There will be multiple choice questions, fill in the blanks, and three or four very short essays.
You should be familiar with the following vocabulary terms, which are outlined in the textbook,
Chapters 1, 2 and 3, and in the power points, which are available on Blackboard.
Articles of Confederation
Proclamation of 1763
Virginia Plan
Electoral college
New Jersey Plan
Connecticut compromise
Supremacy clause
American exceptionalism
The Federalist Papers
Bill of Rights
Reserved powers
Concurrent powers
Delegated powers
You should know the following concepts:
What did John Winthrop mean by his “City on a Hill” sermon?
What is the difference between “elite theory” and “social movement theory” in explaining how
power works in the United States?
What is the difference between the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution? Which
came first?
How did the Constitution deal with slavery?
What do we mean when we say our government has “checks and balances?” Give two
What are the three branches of government outlined in the Constitution’s first three articles,
and what do they do?
What is the difference between “originalism” and “pragmatism” when it comes to interpreting
the Constitution?