Week 4 NU643_Comprehensive_Case_Study



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May 4, 2024





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1 Comprehensive Case Study: Week X Name X School of Nursing, Regis College NUR643: Advanced Psychopharmacology Instructor Month Day, 20XX
2 NU643 Comprehensive Case Study: Week X Introduction and Differential Diagnoses Katie Adams, a female aged 19 years, presents with worries over everything. She is nervous and feels anxious at school and work and can't sleep. Often, she cries for no reason. The current illness developed as a failure to balance the transition to college. The accompanying symptoms include breath shortness, stress, sweatiness, and severe headaches. It became difficult for her to relate freely with her peers and even attend the gym. She worried about completing assignments and scoring quality grades. She noted feeling extremely anxious before the morning classes began. Differential Diagnosis List 1. Generalized Anxiety Disorder 2. Substance-Induced Anxiety Disorder 3 . Major Depressive Disorder Rationale: Pertinent Positive, Negatives, DSM5 Criteria Adams is experiencing stress and anxiety disorder symptoms due to the pressure of joining college and associated transition struggles. She is experiencing problems with sleeping, chest tightness, fears of socializing, sweatiness, and breathing difficulties. Her stress and anxieties are forcing her to indulge in marijuana as a coping mechanism and help her sleep, stay asleep, and even deal with anxiety. Remarkedly, she noted struggling with attending the first lesson, though she revealed that she was forcing herself to attend them. Her worries and stress are affecting her functioning in activities of daily living. Pertinent positives ï‚· Adams is aged 19 and is making efforts to deal with her problems.
3 ï‚· She has worries over everything and experiences difficulties sleeping ï‚· She is looking for help and is positive towards improving mentally ï‚· Adams can identify her symptoms, such as chest tightness, sweatiness, sleeping problems, and headaches. ï‚· Adams is familiar with the adverse effects of the use of marijuana and is making positive efforts toward avoiding it. ï‚· Adams has identified her worries, such as feeling anxious and nervous in school and at work, and is working towards coping with them (APA, 2022). Pertinent negatives ï‚· Absence of physical symptoms ï‚· Absence of significant medical history ï‚· Negative for psychotic symptoms ï‚· Negative for suicidal ideation ï‚· No mental health issues in the family issues Narrative Mental Status Exam Adams is a 19-year-old Caucasian female who came to the facility for evaluations linked to her worries and anxiety. She appeared just like her stated age and was appropriately dressed for the occasion and weather of the year without any notable exaggerations in grooming. She noted that she often has trouble sleeping and staying asleep and cries for no apparent reason. During the interview, Adams portrayed increased anxiety and concerns, suggesting increased pressure or stressful life events. Currently, the client's worry and anxiety are very high, marked by anxiety and worry about adjusting to college life, including getting good grades and being
4 liked by her college friends. Though anxious, Adams was calm and cooperative throughout the interview and displayed appropriate behavior and speech. She noted that she was stressed about her anxiety getting in her way of acquiring good grades, as she had a C. Adams added that she was having less social life as she was spending most of the time after the classes on her studies and social media, and rarely attends the gym. Her thought process is intact, and she can think and reason correctly. Her judgment is, however, affected by her anxiety. The client appears to be struggling with making rational decisions relating to everyday life and struggling with transition and balancing her college life. The client is aware of the impact of her condition and how it limits her ability to study and engage in other activities, including attending gym and attending to her social life. Variations from Normal and Monitoring Needs Variations from normal Anxiety and stress disorders are commonly observed in adults and among more women than men. Adams is only 19 years of age and presents unusual symptoms. She presents with symptoms such as headache, trouble sleeping, shortness of breath, and chest tightness, which are abnormal for patients with stress and anxiety disorders. The fact that she has problems with keeping track of time before classes and falling asleep and staying asleep is another symptom of heightened stress and anxiety. Her illness from marijuana use is also abnormal. Monitoring needs Adams (19 years old) is linked to great stress from the transition to college and various life changes related to this age group. While undertaking diagnosis and reviewing medical history and other important information, it is significant to consider the client's age group. Symptoms such as headache, breathing difficulties, and chest tightness may need medical
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