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Apr 3, 2024





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Gracious H. Harpole REL 1301: New Testament Unit 3 Gospel Contradiction Short Answer ***Read the Lutheran Bible Companion "The Resurrection Of Jesus" pgs. 169-173. REMEMBER that all responses should be based on the assigned readings and be at least 3 - 4 sentences long. The reading outlines several seeming contradictions in the Gospel accounts. Based on the readings, answer the following questions: 1) Which women do Matthew, Mark, and Luke list who came to the tomb on Easter Sunday? Why might their lists of names be different from one another? (Remember to base your answers on the reading and not your own opinion. The four evangelists named Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John all mention a different set of names of the women who came to the tomb on Easter Sunday. However, they all mentioned that Mary Magdalene was at least one of the women who came to the tomb. Two of the Apostles (Mark and Luke) claimed that there were only three women there (Engelbrecht, 2014, p. 169). Matthew states that there were two women there and John remarks that Mary Magdalene did have unnamed companions when she visited the tomb (Engelbrecht, 2014, p. 169). The reason all of their reports about which women exactly had visited the tomb is due to their reports being complimentary within one another and that John presupposes that the readers of the Bible are already familiar with the first three Gospels (Engelbrecht, 2014, p. 169). 2) Matthew and Mark say that one angel announced to the women at the tomb on Easter. Luke and John say there were two angels present. How can we reconcile these differences? The best way to harmonize these differences among the four Apostles is to recognize that the most important factor of this event is that there was an angel who conveyed the good news of the resurrection of Jesus Christ so whether there were one or two angels was of secondary importance (Engelbrecht, 2014, p. 171). There may have only been two angels and only one of them was the one who spoke to the women while the other angel may have been nodding in acknowledgment (Engelbrecht, 2014, p. 172). 3) Matthew states that after finding the tomb empty, the women ran back to tell the other disciples. Mark says that they said nothing to anyone. How can these two accounts both be true? (remember to base your answers on the reading and not your own opinion?) When Mark says that the women did not say anything to anyone, he is suggesting that the women were so full of joy that they didn’t stop to tell anyone what they saw and instead, they rushed home to their abodes (Engelbrecht, 2014, p. 173). Even though Mark stated that the women did the correct action by informing the disciples immediately of the message that God sent the angels to tell them of the resurrection of Christ, both Apostles did account for the resurrection and but also about Jesus’ second coming (Engelbrecht, 2014, p. 173).
Gracious H. Harpole REL 1301: New Testament Unit 3 Gospel Contradiction Short Answer Engelbrecht, E. A. (2014). Lutheran Bible Companion: Volume 2: Intertestamental era, New Testament, and Bible dictionary (Vol. 2). Concordia Publishing House.
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