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May 17, 2024





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RMIT Classification: Trusted STUDENT STUDENT – KNOWLEDGE ASSESSMENT TASK Task Number 1B of 3 Task Name Assignment PART B National unit/s code MEM30012A National unit/s title Apply Mathematical Techniques in a Manufacturing Engineering or Related Environment National qualification code MEM60112/ 22479VIC National qualification title Advanced Diploma of Engineering (Mechanical) Advanced Diploma of Engineering (Mechanical / Aeronautical) Advanced Diploma of Engineering Technology (Civil Engineering Design) MEM60112 RMIT Program code C6130 / C6131/ C6162 RMIT Course code MATH5268C Section A – Assessment Information Assessment duration and/or due date Week 16-17, Refer Canvas for Exact Date. Task instructions Summary and Purpose of Assessment This assignment in the unit of competency covers the application of the concepts of mathematics to appropriate and simple engineering situations within the individual's area of engineering expertise. You must demonstrate an understanding of: Use two-dimensional geometry to solve practical problems Use trigonometry to solve practical problems Perform basic statistical calculations What and where: This is an individual knowledge-based (problem solving) assessment on Apply Mathematical Techniques in a Manufacturing Engineering or Related Environment. You need to complete this assessment task before its due date. This assessment will take place outside your class time. How: You will be assessed according to the criteria outlined in the assessment below. Please see below “Additional Instructions to Students”. [C6130 MEM30012A (MATH5268C) Student Assessment 2 ] [ 1B of 3] [ 01/07/2022 ] Student knowledge assessment task © Content is subject to copyright, RMIT University FINAL APPROVED – STUDENT KNOWLEDGE ASSESSMENT TASK TEMPLATE – June 2019_Version 2.0 Page 1 of 21
RMIT Classification: Trusted STUDENT Conditions for assessment 1. Students must submit an electronic copy of this assignment via RMIT CANVAS before its due date. 2. Students found in breach of test conditions can be charged with academic misconduct, have their results cancelled, be excluded from the program and receive other penalties. Penalties can also apply if a student’s test material is copied by others. 3. Plagiarism is the presentation of the work, idea or creation of another person as though it is one’s own. It is a form of cheating and is a very serious academic offence that may lead to expulsion from the University. Plagiarised material can be drawn from, and presented in, written, graphic and visual form, including electronic data, and oral presentations. Plagiarism occurs when the origin of the material used is not appropriately cited. 4. RMIT special consideration is to enable you to maintain your academic progress despite adverse circumstances. The process for special consideration can be found at consideration 5. Students with a disability or long-term medical or mental health condition can apply for adjustments to their study and assessment conditions (Reasonable Adjustments and Equitable Assessment Arrangements) by registering with Equitable Learning Services (ELS) at Additional Instructions: 1. Performance requirement: a. Must attempt all the questions b. Satisfactory (S) performance successfully complete at least 1 question correctly from each group. There are all together 9 Groups (A to I). c. Not Yet Satisfactory (NYS) performance unable to successfully complete at least 1 question correctly in each group. 2. You are eligible to resubmit the assessment one more time within allowed time frame, if your first attempt result is NYS. 3. Result from this assessment will count towards the final result of competent only if the result is satisfactory (S) 4. Late submission approval will be in line with RMIT policy Application for extension of submittable work (7 calendar days or less) form. 5. Special consideration for assessment Application for special consideration form. 6. If a student’s result is NYS: feedback and agreed deadline date for the student to demonstrate competency will be advised. 7. The date(s) must be within enrolment dates for this competency otherwise the student will be given a final result of NYS and the student may need to re-enrol/ repeat this course. Instructions on submitting Knowledge Assessment You are required to submit this assessment task in CANVAS assignment submission page before its due date. Equipment/resources students must supply (if applicable): Equipment/resources to be provided by RMIT or the workplace (if applicable): Writing pens/pencil, ruler and the like Scientific calculator or similar Computer and RMIT Internet Access RMIT classrooms Microsoft Office Suite [C6130 MEM30012A (MATH5268C) Student Assessment 2 ] [ 1B of 3] [ 01/07/2022 ] Student knowledge assessment task © Content is subject to copyright, RMIT University FINAL APPROVED – STUDENT KNOWLEDGE ASSESSMENT TASK TEMPLATE – June 2019_Version 2.0 Page 2 of 21
RMIT Classification: Trusted STUDENT Section B – Marking Guide: Two Dimensional Geometry Group A Q1: Express the angle “ θ ” in radian between the horizontal position and the wings of the airplane? (PC 3.1) Satisfact ory response Ye s N o A: Angle between the two axes is 90°. Given angle is 63°. Find θ. Subtract given angle from 90°. 90° - 63° = 27° Converting angle from degrees to radians using conversion factor 1° = π 180 27° = π x27 180 Simplify: = 3π 20 = 3 x 3.14 20 = 0.417 radians. Q2: Convert 0.749 radians into equivalent nearest degree. (PC 3.1) Satisfact ory [C6130 MEM30012A (MATH5268C) Student Assessment 2 ] [ 1B of 3] [ 01/07/2022 ] Student knowledge assessment task © Content is subject to copyright, RMIT University FINAL APPROVED – STUDENT KNOWLEDGE ASSESSMENT TASK TEMPLATE – June 2019_Version 2.0 Page 3 of 21
RMIT Classification: Trusted STUDENT response Ye s N o A: 0.749 x 180 ° Π = 0.749 x 180 ° 3.14 = 134.82 ° 3.14 = 42.9° To the Nearest degree: = 43° Group B Q3: A piece of metal has been cut in the shape of a sector of a circle as shown below. What is the area of this piece of metal? (PC 3.2) Satisfactor y response Yes No A: Converting 120° into radians. = 120 x π 180 = 2.0947 Area of the piece of metal = A = ½ r 2 θ = ½ x 12 2 x 2.0947 = ½ x 144 x 2.0947 = 301.637 [C6130 MEM30012A (MATH5268C) Student Assessment 2 ] [ 1B of 3] [ 01/07/2022 ] Student knowledge assessment task © Content is subject to copyright, RMIT University FINAL APPROVED – STUDENT KNOWLEDGE ASSESSMENT TASK TEMPLATE – June 2019_Version 2.0 Page 4 of 21
RMIT Classification: Trusted STUDENT 2 = 150.8 cm 2 Q4: A structural supporting member is made in the shape shown in below. What is the outside perimeter and shaded area of the structural member? (PC 3.2) Satisfactor y response Yes No A: P = 4 x a P = 4 x 4” P = 18”in Area of shaded region = 5” x 4” = 20” 4.75” x 3.75” = 17.8125 = 20 – 17.8125 = 2.1875 in 2 Group C Q5: The liquid oxygen tank in the external tank of the space shuttle resembles a combination of a hemisphere, a cylinder, and a cone. Find the volume of the liquid oxygen tank. (PC 3.3) Satisfactor y response Yes No [C6130 MEM30012A (MATH5268C) Student Assessment 2 ] [ 1B of 3] [ 01/07/2022 ] Student knowledge assessment task © Content is subject to copyright, RMIT University FINAL APPROVED – STUDENT KNOWLEDGE ASSESSMENT TASK TEMPLATE – June 2019_Version 2.0 Page 5 of 21
RMIT Classification: Trusted STUDENT A: Volume of hemisphere = 2/3 x π x r 3 = 2/3 x 3.14 x 4.2 3 = 2/3 x 3.14 x 74.088 = 2/3 x 232.64 = 465.27/3 = 155.17 Volume of Cylinder = π x r 2 x h = 3.14 x 4.2 2 x 4 = 3.14 x 17.64 x 4 = 3.14 x 70.56 = 221.67 Volume of Cone = 1/3 x π x r 2 x h = 1/3 x 3.14 x 17.64 x 8.1 = 1/3 x 3.14 x 142.884 = 1/3 x 448.656 = 149.63 Sum of all volumes = 155.17 + 221.67 + 149.63 = 526.47m 3 Q6: Find the total surface area of (exterior and interior) of the PVC pipe shown. (PC 3.3) Satisfactor y response Yes No A: Exterior surface area: = 2 x π x r 2 + 2 x π x r x h = 2 x π x (5) 2 + 2 x π x (5)(3) = 2 x π x (25) + 2 x π x (15) = 50 x π + 30 x π = 80π in 2. 8.94 x 3.142 = 28.09. 251.36 Interior Surface area: = 2 π x r 2 + 2 x π x r x h = 2 π x (1.6) 2 + 2 x π x (1.6) (3) = 2 π x (2.56) + 2 x π x (4.8) [C6130 MEM30012A (MATH5268C) Student Assessment 2 ] [ 1B of 3] [ 01/07/2022 ] Student knowledge assessment task © Content is subject to copyright, RMIT University FINAL APPROVED – STUDENT KNOWLEDGE ASSESSMENT TASK TEMPLATE – June 2019_Version 2.0 Page 6 of 21
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