Case Study



Brigham Young University, Idaho *

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Apr 3, 2024





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Case Study Name : Natalie Denkers Case Study Option (A, B, C, or D) : B Instructions The purpose of this assignment is to apply your knowledge and deepen your learning by responding to real life examples that you or others may face in defending the Proclamation and the eternal family . Your response to the case study you have chosen may be written in essay format, or you may choose to write your response as if you were speaking or writing directly to someone facing the situation described. Your response must show thought, reflection, pondering, and depth, and be presented with college-level writing skills. The following should be integrated into your response: The gospel doctrines or principles that are involved in the case study, and how they help to clarify and give direction in addressing the situation. Messages from scripture, the proclamation, and the course readings for the current unit of study that address the dilemma and how those messages would be helpful. Your own suggestions and ideas about actions that would be helpful in addressing the issue. Your response must include: At least four references, each from a different talk or article in the current course readings. These may be direct quotes or paraphrases of statements, and must include appropriate in-text citations. (See Good Writing Practices for REL 200 ) A pertinent passage from the Proclamation A scripture that would support your thoughts and ideas As an option, you may choose to use two statements from two of the most recent General Conference addresses in place of two references from the current course readings Be sure to connect the references to your thoughts and discuss why or how the reference helps to address the situation in the case study . These assignments help you to dig deeply into the readings for the course and to show your understanding of the content, but they are not a place to simply regurgitate what you have learned. Please have at least 50% or more of the text be your thoughts and comments. It may be helpful to bold or use a different color of text for your references and citations. This will help you see how much of the text is from quotes and words of others and how much is your own words. Case Study Report In 1-2 page(s), write a response to the case study that you have chosen and that meets the requirements explained above. BYU-Idaho 1 REL 200
When talking to my friend about her situation with falling in love with someone who is not a member of the church, I would have an open conversation with her and also suggest she should have a discussion with their significant other. I would have her talk to them about being open to learning more about the gospel of Jesus Christ and how important temple marriage is to her. I would do my best to encourage her to continue living and promoting gospel standards and make sure to pray about her situation to find comfort and may even an answer to what she should do. The first principle that I would have her consider is the importance of temple marriage and being sealed for time and all eternity. This doctrine teaches us that marriage and families can continue beyond this life. However, it does not mean that it is wrong to be in love with someone who is not a member of the church. Another principle I would focus on is agency, and the right to make choices on their own. A scripture I would share with her due to her situation is from 1 Chorithians 7:14, which states, “For the unbelieving husband is sanctified by the wife, and the unbelieving wife is sanctified by the husband.” I would express that this scripture reminds us that love can be a powerful factor to be involved deeper into the gospel. Another thing that goes well with this is in the Family Proclamation, it states, “Marriage between a man and women is ordained of God and… families are central to the Creator’s plan.” This shows the importance of an eternal family in God’s plan for us. With both of these quotes, I would share that although it may be hard and scary, she can do her best to explain these feelings to her significant other and express what she wants in life. There are a few talks from church leaders that I would like to share with my friend. The first being titled, “Love and Marriage,” given by Sister Wendy Nelson. This talk focuses on the principles of love and marriage between a husband and wife and the importance of communication within a relationship. A part that stands out to me states, “Your future spouse will thank you because at that very moment you will be preparing for true marital intimacy. So, if you’re single and wonder how best to prepare for true love, the answer is: Do whatever it takes to keep your thoughts, feelings, words, and actions pure. Invite the Spirit to guide you. He will help you! And if you’re married, my counsel is exactly the same!”(Nelson, 9) This stands out to me because she shared that we need to prepare for the day we are married and we must do what we think is necessary to invite the Spirit into our relationships and rely on the Holy Ghost and Christ for guidance. The second talk I would suggest my friend reads is given by Elder Richard G. Scott, “Making Right Choices.” In this he mentions, “When you are mature enough to plan seriously for marriage, keep your expressions of feelings to those that are comfortable in the presence of your parents. To help you keep these sacred commandments, make a covenant with the Lord that you will obey them. Decide what you will do and will not do.”(Scott, 16) This stood out to me and I think would be beneficial to my friend because he focuses on free agency and how we need to make the decision to stay worthy to enter a temple marriage, and have faith in the relationships we have. He tells us that this will create an even closer relationship with God and can help us know who is the person we will spend eternity with. Another great talk that I would share is in the 2003 Ensign given by President Thomas S. Monsoon, titled “ Divine Love.” This talk encourages us to love unconditionally and be Christlike to those around us. “Divine love is perfect, infinite, enduring, and universal. The full flower of divine love and our greatest blessings from that love are conditional—predicated upon our obedience to eternal law. I pray that we may qualify for those blessings and rejoice forever.” (Monson, 31) This part of his talk, he puts a lot of emphasis on God’s love being our greatest blessings and we should do our best to reciprocate that same love, even during hard times. The last talk I would share is “Eternal Families,” by President Henry B. Eyring. In this talk, he discussed the importance of eternal families and the blessing that comes from living the principles of the gospel and following the plan of happiness. He states the following, “Since that is true, everything we do should have celestial marriage as its focus and purpose. That means we must strive to be sealed to an eternal companion in the temple of God. We must also encourage others to make and keep the covenants that bind a husband and wife together, with their family, in this life and in the world to come.”(Eyring, 6) This focuses on the importance of doing our best to have an eternal companion and receive a temple marriage. BYU-Idaho 2 REL 200
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