Mechatronics HW2



University of California, San Diego *

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Mechanical Engineering


Apr 3, 2024





Uploaded by LieutenantClover1195

ME 330-Mechatronics Laboratory Discussion HW2 Louay Alroomi, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Department of Mechanical Engineering San Diego State University Email: (1) You have the following Darlington Pair transistor (two NPN transistors are connected together) shown in Fig. 1. Find the current for base, emitter, and collector part for the two transistors. Based on the calculation of current and voltage drop discuss which region the Darlington pair transistor is working at (cut-off, active, or saturation regions)? The current gain for the first transistor and second transistor are 40, and 70 respectively. Fig. 1 (2) You have the following circuit shown in Fig. 2 with Opto-Coupler transistor. Design this circuit in Multisim software to light up the two LEDs. Discuss how the Opto-Coupler transistor used to control the two circuits.
Fig.2 (3) In the circuit of Fig. 3, the input voltage Vi(t) changes as shown in the graph of Fig. 3 and table.1. The BJT transistor has a β = 100, I C (max) = 200 mA and a V CE (sat) = 0.3 V. Find: The base current at t = t1 , the base current at t = t2, the collector current at t = t1, the collector current at t = t2, the collector voltage at t = t1, and the collector voltage at t = t2? Discuss which state the BJT transistor at (cut-off, active, and saturation) region? Fig.3 Table. 1 circuit components (4) You have the following circuit with Op-Amp amplifier with the type 741 shown in Fig. 4, the input AC voltage are V1(t) = 3.3*Sin(120 ¿ π t ) & V2(t) = 5.6 *Sin(120* ¿ π t ), R1 = R3 = 1kΩ, R2 = R4 = 2kΩ. Use Multisim software to find the output voltage and the gain. The frequency is in Hz. If any use analytic solution to find the voltage gain. Based on the information above design a buffer amplifier of voltage follower amplifier circuit by taking into consideration that V(t) = 1*Sin(50*t). The frequency is measured in Hz. Find the output voltage and gain for the new circuit.
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