Clinical Reflection Week 1



Chamberlain University College of Nursing *

*We aren’t endorsed by this school






May 24, 2024





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1 Clinical Reflection Heather Adams Chamberlain University College of Nursing NR 328: Pediatrics Dr. Ashley Marston May 6, 2024
2 Clinical Reflection Reflecting on my first clinical day at CHOA-Hughes Spaulding, the experience far exceeded my expectations. Walking into a pediatric setting, I wondered how the day would proceed, especially as I was tasked with care for a 7-year-old patient, A.S., who was being treated for status asthmaticus. The orientation we were provided with was both informative and engaging. Our clinical instructor walked us through the expectations, underlining how our time would be spent during our clinical experience. She struck a balance between letting us learn from observing and allowing us to apply knowledge through practice. The hands-on experience of assessing A.S. gave me a deeper understanding of the extensive efforts being made to manage his status asthmaticus. As I learned more about the condition, its severity, and its impact on pediatric patients, my appreciation for pediatrics as a specialty grew. A highlight of the day was learning how to operate the instruments for tracking vitals. The opportunity to physically navigate the knowledge I have previously sat with in theory was genuinely rewarding. The infusion pump, too, proved to be critical for patient care, and understanding its functionality addressed my apprehensions. Exploring the rooms, learning where everything was, and how to use it right, enhanced my confidence in handling a pediatric setting. I was quite fascinated by the way even the most minor details were designed considering the vulnerabilities of a child, whether medical or psychological. At the end of this day, I was left with an overwhelming sense of accomplishment and a stronger drive to learn more. My excitement to gain experience in pediatrics is heightened, and my respect for this field has deepened. If this first day is any indication of the rest of my clinical experience, I am certain that I will be leaving CHOA-Hughes Spaulding with a well-rounded skill set and a deeper understanding of pediatric care, especially for conditions as complex as status asthmaticus.
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