According to the CCPA Code of Ethics (2020), licensed clinical supervisors
have a responsibility to prioritize the welfare and protection of the public and
this is their primary focus. They are cognizant of ethical, legal, and
regulatory issues related to practice and specifically pay attention to the
comportment and competence of their charge, the supervisee (2020).
These responsibilities must be part of the CCPA Code of Ethics (2020) as it is
likely in John's case that this is the final stage where it is necessary to take
action against his ideology in an attempt to address the issues he is not
willing to do himself.
According to the CCPA Code of Ethics (2020), the supervisor is required to
report an objection to assessment in a professional manner. As you say, Dr.
D., this may be the gatekeeper's opportunity to address John's comportment
and competence in order to protect the interest of the client.
Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association. (2020).
Code of