HSC4631 Immigration Policy Worksheet



University of South Florida *

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Political Science


Jun 23, 2024





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Policy Identification Worksheet Policy topic: Immigration Directions: Do some research and find 3 existing or proposed recent U.S. policies (laws, statutes, etc.) published or proposed on this topic. Do not describe policies proposed/implemented prior to 2000. In addition to a brief description of the policy, you will also indicate the stance (for or against), level of implementation, and provide a link to the actual policy. Policy 1 Policy name (Precise bill/policy/legislation name): H.R.6 American Dream and Promise Act Policy link (Include a direct link to the policy. Do not use Wikipedia, news articles, etc. Go directly to the source for information): https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th- congress/house-bill/6 Implementation level (Circle one of the following that fits your policy): Organizational/Institutional Local State Federal Brief summary of the policy in your own words (minimum 100 words): H.R. 6, the American Dream and Promise Act of 2021, is federal legislation that aims to provide a pathway to citizenship for Dreamers—undocumented immigrants brought to the U.S. as children—and individuals with Temporary Protected Status (TPS) or Deferred Enforced Departure (DED). The bill establishes criteria for conditional permanent resident status, leading to eligibility for permanent residency and eventual citizenship. It includes provisions to protect against deportation and improve the lives of these immigrants. Passed by the House of Representatives on March 18, 2021, the act reflects ongoing efforts to address immigration reform at the federal level. On a scale of 1 to 5, where do you feel this policy lands on the spectrum of being on the Pro or Con side of your topic? Highlight the appropriate number. Pro side (in favor of) Con side (against) 1 2 3 4 5 Briefly explain why you think your policy falls on that number in the spectrum. Why is this policy pro, con, or neutral? Do parts of the policy take components from both sides of the topic? For example, does it represent a solution that individuals on different sides of the topic might agree upon? Or, does the policy mainly support one perspective? (minimum 100 words): H.R. 6, the American Dream and Promise Act of 2021, offers several pros and cons. On the pro side, it provides a pathway to citizenship for Dreamers and individuals with TPS or DED, promoting social integration and economic
contributions from these groups. It helps stabilize families and communities, reducing the fear of deportation. However, opponents argue that the bill may incentivize illegal immigration by signaling leniency. Additionally, it faces criticism for not addressing broader immigration system issues, potentially leading to further legislative gridlock. Balancing humanitarian concerns with enforcement remains a central debate surrounding the policy. My stance remains neutral on this policy. Policy 2 Policy name (Precise bill/policy/legislation name): H.R. 1177 U.S. Citizenship Act Policy link (Include a direct link to the policy. Do not use Wikipedia, news articles, etc. Go directly to the source for information): https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th- congress/house-bill/1177 Implementation level (Circle one of the following that fits your policy): Organizational/Institutional Local State Federal Brief summary of the policy in your own words (minimum 100 words): H.R. 1177, the U.S. Citizenship Act of 2021, is comprehensive federal legislation aimed at overhauling the U.S. immigration system. It proposes an eight-year pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants, reforms family-based and employment-based immigration to reduce backlogs and addresses the root causes of migration from Central America. The bill enhances border security with advanced technology while promoting humane and effective enforcement policies. Introduced in February 2021, H.R. 1177 reflects a significant effort to create a more inclusive and efficient immigration system, balancing the need for security with the benefits of legal immigration. The bill also replaces the term   alien   with   noncitizen   in the immigration statutes. On a scale of 1 to 5, where do you feel this policy lands on the spectrum of being on the Pro or Con side of your topic? Highlight the appropriate number. Pro side (in favor of) Con side (against) 1 2 3 4 5 Briefly explain why you think your policy falls on that number in the spectrum. Why is this policy pro, con, or neutral? Do parts of the policy take components from both sides of the topic? For example, does it represent a solution that individuals on different sides of the topic might agree upon? Or, does the policy mainly support one perspective? (minimum 100 words): H.R. 1177, the U.S. Citizenship Act of 2021, offers numerous advantages and disadvantages. Pros include providing a clear pathway to citizenship for millions of undocumented immigrants, thereby promoting social cohesion and economic contribution. It modernizes the immigration system, reducing family and employment visa backlogs, and addresses root causes of migration, potentially decreasing future illegal immigration. Additionally, it emphasizes humane border security measures. However, cons include concerns that the bill might incentivize
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