Week 2 discussion:
Connection Between Our Culture and the News
Option 1:
The framers of the Constitution were concerned that everyday
citizens would not be able to understand or comprehend the makings of our
government. They felt that everyday citizens were uninformed and did not
care what was going on in our government. Even today we see where
citizens are interested in government affairs seemingly only if our country is
in turmoil such as unemployment, recessions, civil unrest, etc. Do you agree
with this assessment? Are we uninformed? Do we wait till a crisis happens to
voice our opinions?
Yes, I agree with the assessment because the Constitution was built by some framers. while
some individuals may be uneducated, they do care about what is happening in the government.
Without the appropriate education, it might be challenging to grasp some things. There are
many reasons behind this one of the reasons is an obvious indicator that such individuals don't
give much thought to political authority or the rule of law. Political scientists and observers who
have examined the beliefs and actions of the populace have concluded that they are ill-
prepared to exercise self-government and should not control how the government operates
(Greenberg & Page, 2020).
Also, we do not have to wait till a crisis happens to voice our
opinion. Creating a government, maintaining peace, and ensuring national defense were the
responsibilities. The concern is whether enough is being done to ensure that individuals are
adequately educated and able to participate. On some topics, the public is misinformed or kept
in the dark. Without all the details, you can't create a thoughtful view. Although they were
unsuccessful in influencing new farm policy, they gave contemporary conservatism a new,
forceful face
Rage of the Rural Minority on JSTOR
, n.d)
. Some important information is very hard
for some individuals to access, the government should make it easily accessible so every
individual can assess it very easily. Some individuals may not be aware of some problems, in my
opinion, until a crisis arises.
Greenberg, E., Page, B., 2018. The Struggle of Democracy 2018 Election and Update edition.
(12th ed.). Pearson Education 2018
Rage of the Rural Minority on JSTOR
. (n.d.). www.jstor.org.