Great discussion this week. I really enjoyed reading your post. I
agree, educational and vocational programs are critical in prisons. They offer
a variety of benefits to inmates and help set them up for success once
released, that they never would have gotten otherwise. These programs
motivate them to change their life course, and allow them to learn new skills,
knowledge, and critical thinking skills to help them cope with different
stressors that will arise when entering the work force maybe for the first time
or getting employment at a different job that they have never worked in
before serving their time in prison. In a study conducted by Cale et al (2019),
“results showed that participating in vocational education and training in
custody contributed to the likelihood of remaining custody free at two- and
five-years post-release for both male and female prisoners”.
In scripture, God tells us to work hard and that we can do anything
because he is the one who gives us strength. Inmates must see how working
towards learning these new skills and knowledge that education and
vocational training provides them, will give them the life that they can look
forward to. “For nothing will be impossible with God.”. Luke 1:37 ESV
Cale, J., Day, A., Casey, S., Bright, D., Wodak, J., Giles, M., & Baldry, E.
(2019). Australian prison vocational education and training and returns to
custody among male and female ex-prisoners: A cross-jurisdictional
Australian & New Zealand Journal of Criminology
(1), 129-
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Luke 1:37 (n.d).
The Holy Bible.
Eastern Standard Version, ESV