The Declaration of Independence



Liberty University *

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Political Science


Jun 12, 2024





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THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE L33368389 1 The Declaration of Independence Essay Manaria L. Coats Helms School of Government, Liberty University GOVT 421: American Constitutional History (B01) Dr. David Van Heemst June 3, 2024
THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE L33368389 2 The Declaration of Independence: Ideas, Rights and Concepts Main Ideas of the Declaration The Declaration of Independence is crucial to the development of our government as we know it today and is fundamentally shaped by numerous ideas. For example, it drives the principle of equality and the notion that all men are born with unalienable right. These unalienable rights: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, are heavily influenced by John Locke. According to the Locke Foundation, “the Declaration and Resolves of the First Continental Congress – which was written two years prior to the Declaration of Independence by authors such as John Adams and George Washington – quotes Locke almost verbatim in resolving ‘[Colonists] are entitled to life, liberty and property” (Goforth, 2019). Secondly, it emphasizes the concept of government by consent, which means the government derives its power and authority from the consent of the people. And when a government fails to uphold this role, the Declaration argues that the people have the right to abolish it. (Mclellan, 1989). In addition to the right of government by consent, the Declaration upholds that the people are justified in overthrowing a government that violates their fundamental rights. And, have the right to establish a new government that will better ensure their rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Lastly, the Declaration lists specific grievances against King George III. They detail how he had violated the colonists’ rights which justified their decision to seek independence (Editors, 2019). These foundational ideas collectively highlight the Declaration’s rationale for an independent America.
THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE L33368389 3 Understanding: Natural Rights and Natural Law The foundation to understanding the rights in the Declaration is grounded in the concepts of natural rights and natural law. First, Natural law is “the belief that there is a higher law governing political rulers and the affairs of mankind which emanates from God” (Mclellan, 1989). The truths declared “self-evident" implies that these truths are universally recognizable and form the basis for political authority. Natural law provides the foundation for natural rights, asserting that these rights are grounded in human nature and can be understood through reason. In comparison, natural rights are that everyone has. The inalienable rights: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, are a prime example of what natural rights are. Another example from The Federalist Society states, “No person has a right to harm another as that means one person’s right interferes with another person’s right” (Watkins, 2019). Collectively, both natural law and natural rights have molded the understanding of the Declaration. They assert that the inalienable rights are self-evident and must be protected by the government, not granted by them. Political Ideas Not in the Declaration The Declaration of Independence has asserted principles of natural rights and equality while also leaving out political ideas that were later addressed int the U.S. Constitution. For starters, the Declaration does not provide a detailed structure of government, or the implementation of checks and balances. Secondly, there was no mention of economic systems such as capitalism and socialism. These ideas came into fruition when drafting up the Constitution as it was a main
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