Energy and Environmental Policy



Purdue Global University *

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Political Science


Apr 3, 2024





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1 Energy and Environmental Policy Student’s Name Course Professor’s Name Date
2 Introduction Energy and environmental policy are two intertwined topics that help further understand the content included in public policy. The theoretical, political, and practical aspects associated with the study of public policy increase the course's essence. The current issues require practical solutions and political viewpoints for measures that benefit people and the environment. Distributive, regulatory, redistributive, and self-regulatory are the four types of policy. The definition and classification of policy problems help identify a person's values and perceptions between right and wrong. 1 Energy policy encompasses how an entity like the government tackles energy development issues such as the use, distribution, and conversion of energy. A signed written statement denoting the principles and aims of a business to manage the effects of the environment on the organization's operations creates environmental policies. The essay helps identify key challenges of environmental and energy policy. An evaluation of the way the competing goals of the two policy areas and a Biblical model of government and statesmanship are present. Governments' inability to manage finances for the environment as prioritized, inadequate political support for set environmental goals, ineffective environmental solutions, and frail policy integration for the environment are the key challenges related to environmental policy. 2 In many states, the government fails to manage finances set to cater to environmental issues properly. The government's acts tend to affect the political sector by influencing the reduction of people's involvement in politically supporting environmental goals. Many denoted solutions for issues affecting the environment provide a short fix without looking for the root cause. Challenges 1 Clarke   E   Cochran et al., American Public Policy: An Introduction , (Boston: Cengage Learning, 2016). 2-5 2 Kraft, Michael E.   Environmental policy and politics . (Taylor & Francis, 2017), 200.
3 associated with energy policy are energy conversion challenges, climate change, and economic competition. Energy conversion requires the use of resources, including natural gas or fossil fuels. 3 The absence of most resources due to the increase in demand leads to the failure of the production process. Economic competition increases with the increase in resources' demand and consumers interested in conversed energy. Energy policy is a challenge since it is a hurdle to attain/collect sufficient energy from sources like the sun due to climatic changes. The environmental and energy policies are areas with and without competing goals. In both cases, one's reaction, beliefs, understanding of an issue predicts the solution and the regulation of resources for both policies for balance and their correct use. In some cases, protecting environmental policies can threaten people's lives in the aspect of energy policy and vice versa 4 . In reference to their differences, the environmental policy aims to promote people's wellbeing by reducing pollution. Energy policy focuses on the presence of a continuous supply of all fuels. The Biblical model of government and statesmanship identifies the vitality of caring for the environment as a God-given task. The leadership of former presidents Obama and Trump portrays the biblical teachings through their reign. The government of former president Obama focused on preserving and improving the environment and energy by creating green energy. 5 Trump failed to pass and ensure the following of various environmental regulations thus, caused 3 Schubert et al., Energy policy of the European Union . (Macmillan International Higher Education 2016), 160. 4 Kraft, Michael E.   Environmental policy and politics . (Taylor & Francis, 2017), 310. 4 5 Schubert et al., Energy policy of the European Union . (Macmillan International Higher Education 2016), 270.
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