The Tired Swimmer:
A Case Study on the Nervous System
by: Allison Russo, Morgan Falk, and Phil Stephens
Biology Department, Villanova University
The Tired Swimmer Final Report
Type your answers to the following questions.
1. ____/2pts What vital signs or symptoms does Annie exhibit?
Fatigue, weakness in hands, blurred vision, shortness of breath
2. ____/2pts
How could a decline in muscle function contribute to eye strain, blurred vision, and
problems breathing?
Eye movement and breathing are both muscle controlled.
3. ____/1pts
According to the conduction test, was Annie’s nerve function normal?
Yes, the nerve conduction test showed normal results.
4. ____/1pts
According to Annie’s emg test, was Annie’s skeletal muscle function normal in the
Yes, Annie’s muscle function was normal in the beginning but declined with repeated nerve
5. ____/2pts What is Annie's diagnosis?
Myasthenia gravis
____/2pts Why did activity in Annie’s motor nerves produce a skeletal muscle response that
fatigued during repetitive stimulation?
Myasthenia gravis causes your immune system to attack acetylcholine receptors in your muscles.
As your muscles decline, they fatigue easily