Week 8 Discussion



National University College *

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May 25, 2024





Uploaded by DukePorcupineMaster995

Week 8 Discussion Explain how the concepts and principles of this course (Ethics 632) will continue to inform your work as it relates to Self- Care, SEL, and Cultural Humility/Diversity as a Practitioner? ABA 632 has opened my eyes to a lot of things, that I did not know about when it came to ethics. Our stories through zoom and just listening to our professor has helped me learn a lot and I appreciate you all for trusting us with out stories, I cannot wait to see where we all go. The concepts and principals of this course will me with self- care because I will make sure I make time for myself. Burnout is, “The result of prolonged exposure to job-related stress,” (Plantiveau, C., Dounavi, K., & Virués-Ortega, J. (2018). To be able to not get burnt out, I will be working on self-care. Getting a massage, working out, or having a girl’s day will help me decompress from my stress and will help me rejuvenate for the following week. Working at a school and having summers off, will really help me as well with self-care, I will be able to have a break and get a plan ready for next school year. Culture humility/diversity is important, because as a practitioner you need to respect all cultures and their values. I will take this into consideration while working with clients of different backgrounds, because we want our clients and their families to feel welcome and safe. “The ABA field currently lacks culturally relevant behavior-analytic knowledge and professional training materials,” ( Fong et al., 2017). I plan to continue to gather materials, where they will teach me about the different ethnic backgrounds, and I will even continue to learn through my diverse families. SEL competencies include, “Awareness of self-others, positive attitudes, and values, responsible decision making, and social interaction skills,” ( Payton et al., 2000). I will use SEL by modeling when my help is needed, continue to train my
employees, get feedback from my coworkers and trainees so I know where I need to grow, listen to my workers, and implement changes when needed. I will always do my best to have a positive relationship with my coworkers. References Payton, J., Wardlaw, D., Graczyk, P., Bloodworth, M., Tompsett, C., & Weissberg, R. (2000). Social and Emotional Learning: A Framework for Promoting Mental Health and Reducing Risk Behavior in Children and Youth. Journal of School Health, 70(5), 179–185 FONG, E. H.; FICKLIN, S.; LEE, H. Y. Increasing cultural understanding and diversity in applied behavior analysis. Behavior Analysis: Research and Practice , [s. l.] , v. 17, n. 2, p. 103–113, 2017. DOI 10.1037/bar0000076. Plantiveau, C., Dounavi, K., & Virués-Ortega, J. (2018). High levels of burnout among early-career board-certified behavior analysts with low collegial support in the work environment. European Journal of Behavior Analysis, 19(2), 195- 207. [Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0]
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