M2: Lesson Quiz:



University of South Florida *

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May 2, 2024





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1/20/24, 8 : 00 PM M2: Lesson Quiz: CLT3040.303S24.10747 Scientific/Medical Terminology Page 2 of 47 https://usflearn.instructure.com/courses/1850576/quizzes/3840201 ? module_item_id=33344265 Choose the correct definition of colicystitis. inflammation of the kidneys from E. coli inflammation of the small intestine from E. coli inflammation of the bladder from E. coli inflammation of the renal system from E. coli 1 / 1 pts Question 2 Choose the correct definition of hypoliposis. deficiency of fat in the tissues deficiency of protein in tissues deficiency of white blood cells in the tissues deficiency of hemoglobin in the tissues 1 / 1 pts Question 3 With nyctalgia, when does pain occur?
1/20/24, 8 : 00 PM M2: Lesson Quiz: CLT3040.303S24.10747 Scientific/Medical Terminology Page 3 of 47 https://usflearn.instructure.com/courses/1850576/quizzes/3840201 ? module_item_id=33344265 at odd intervals at night frequently while smoking 1 / 1 pts Question 4 What is eucholia? an abnormal condition of bile bile that is too black bile that is too thick a normal condition of bile 1 / 1 pts Question 5 Nephrocystanastomosis indicates a surgical connection between what? the kidney and the bladder the liver and the bladder
1/20/24, 8 : 00 PM M2: Lesson Quiz: CLT3040.303S24.10747 Scientific/Medical Terminology Page 4 of 47 https://usflearn.instructure.com/courses/1850576/quizzes/3840201 ? module_item_id=33344265 the liver and its cells the kidney and its cells 1 / 1 pts Question 6 Choose the correct definition of proencephalus. A deformed fetus in which the brain protrudes through a fissure in the lateral area of the skull. A deformed fetus in which the brain protrudes through a fissure in the superior area of the skull. A deformed fetus in which the brain protrudes through a fissure in the inferior area of the skull. A deformed fetus in which the brain protrudes through a fissure in the frontal area of the skull. 1 / 1 pts Question 7
1/20/24, 8 : 00 PM M2: Lesson Quiz: CLT3040.303S24.10747 Scientific/Medical Terminology Page 5 of 47 https://usflearn.instructure.com/courses/1850576/quizzes/3840201 ? module_item_id=33344265 What develops from the protogaster? the mouth the face the kidney the digestive tract 1 / 1 pts Question 8 Choose the correct definition of hemocytology. study of the structure and function of blood vessels study of the structure and function of diseased tissue study of the structure and function of blood cells study of the structure and function of cellular tissue 1 / 1 pts Question 9 Choose the correct definition of pachyostosis.
1/20/24, 8 : 00 PM M2: Lesson Quiz: CLT3040.303S24.10747 Scientific/Medical Terminology Page 6 of 47 https://usflearn.instructure.com/courses/1850576/quizzes/3840201 ? module_item_id=33344265 benign condition of thickening of the bones benign condition of thinning of the bones benign condition of shrinking of the bones benign condition of lengthening of the bones 1 / 1 pts Question 10 Choose the correct definition of enterocystocele. hernia of the bladder wall and intestine infection of the bladder wall and intestine infection of the bladder wall and kidney enlargement of the bladder wall and kidney 1 / 1 pts Question 11 The combining form of heteroprosopus indicates a fetal deformity of what sort? without intestines
1/20/24, 8 : 00 PM M2: Lesson Quiz: CLT3040.303S24.10747 Scientific/Medical Terminology Page 7 of 47 https://usflearn.instructure.com/courses/1850576/quizzes/3840201 ? module_item_id=33344265 without blood vessels having both sexual organs having two faces 1 / 1 pts Question 12 Choose the correct term for 'resembling pus.' ichorous pyoichorus pyeloid pyoid 1 / 1 pts Question 13 Choose the correct definition of periosteoma. abnormal growth surrounding a joint abnormal growth surrounding a bone abnormal growth near a joint
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