Ankle Anatomy and Injuries: Quiz Insights and Treatments



Troy University, Troy *

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Jun 9, 2024





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Quiz 5 1A. According to the foot and ankle anatomy videos, what bones make up the mortise and tenon of the ankle? Answer: Tibia, Fibula, and Talus 1B. What bones make up the subtalar joint? Answer: Talus, Calcaneus 2A. What does MOI stand for and what is its definition? Answer: Mechanism of injury. It is a description of what caused or led to the injury. 2B. What is a common MOI for a lateral ankle sprain? Answer: Inversion and plantar flexion or when the ankle rolls outward while the foot turns inward. 3. What is actual injury involved in turf toe and how is it treated? Answer: Turf toe is primarily considered a sprain of the first metatarsophalangeal joint. The immediate treatment of turf toe is to control the swelling and inflammation of the affected toe joint. Using RICE treatment along with anti-inflammatory medication. The athlete must also rest the sore toe to allow the joint to heal. Turf toe taping can help restrict hyperextension of the 1 st MTP joint and allow more rest, resulting in less pain. 4. What does RICE stand for and when is it used? Answer: Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation RICE is initiated as soon as possible after injury to manage the inflammatory response. 5. What are 4 signs and symptoms of Achilles tendonitis and how is it treated? Answer: Pain and stiffness along Achilles tendon in the morning Pain along the tendon or the back of the heel that worsens with activity Severe pain the day after exercising Thickening of the tendon Treatment depends on the severity so the athlete should be referred to a physician.
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