Washington Farewell Address



Liberty University *

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Political Science


Jan 9, 2024





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WASHINGTON’S FAREWELL ADDRESS ANALYSIS Washington’s Farewell Address Analysis Makayla French GOVT 200_D05 Professor James Johnson November 20, 2023
WASHINGTON’S FAREWELL ADDRESS ANALYSIS After serving as the nation's first president for eight years, George Washington informed his friends and the people of the nation in a letter in 1796 that he would not like to serve as president again. He expressed his wish to retire. He composed this letter out of worry for the people of the United States because he believed they respected him and would heed his comments. In this letter, he forewarned the populace that their country's success hinged on their loyalty to it, cautioned them against foreign influence, warned them that national morality could not triumph at the expense of religious significance, discussed the stability of political affairs, and, above all, stressed the significance of geographic unity and sectionalism. The people chose the next President after George Washington decided to retire. In his speech, he forewarned the people of the impending risks to their national loyalty, the influence of foreign nations, the value of morality and religion, the stability of governmental events, and the significance of the sacred connections that bind the nation together. He wrote them a letter advising them to pick a partner who is reliable and will be devoted to his nation and humanity. Washington wished for the people to understand the importance of cherishing and remaining faithful to their nation and the freedom they had battled for. Regardless of whether they fought to come here from another nation or were born here. He cautioned them that it might not be simple since there would always be a shadowy figure trying to find a means of inciting conflict among the populace. He described their oneness as a government in which the people are truly independent, safe, and free, and they should always consider themselves to be one cohesive unit. He emphasized that the various regions—the east, west, north, and south— should only depend on one another and described how they could do so. President Washington was aware that other countries would threaten the United States. He cautioned the populace in his parting speech not to permit foreign countries to instigate conflicts and attacks. He advised the populace to be together to be powerful against outside
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