Spotlight Features Assignment
(9 pts, 1 point per text box)
This assignment is made up of 7 questions which represent 12 points. Fill in the text boxes with your responses. Use your textbook to locate the Spotlight Features to-
ward the bottom of several pages in Chapter 3 and respond to these statements below that come from information provided in them. Please note that your answers will be in red, this is for grading purposes.
A phalanx is a finger or a toe. Two fingers or two toes are phalanges
The term “anemia” seems to mean “no blood” but in medical terms it actually means a decrease
in erythrocytes or the amount of hemoglobin
in the blood.
Medical terms ending in the letters -
are pluralized by dropping the -
and adding the letter(s) -i
If the spleen is removed, the functions are carried out by other organs such as the liver and lymph
The drug buprenorphine is used to treat pain and opioid disorder
In the treatment of breast cancer, when mastectomy or lumpectomy is per-
formed, the
, which is located in
axilla (armpit)
is removed and biopsied to determine if the cancer has spread.
Combining forms that describe the head, skull, and brain are often mistaken for each other. The combining forms for brain include encephal/o and cerebr/o. The combining form for “head” is cephal/o and the combining form for skull is Crani/o