Case Study 8



York College of Pennsylvania *

*We aren’t endorsed by this school






May 9, 2024





Uploaded by DeanMoose2665

1. Describe Aamer Farina’s managerial philosophy, citing examples from the case study to support your description. In your opinion, what is the impact of this leadership style on an organization’s approach to innovation? Heather said that Aamer believes thar smart jobs require the use of the right side of the brain. It seems like he can be a tough manager to work for at times based on this. If the leadership style is out of date, it can keep the organization from moving froward with new innovative approaches. This could set the organization back greatly. 2. Explain the conflict between Aamer and Heather. Which of the two do you believe is most responsible for resolving the conflict? Explain your response. Aamer thinks that Heather has a wild side and that her approach to this new system is weird. And from my understanding, heather thinks that Aamer is old fashioned. They both don’t like how each other approaches an issue. I do believe that it is Aamer’s job to resolve conflict because he is the leader of IT. 3. One potential solution to the privacy concerns brought about by EMR involves a technology called “segmentation" or "sequestration," which allows information about sensitive medical issues like reproduction, mental illness, and substance abuse to be accessed by medical professionals only when "medically necessary." How could this privacy feature aid Heather in formulating an argument for a more comprehensive EMR system at New Trinity? What potential objections could Aamer make to this privacy feature? This could help Heather because it could show that this system will make the health care system beneficial for the entire population and improving medical data. It will also keep it from doctors randomly accessing a patients records. He might say that it is not private and that it is an invasion of privacy 4. What, in your opinion, is the greatest risk associated with a national electronic medical record system? What are the greatest potential benefits? Do the benefits of such a system outweigh the potential risks? Why or why not? I believe that the greatest risk is there being a breach in the system and people’s data gets leaked. A potential benefit is having everyone’s data in one spot, so it is easy to find and there is less of a chance of it getting lost. I think the benefits outweigh the potential risks because even if patient’s
records were on paper, there’s still a chance of them getting stolen by someone. But the benefit would make it easier for doctors, nurses, and the patients.
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