dperez_deliverable 5_Living Will_2nd attempt



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Apr 29, 2024





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1 Living Will Denise Perez Rasmussen University HSA4210CBE Professor Christopher Howard June 15, 2024
2 Introduction A living will is a document that empowers individuals to communicate their medical treatment preferences in case they're unable to convey or decide for themselves. The essential elements of a living will comprise. 1. Identification; The living will should contain the person’s name, date of birth and other details for identification. 2. Healthcare Proxy; This part allows individuals to designate a trusted person to make decisions on their behalf if they are incapable of doing 3. Medical Treatment Preferences; The living will should clearly state the individual’s choices regarding treatments like resuscitation, ventilation, nutrition, hydration and pain management. 4. Legal Validity; To be legally binding and enforceable the living will must adhere to the standards of the state where it is executed. 5. Witnesses and Notarization; Typically, a living will require signatures from two witnesses who're not related or beneficiaries in the individual’s estate. They must sign in front of the public, for authentication.
3 Living Will I, [Patients Name] declare this document to be my living will be understanding the importance of informed medical treatment decisions. Please refer to the End-of-Life Decisions source if necessary. This living will act as a guide for healthcare providers, my family and loved ones when I am unable to communicate or decide for myself. I recognize that informed consent is fundamental in ethics. Providing information to patients and obtaining consent authorizes treatment and procedures ensuring rights and respect are upheld. I give my consent to dental professionals for any necessary invasive or irreversible procedures based on current literature reviews and legal obligations. In regards, to my medical care decisions I ask that the following instructions are honored; 1. In case of arrest or failure do not attempt resuscitation efforts. 2. If I cannot breathe independently refrain from using a ventilator or other artificial breathing methods. I would like to receive care and pain relief prioritizing my comfort and wellbeing. I prefer not to have feeding tubes or artificial nutrition. I am aware that opting out of treatments could impact my health and lifespan. It is crucial for my team to keep me informed and include me in decisions about my treatment options. I execute this declaration, as my free and voluntary act, on this ___________ day of _____(Month)__________, 20___, in the city of ___________________________, County of __________________, State of __________________.
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