Practice Questions Final Exam 2023



Montgomery College *

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Political Science


May 10, 2024





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1 Chapter 1 1. An institution can be defined as________ 2. Politics is defined in the text as ________ 3. What are some major challenge faced by political scientists in their use of the comparative method? 4. What is selection bias? An example? 5. Endogeneity refers to ________ 6. Recent discussions of the future of comparative politics and political science have called for ... 7. To a comparativist, which would be of more value: discovery of a correlation or discovery of a causal relationship? Why? 8. In which ways can multicausality affect comparative politics research? 9. Which forms of research or data would more likely be used by a quantitative research study than by a qualitative research study? Chapter 2 : States 1. Political scientists, based on the work of Max Weber, define the state as________. 2. Sovereignty is defined as ________. 3. What is the concept of regime ? 4. Government can be defined as________. 5. The shorthand term for the combination of regime, state, and government is________. 6. What is the relationships among states, regimes, and governments? 7. Modern states are built primarily on what form of legitimacy? 8. Capacity can be defined as ________. 9. Devolution is a process by which states: 10. What is the impact of devolution on federalism? Chapter 3: Nations and Society 1. Ethnic identity can be defined as... 2. What is the impact Ethnic solidarity on willingness to share resources with groups that are ethnically different. 3. Citizenship is best defined as: 4. A state that encompasses one dominant nation that it claims to embody and represent is known as: Chapter 4: Political Economy 1. What are the most fundamental components of political economy. 2. Markets can best be defined as: 3. Public goods are best defined as ... 4. What is the oldest of the political-economic systems, and what system first rose to challenge it? 5. In which ways do both communism and mercantilism differ from liberalism? 6. The total market value of all goods and products produced in a year is known as: 7. Taxes on imported goods are known as: 8. Restrictions that limit the quantities of foreign goods coming into a country are an example of what concept in political economy? 9. Social democracy can be defined as ... 10. Which political-economic system views private property as a form of exploitation? 11. Mercantilism is best associated with which economic policies? 12. Purchasing power parity is a way to measure ... 13. The Gini index is one way that social scientists measure ...
2 14. Why has liberalism become a more dominant political-economic system over the past few decades? Is this change good or bad? 15. In what key ways does social democracy differ from liberalism? In what ways is it similar? Chapter 5: Political Violence 1. What type of explanation for political violence can essentially be seen as a quest for a “root source” for violence? 2. Political violence is defined as… 3. Revolution is most accurately defined as________. 4. What is the difference between a coup d’état and a revolution? 5. What is the relationship between revolution and violence? 6. It has been argued that the 1979 Iranian Revolution and the 2011 Egyptian Revolution are examples of which model of revolution? 7. War crimes and human rights abuses can be defined as: 8. What is the definition of terrorism? 9. What is the relative deprivation model explanation for revolution? 10. Guerrilla war can be defined as: 11. Nihilism is in large part a belief that all institutions and values are ... 12. Studies of the relationship between economic conditions and terrorism find that: 13. In terms of achieving their stated long-term outcomes, terrorists ... 14. What is the relationship between religion and political violence? Chapter 8: Nondemocratic regimes 1. Nondemocratic regimes are best defined as... 2. What are examples of totalitarian regimes? 3. What is the relationship between nondemocratic rule and modernization? 4. What is “resource trap” theory? 5. What is the relationship between civil society and nondemocratic regimes? 6. What is the “Asian values” argument? 7. What is the characteristics of populism movements? What type of leadership they have? 8. When a system in which individuals outside an organization are brought into a beneficial relationship with it, making them dependent on the regime for certain rewards, it is known as: 9. A system wherein authoritarian regimes sanction a limited number of organizations to represent the public (and restrict unsanctioned ones) is known as: 10. What is clientelism? 11. What is the difference between clientelism and corporatism? 12. What is “rent seeking”? 13. Bureaucratic authoritarianism often justifies military rule by asserting that: Chapter 9: Communism and Postcommunism 1. The individual primarily associated with articulating the political theory of communism is ________ 2. For Marx, what was the most important institution for explaining all human action? 3. The ________ is the name Marx chose for the system of economic production, including the level of technology (the “means of production”). 4. Marx’s name for all human institutions, including religion, the state, politics, and gender, is the ________ 5. The term used to describe Marx’s conception of historical change is: 6. Who were the proletariat and the bourgeoisie in the Marxist theory? 7. For most of his career, Marx generally argued that communist revolution was most likely in: 8. Marx argued that once socialism had triumphed, the state would eventually:
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