Healthcare marketing plan



Columbia Southern University *

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BBA 3201-1




Jun 7, 2024





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1 Healthcare Marketing Plan By: Kristen Bolton Class: Health Care Marketing Professor: Deryl Gulliford Date: 04/30/24
2 Introduction Along our path of introducing acupuncture as a non-invasive pain management technique, our hospital will experience transformation guided by a comprehensive marketing plan. As part of our commitment to innovation and patient-centered care, with this initiative, we aim to rewrite the paradigms of pain management within our community. Through our marketing efforts, we will look to enlighten, engage, and provide them with information about the advantages of acupuncture. Our marketing plan demonstrates how we aim to harmonize acupuncture with our existing services through tailored strategies and tactics. We are determined to strengthen the collaboration, understanding, and sense of trust between us to improve our patient's level of care and health and become the hospital of choice for holistic healthcare solutions. Build a Cross-Functional Team Our journey begins by forming a multifaceted and energetic interdisciplinary team that includes doctors and specialists in marketing, finance, and operations. Such teamwork ensures that each aspect of the acupuncture program, whether the implementation of clinical services or marketing, is well thought out and executed (Bhati et al., 2023). Our clinical group, consisting of doctors and nurses, will also contribute significantly to designing care documents and integration initiatives. The marketing team oversees promotional efforts, whereas the finance department focuses on fiscal responsibility and resource allocation. The operations department, in turn, will deal with everything related to logistics, ensuring perfect implementation within the existing healthcare infrastructure.
3 Check the Foundation and Long-Term Business Direction In proceeding with the acupuncture component, we must reiterate our hospital's fundamental values and long-term strategic goals. By linking this project to our hospital's underlying mission to provide outstanding patient care, we reinforce our dedication to innovation and overall well-being. In addition to evaluating our competitive landscape and market positioning, we can determine how acupuncture aligns with our long-term business goals, keeping our business in sustainable growth and with differentiation on the healthcare industry landscape. Clarify Goals and Objectives The main objective of our acupuncture program is to elevate patient outcomes and satisfaction by using a holistic method to manage pain. To achieve this, we have specified particular objectives. Our first goal is to improve patient satisfaction scores regarding pain management by 15% in the first year. We aim to reduce pharmacological pain management by 20 percent within the period. Likewise, we aim to enhance referrals to the acupuncture program by 25% within the first six months. They form the foundation of our working principles, giving us the necessary direction in developing our strategies and consistently accomplishing the goals we set. Conduct a Comprehensive Analysis A comprehensive assessment will serve as the basis of our marketing strategy, which covers market dynamics, regulatory considerations, financial feasibility and operational logistics. In market analysis, we would investigate the local demand for acupuncture care, the competitor landscape, and patient preferences. At the same time, we will adhere to the regulatory aspects and satisfy various licensure requirements while remaining ethical. Financial analysis will focus
4 on investment requirements, revenue projections, and return on investment to allocate resources appropriately. The operational incorporation of personnel, infrastructure, and workflow integration will become the basis for the smooth shift to acupuncture services. Recommend the Most Important Strategies and Tactics Following our in-depth analysis, the leading strategies and tactics to increase our acupuncture program's effectiveness will be described. Initially, our efforts will be primarily centered on educating patients about the effectiveness and benefits of pain management with the help of acupuncture. It will consist of educational materials, digital outreach, and community engagement. Collaboration with healthcare providers is essential for embedding acupuncture in medical practice (Bhati et al., 2023). We will conduct staff training to enhance interdisciplinary collaboration and to offer seamless patient care. Our solution is to fill the gap by improving the patient's experience through patient-centered care and a pleasing environment (Tian, 2023). By developing designated areas for acupuncture, we will incorporate elements of calmness and comfort to enhance the acupuncture session. Promoting proper referral pathways among primary caregivers and the acupuncture program will facilitate the smooth flow of patients and promote a culture of partnership (Stumpf et al., 2018). The continuous surveillance of patient results with satisfaction metrics would allow us to develop an iterative process of refining our approach and optimizing the delivery of care for patients. Check the Numbers To have a successful acupuncture program, we need to be financially sound. We will thoroughly assess investment demands, including the costs of equipment procurement, facility restructuring, staff training, and marketing efforts. The revenue projections will depend on the forecasted volume of patients and reimbursement rates for acupuncture services (Stumpf et al.,
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