helps to address the situation in the case study . These assignments help you to dig deeply into the readings for the course and to show your understanding of the content, but they are not a place to simply regurgitate what you have learned. Please have at least 50% or more of the text be your thoughts and comments. It may be helpful to bold or use a different color of text for your references and citations. This will help you see how much of the text is from quotes and words of others and how much is your own words. Case Study Report In 1-2 page(s), write a response to the case study that you have chosen and that meets the requirements explained above. BYU-Idaho 1 REL 200
To begin, the case study I chose states the following, “A young couple who recently got married asks for advice on working unitedly as a couple in all things, especially spiritual matters. The couple feels that the examples they saw as children were less than ideal. One example was an overbearing and unrighteous dominion, and the other example was neglecting the importance of spiritual growth. What advice do you have for them?” To start my response to this, my advice would be to first align their goals up with one another so they know what to expect and how to help each other out. I think a great way to start would be to pray with each other. By praying together as a couple, you can invite the spirit into your relationship and home, which can help align your goals with one another and take into account what Christ would want and how He can help as well. Another very common thing I would advise them to start doing if they do not already is having scripture study with each other. By holding a regular scripture study can bring a greater knowledge of the gospel into your homes, as well as lead to better habits and inspire very important conversations. A scripture that I would like to share with this young couple would be, Ecclesiastes 4: 9-12, “Two are better than one; because they have a good breward for their labour. For if they fall, the one will lift up his fellow: but woe to him that is alone when he falleth; for he hath not another to help him up. Again, if two lie together, then they have heat: but how can one be warm alone? And if one prevails against him, two shall withstand him; and a threefold cord is not quickly broken.” This scripture is a great reminder that we are stronger when we support one another and work together, which describes marriage perfectly. I think that this is expressing that marriage is the strongest when it includes both spouses being devoted to the Lord and turning to the doctrine for guidance. Another thing that I would recommend this couple to do is to make sure they are communicating openly and respectfully. This will ensure that your feelings are expressed and you are not judged for how you feel or what you may gain from the relationship. It is important to share when you are happy, upset, angry, or any other emotion or feelings that may be prompted by the spirit, with your significant other. I think a talk that can provide some more calcification on this for them is “Living After the Manner of Happiness” given by Jeffery R. Holland. He states in this, “Above all else, ultimate happiness, true peace, and anything even remotely close to scriptural joy are found first, foremost, and forever in living the gospel of Jesus Christ. Lots of other philosophies and systems of belief have been tried. Indeed it seems safe to say that virtually every other philosophy and system has been tried down through the centuries of history.” (11) I think that this can be used as a guide to show that through hardships and accomplishments, it is important to rely on the gospel and thank the Lord for the things we are given and the experiences we have. This will help give you a greater importance in yourself and in the relationship. I would also advise to look over the Family Proclamation to the World and to refer to it frequently. It is a perfect reminder of the roles we have as husbands, wives, mothers, and fathers. One part that I think helps this couple's situation is, "Husband and wife have a solemn responsibility to love and care for each other and for their children... Parents have a sacred duty to rear their children in love and righteousness, to provide for their physical and spiritual needs, to teach them to love and serve one another, to observe the commandments of God..." This excerpt makes it clear that they not only have responsibilities towards each other, but also are in unison to provide a spiritual upbringing in their family and relationship in general. This shows the importance of unity in marriage and how love, service, and obedience to God and each other is a guiding principle. Continuing on the aspect of mothers and fathers in a relationship and building a family, there are two talks that I would share with them. The first is titled, “Mothers Who Know” by Julie B. Beck. This talk emphases the importance of mothers who know and understand. A point that really stood out to me was where it states, “Mothers who know are leaders. In equal partnership with their husbands, they lead a great and eternal organization. These mothers plan for the future of their organization. They plan for missions, temple marriages, and education. They plan for prayer, scripture study, and family home evening.” (7) This short quote is very helpful in understanding the role of a husband and wife and the way they work together in all ways, but BYU-Idaho 2 REL 200
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